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SYMBIOSIS & FOOD CHAINS Unit 5 - Ecology. Introduction  Relationships exist in order for one or both organisms to get food (energy).  Sunlight is the.

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Presentation on theme: "SYMBIOSIS & FOOD CHAINS Unit 5 - Ecology. Introduction  Relationships exist in order for one or both organisms to get food (energy).  Sunlight is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 SYMBIOSIS & FOOD CHAINS Unit 5 - Ecology

2 Introduction  Relationships exist in order for one or both organisms to get food (energy).  Sunlight is the main source of energy on Earth.

3 Section 1 Food Chains/Food Webs

4 Feeding Style  Producers  Produce their own food; get energy from sunlight  Consumers  acquire energy from other organisms. AutotrophsHeterotrophs

5 Types of Consumers  Herbivores  eat plants (cows)  Carnivores  eat animals (snakes)  Omnivores  eat plants & animals (humans)  Detritivores  eat plant/animal remains & other dead matter. (vultures, earthworms, maggots…)  Decomposer  feed on decaying/dead matter; return organic compunds back to soil. (fungus & bacteria)

6 DetritivoreOmnivore CarnivoreHerbivoreDecomposer

7 Food Chains/Webs  Energy (food) is passed from organism to organism through food chains and food webs.  Food Chain  a series of steps in which organism transfer energy by eating & being eaten.  Food Web  links all the food chains in a ecosystem together.

8 Trophic Levels  Trophic Level – each step in a food chain or food web.  1 st trophic level is always a producer (autotroph) Plants, algae, plankton  2 nd trophic levels and up are consumers. (heterotroph)

9 Trophic Levels  A primary consumer is the first consumer of a food chain (consumes the producer)  second trophic level (the producer is always the first)  A secondary consumer is the second consumer of a food chain (consumes the primary consumer)  third trophic level.  A tertiary consumer is the third consumer of a food chain (consumes the secondary consumer)  Fourth trophic level.

10 Section 2 Relationships

11  I.) Symbiosis  2 or more species live together in a close, long-term association.  II.) Predation  one organism feeds on another; one benefits and one is hurt (may or may not be kill)

12 Symbiosis  Mutualism: both organisms benefit  Ex. Shark & remora/ herd animals & birds/goby fish & shrimp +, +

13 Symbiosis  Commensalism: one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.  Ex. Sea anemone & tropical fish +,O

14 Symbiosis  Parasitism: one organism feeds on & usually lives on or in another organism.  Ex. Ticks, mosquitoes, tapeworm, heartworm, +, -

15 Predation  II.) Predation: one organism feeds on another; one benefits and one is hurt (may or may not be kill)  Ex. Snakes – predator / mice prey

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