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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL LUTHERAN SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. South Wisconsin District NATIONAL LUTHERAN SCHOOL ACCREDITATION TRAINING October 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:



3 MISSION STATEMENT National Lutheran School Accreditation encourages, assists, and recognizes schools that provide quality Christian education and engage in continuous improvement.

4 PURPOSES The purposes of NLSA are to:  Help Lutheran Schools - early childhood centers, elementary, and secondary - to improve.  Assure school quality by evaluating a school’s compliance with required NLSA standards and indicators of success.  Help all Lutheran schools to evaluate themselves based on their unique purposes and on national standards.  Give appropriate recognition to schools that successfully complete the process.

5 PROCESS  Application  Self-study  Site Visit  School Action Plan  District Commission  National Commission  Annual Reports

6 APPLICATION  Send two copies to the district office.  District assigns a consultant.  Application fee and annual fee is $450.  Do not need to send in application fee if annual fee is paid at the beginning of the school year.  Materials are on the Lutheran School Portal.

7 SELF-STUDY  School Narrative Profile  Surveys  Compliance with Standards  Required Evidences

8 SCHOOL PROFILE  General Information  Community  Enrollment  Staff  Supplemental Services

9 SURVEYS  Parents  Teachers  Grades 1-3  Grades 4-8  Summary of results

10 STANDARDS REPORTS I.Purpose (6) II.Relationships A. Congregation (3) B. Community (5) C. Climate (5) III.Leadership A. Governance (8) B. Administration(6) IV.Professional Personnel (5)

11 STANDARDS REPORTS V.Teaching and Learning (7) VI.Student Services A. Guidance and Counseling (2) B. Extra-curricular Activities (1) C. Health and Safety (1) D. Food Service (1) VII.Facilities (5)

12 SELF-STUDY PROCESS  Respond to Questions  Required Evidence  Potential Evidence  Potential Practices  Required Indicators of Success  General Indicators of Success  Summary and Response Actions

13 RESPONSE Narrative responses are to be written for all of the questions at the beginning of each standard area and included in the self-study document.

14 REQUIRED EVIDENCE Required evidences must be attached to the self-study document and will be used by the subcommittees to arrive at its conclusion related to each general indicator.

15 POTENTIAL EVIDENCE Gather a preponderance of evidence related to each general indicator. Use the list of suggested evidence. Uncover additional evidence. Evidence or lack thereof will assist the subcommittee to reach an agreement on a rating rubric for each indicator. Seek policies and practices that are underway at the school that aid in the accomplishment of the indicator. Potential evidence does not need to be included with the self-study, but should be available for the visiting team to review.

16 POTENTIAL PRACTICES Like potential evidences, potential practices are collected to show how the school is meeting the indicators. A list of potential evidences and potential practices is included in each section to help the school consider items which may be beneficial for the school to pursue or implement. The potential practices also do not need to be included with the self-study, but should be used by the subcommittee to determine ratings for the indicators and be available for the visiting team to review.

17 REQUIRED INDICATORS Required indicators must be answered YES in order for the school to be accredited in good standing.

18 REQUIRED EVIDENCE Standard One  The written purpose/philosophy/mission statement Standard Two  Nondiscrimination policy  School discipline code

19 REQUIRED EVIDENCES Standard Three  Governing board handbook or policy manual  The administrator’s job description Standard Four  The school’s staff development plan  Nondiscriminatory salary and benefit scale

20 REQUIRED EVIDENCES Standard Five  A current schedule for each classroom  Written curriculum for every grade level  A chart illustrating what percentage of each school week is allocated each subject.  An analysis of the results of standardized tests administered.

21 REQUIRED EVIDENCES Standard Six  Enrollment/Admission policy  Volunteer Handbook  Crisis Emergency Plan Standard Seven  School floor plan

22 GENERAL INDICATORS A rating implementation for each indicator of success is based upon evidence and practices that support it. Each general indicator is to be rated using the rubrics and assigned a point value: Highly Functional – 4(Birdie) Operational – 3(Par) Emerging – 2(Bogey) Not Evident – 1(In the Hazzard) The committee will arrive at a rating after careful consideration and discussion. Written comments should be provided explaining the rating given each indicator of success that was not rated as “highly functional.”

23 HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL This is an area of outstanding strength at the school. The preferred condition is documented, understood, and accepted by staff, students and school constituents and easily observable throughout the school. It is supported by observable practices, written documentation and evidence. This is a strength of the school.

24 OPERATIONAL This is the expected operating condition for the school. The condition is in place and functionally supported and practiced. The school performs consistently in this area.

25 EMERGING Improvement is required in this area. The condition is recognized as important by the school, but is inconsistently or irregularly applied. It is not supported with sufficient practices, evidence or documentation.

26 NOT EVIDENT There is observable conflict or deficiency with the condition at the school. The school does not enact this condition.

27 PERSONNEL SECTION 4: A qualified and competent staff serves the school.

28 RESPOND TO: 1. State the educational requirements and/or credentials for your professional personnel. 2.What is the current student/teacher ratio? 3.Describe the staff development process in place to help teachers learn and grow professionally. 4.Describe the content and frequency of staff meetings and evaluate their effectiveness. 5.Describe ways in which teachers demonstrate their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and their dedication to the Lutheran teaching profession. 6.Describe the entire induction process, including background checks for staff members. 7.Describe the ways teachers and staff members are equipped in current instructional technology.

29 REQUIRED EVIDENCE This evidence must be attached to the self- study document.  School’s Staff Development Plan  Non-discriminatory salary and benefit scale

30 POTENTIAL EVIDENCE  Faculty handbook  Job descriptions for all non-administrative school positions  Teacher portfolios  Professional personnel files related to teacher qualifications and competency  List of teachers’ professional organization memberships  Policy and procedures on preparing volunteers  Policies related to support staff  Current salary and benefits scale  Qualifications and training of school volunteers  New teacher induction guidelines  Survey results

31 POTENTIAL PRACTICES  Peer-to-peer observations  Teacher visits and observations to other schools  Participation in accreditation work  Effective vetting, preparation and support for new teachers  Teacher home visits

32 REQUIRED INDICATORS 4:01*YES NO All school personnel express and demonstrate agreement with the stated school purpose.

33 GENERAL INDICATORS 4:02 Christ-centered teachers have qualities and qualifications necessary for success in their defined areas of service. Schools must demonstrate with documented evidence and practice that they comply with the following in order to function at the Operational Level.  All teachers demonstrate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a dedication to teaching in the Lutheran school.  Full-time faculty members are on the roster of the synod or are eligible.  Full-time professional staff members have appropriate teaching certificate(s) from the state and meet requirements for their specific assignments.  Academic transcripts, copies of state teaching certificates, background checks and other necessary or required information about all professional personnel are kept on file in the office.  Teachers hold a baccalaureate degree. Teachers have been prepared and vetted following prescribed federal and state mandates for background checks and training.  Academic transcripts, copies of state teaching certificates, background checks and other necessary or required information about all professional personnel are kept on file in the office. ___Highly Functional(4) ___Operational(3) ___Emerging(2) ___Not Evident(1) Identify and list supporting Evidence or Practices: Comments:

34 GENERAL INDICATORS 4:03 Employees and volunteers serving in support roles have the qualifications and training necessary for success in their defined area of service. Schools must demonstrate with documented evidence and practice that they comply with the following in order to function at the Operational Level.  Support staff (e.g. teacher assistants, student teachers, nurse) meets state standards for their specific assignments.  Appropriate policies related to support staff are established and practiced.  Adequate training for support staff is provided.  Appropriate policies and training for volunteers are in place.  Staff members understand and relate appropriately with students and their families. ___Highly Functional(4) ___Operational(3) ___Emerging(2) ___Not Evident(1) Identify and list supporting Evidence or Practices: Comments:

35 GENERAL INDICATORS 4:04 Teachers and workers are inducted, evaluated, encouraged and supported in their continuing pursuit of professional growth and development. Schools must demonstrate with documented evidence and practice that they comply with the following in order to function at the Operational Level.  Programs for teacher supervision/evaluation/growth have been adopted and are implemented by the administrator.  Teachers engage in high quality professional development, including spiritual development, and are accountable for implementation that supports student learning.  Teachers attend workshops, conferences, seminars and training appropriate to their position and discipline.  LCMS rostered teachers are provided opportunities to attend LCMS events.  Teachers hold membership in professional organizations.  The school provides opportunity, training and support so that teachers may effectively and appropriately engage technology in classroom instruction. ___Highly Functional(4) ___Operational(3) ___Emerging(2) ___Not Evident(1) Identify and list supporting Evidence or Practices: Comments:

36 GENERAL INDICATORS 4:05 Teachers and workers are empowered and equipped to effectively accomplish their assigned task. Schools must demonstrate with documented evidence and practice that they comply with the following in order to function at the Operational Level.  New teachers receive thorough and precise orientation and induction and are supported with experienced, assigned teaching mentors.  Teachers demonstrate and continuously improve knowledge and skills necessary for effective instruction and modeling of Christ-centered values.  Appropriate policies related to teachers and support staff are established and practiced.  The average student/professional personnel ratio is appropriate for the age and level of the students and ensures optimal student growth.  The number of staff is adequate to provide effective instruction and supervision for students at all school activities.  A nondiscriminatory salary and benefit scale has been adopted and implemented for all personnel. ___Highly Functional(4) ___Operational(3) ___Emerging(2) ___Not Evident(1) Identify and list supporting Evidence or Practices: Comments: 

37 SUMMARY A. Are the Required Indicators of Success met? B.Based on your findings, what are the strengths of your school in this area? C. Based on any deficiencies, develop specific plans to improve your school in this area. Develop specific plans with target dates and assignments for all areas identified as emerging or not evident. D. What is the school’s overall (the average rating for all general indicators) rating for Section 4: Professional Personnel? (nearest tenth)

38 SCHOOL ACTION PLAN  As the concluding part of the school’s self study, a preliminary action plan must be developed. This plan will be designed to address every areas of concern (emerging-2 and not evident-1) that was identified by the school during the self study process. Each concern must be noted and addressed.  After the school receives the visiting team report, it will be required to amend its preliminary report to include additional concerns that were identified by the visiting team.  School Action Plan sent to District and National Commissions.

39 PRELIMINARY ACTION PLAN Section and Standard # Concern and related strategies for remediation Target Year Responsible Party Year Completed The preliminary school action plan must be attached to the self-study document.

40 BEST PRACTICES Practices associated with general Indicators that have been rated as Highly Functional (4) by the school have the potential for identification as a potnetial best practice if the practice has been transformational and is replicable. Identify and explain any practices (no more than 3) at your school that you have identified as best practices. It is possible that your school meets accreditation standards without best practices.

41 STEERING COMMITTEE  Principal  Teacher  School Board Member  PTL Representative  Parent  Pastor  Board of Director Member

42 PROPOSED TIMELINE  May-JuneSend in Application  June-AugustForm Steering Committee  SeptemberEstablish Committees  Oct.-JanuaryCommittee Reports  FebruaryComplete Self-study  MarchPrint Copies/Collect Exhibits  AprilTeam Visits  MaySend Report to District  JuneDistrict Commission  AugustNational Commission Follow Timeline Checklist

43 FINISHED REPORT  School Profile  Self-study  Preliminary School Action Plan  Required Evidences  Three-ring binder  Dividers  Copy to visiting team, Consultant, District Office  Copy to NLSA office (No binder)  Keep several copies for the school

44 SITE VISIT  Visiting team captain chosen by administrator from list of trained captains.  Team consists of six members  Consultant not on visiting team  Visit 2 days.  Have team approved by LCMS Office.  Score on each section (Nearest Tenth)  Overall school score (Nearest Hundredth)

45 SITE VISIT General (Potential Costs)  Lodging for team  Meals for team  Opportunity to meet with stakeholders  Snacks for team  Access to computers?  Notepads and pens?  Substitute teachers for team?  Thank you gift?

46 LEVELS OF ACCREDITATION  Accredited in Good Standing  Provisional Accreditation  Exemplary Accreditation

47 ANNUAL REPORTS  Recommendations from the School Action Plan are prioritized by school year.  Recommendations are addressed annually.  Report sent to the district on progress made on recommendations.


49 TEAM ASSIGNMENT  Determine a preliminary score for each indicator.  Who do you need to interview?  Who do you need to observe?  What evidences do you need to examine?  What commendations do you have?  What potential concerns and recommendations do you have?



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