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Collaboration opportunities with the Media and Learning Association Sally Reynolds ATiT Telecentre Europe 2014 “sSkills for the 21 st Century” conference,

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration opportunities with the Media and Learning Association Sally Reynolds ATiT Telecentre Europe 2014 “sSkills for the 21 st Century” conference,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration opportunities with the Media and Learning Association Sally Reynolds ATiT Telecentre Europe 2014 “sSkills for the 21 st Century” conference, Zagreb, 26 September

2 Here is how it began…… Annual Awards scheme to encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media (audio, video, graphics and animation) in education. The awards also recognise and promote excellence in the production and pedagogical design of media-rich learning resources. MEDEA Awards annual competition launched in 2007

3 Extensive promotion including video and social media campaigns Over 70 showcases with samples and interviews Database with over 1000 entries categorized Over 150 judges actively supporting and contributing 2014 competition deadline 30 September 2014!

4 MEDEA Awards annual competition Monthly Media & Learning Newsletter 2008-2011 MEDEA:EU Then it started to extend……

5 Standardised format in.pdf Multilingual in 2010-2012 Launch of multimedia supported version planned for 2015

6 MEDEA Awards annual competition Monthly Media & Learning Newsletter Annual Media & Learning Conference in Brussels 2008-2011 MEDEA:EU 2010-2012 MEDEA2020 Media & Learning Resources database Media & Learning Community of Practice MEDEA related activities

7 Main sessions streamed online Launched curation service in 2013 Stands and demo spaces Series of pre-conference events Multilingual resources database with information about almost 800 entries Community of practice linked to workshops, webinars and conference

8 MEDEA Awards annual competition Monthly Media & Learning Newsletter Annual Media & Learning Conference in Brussels 2008-2011 MEDEA:EU 2010-2012 MEDEA2020 Media & Learning Resources database Media & Learning Community of Practice 2-day workshop s Week long training courses Social media campaign MEDEA related activities

9 Workshops and training courses all over Europe

10 MEDEA Awards annual competition Monthly Media & Learning Newsletter Annual Media & Learning Conference in Brussels 2008-2011 MEDEA:EU 2010-2012 MEDEA2020 Media & Learning Resources database Media & Learning Community of Practice 2-day workshop s Week long training courses Social media campaign 2012-2014 MEDEAnet Webinar series MEDEA related activities

11 Webinars and extended social media campaign

12 MEDEA related projects 2008-2011 MEDEA:EU project MEDEA Awards annual competition 2011-2012 MEDEA2020 project 2012-2014 MEDEAnet project 2-day workshops Week long training courses Sustainability???

13 Media & Learning Association Launched September 2012 Business plan January to April 2013 Membership recruitment May 2013 AGM December 2013


15 Service offer Workshop bureau: access to experienced workshop leaders and workshop plans Communications services: newsletter preferential access, webinar services, advice and support Project facilitation and knowledge sharing service: information about upcoming calls, matchmaking and project development support to members, publication of relevant papers and research outputs, e.g. RECall publications Media & Learning Conference: concession registration, preferential access to stands and demo space

16 Type of Members Organisational Membership Active since May 2013 with full voting rights Foundation of the association Supporting Sponsor Membership Active since March 2014 with limited voting rights Key partnerships Supporting Network Membership Active since March 2014 with limited voting rights Important for collaboration opportunities Individual membership

17 Type of Members Organisational Membership Active since May 2013 with full voting rights Foundation of the association Supporting Sponsor Membership Active since March 2014 with limited voting rights Key partnerships Supporting Network Membership Active since March 2014 with limited voting rights Important for collaboration opportunities Individual membership 31 2 0 Planned 2015

18 Country distribution of current membership Austria1Italy2 Belgium5The Netherlands3 Croatia1Poland1 Estonia1Serbia1 Finland1Spain3 France4Switzerland1 Germany3Sweden1 Ireland2UK3

19 Full Members 2014 ATiT, Belgium CECE, Spain IADT, Ireland KU Leuven, Belgium Kennisnet, Netherlands HITSA, Estonia University of Naples, Italy Université Paris 1, France Université Ouverte des Humanités, France EduGroup, Austria AUNEGE, France Innofun, Netherlands Dublin City University, Ireland iMINDS, Belgium CERIMES, France MFG, Germany CSP, Italy UAB, Spain University of Zagreb, Croatia Novi Sad School of Journalism, Serbia Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands Opencast, Switzerland Association for Academic E-learning, Poland Oulu University of Applied Sciences Finland Universitat Politecnica Valencia, Spain Kaltura, UK Evens Foundation, Belgium Mediawijs, Belgium Nordicom, Sweden Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany MediaSite/Sonic Foundry, UK Newcastle University, UK FWU, Germany


21 Opportunities for collaboration Joint projects – iPro related developments – explore areas of common interest Draw on sector specific know-how for training provision Joint promotion and publication efforts and sharing of experience regarding the successful operation of an iVZW

22 Links MEDEA Awards: Media & Learning Conference: Media & Learning Community & Resources database: Media & Learning News: MEDEAnet project: Media & Learning Association:

23 Participate in the MEDEA Awards 2014! Deadline 30 September 2014 More information on or contact

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