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Click to edit Master text styles MINDFULNESS FOR HEALTH.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master text styles MINDFULNESS FOR HEALTH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master text styles MINDFULNESS FOR HEALTH

2 Click to edit Master text styles This presentation Introduction The burden of chronic conditions on society The power of self-management methods such as mindfulness Breathworks as a self-management method What do we teach? Breathworks today, including applications Vision for tomorrow

3 Click to edit Master text styles ● 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer chronic pain (3+ months) In recent ‘Health Survey of England’ = 20 million people in the UK: 31% of men, 37% of women 1 in 5 in Europe suffer moderate to severe chronic pain (2006) 1 in 3 in Norway suffer from chronic pain (Parent /Thirion et al, 2005) Cost in Sweden LBP (direct and indirect) = 20,000 euros per patient per year (2002)

4 Click to edit Master text styles The burden of Chronic Pain on Society In USA some 116 million people suffer chronic pain = $635 billion a year Problem worsens as population ages: 57% over 75’s suffer daily pain in UK

5 Click to edit Master text styles 2009 Norway Report on Fitness for Work The data presented in this report show that: ● Of all the causes of disability and sickness absence in Norway, MSDs account for about a third of them. ● MSDs are the most common cause of chronic illness among Norwegians followed respectively by diseases of the respiratory system and cardiovascular diseases. ● Back pain and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) only cost to Norwegian society about 21 billion Norwegian Krones or 2.4 billion euros. ● About 23 per cent of Norwegian workers report work-related back pain. Back pain accounts for 13 per cent of all sickness leave lasting more than 8 weeks

6 Click to edit Master text styles Fit For Work Norway Report, 2009 ● About 31 per cent of Norwegian workers report work-related muscular pain in their neck, shoulders, and/or upper/lower limbs. WRULDs are more frequently experienced by women aged between 30 and 49 years; people over 30 years are more likely to present WRULDs compared to younger ones. ● In Norway there are about 31,000 people with RA and 40 per cent of them receive a work disability pension. ● The total cost of RA to Norwegian society has been estimated to be 6.2 billion Norwegian Krones or 705 million euros, est cost of back pain in 2007 1.7 billion Euros ● If include all chronic health conditions = epidemic proportions. Taking up increasing proportion health care spending.

7 Click to edit Master text styles In 2008 t he Norwegian workers with the highest level of sickness absence are those working in ● the health care and social services, ● followed by the ones working in transport and storage (9.7 per cent and 7.4 per cent respectively in 2008).

8 Click to edit Master text styles Impact of chronic pain ● Stamina & Resilience Cognitive capacity, concentration & mood Rationality Fatigue Mobility Agility

9 Click to edit Master text styles The risk factors for chronic pain ● Obesity, height ● Spinal abnormalities ● Genetic predisposition ● Pregnancy ● Psychosocial stress/self perception – somatisation, anxiety, depression ● Health beliefs:- locus of control, self-efficacy, perception of disability & expectation ● Family stress, somatisation, anxiety, depression

10 Click to edit Master text styles This Presentation ● The power of self-management methods such as mindfulness ● Breathworks as a self-management method ● What do we teach? ● Breathworks today, including applications ● Vision for tomorrow

11 Click to edit Master text styles Breathworks Program Gives control back to the individual. Internal locus of control – seek external help appropriately Teaches people to help themselves. The future = cheap and accessible. Overcomes isolation when self-management training is in group settings - either face-to-face or virtual

12 Click to edit Master text styles This presentation Introduction The burden of chronic conditions on society The power of self-management methods such as mindfulness Breathworks as a self-management method What do we teach? Breathworks today, including applications Vision for tomorrow

13 Click to edit Master text styles Study of Breathworks programme by Human Pain Research Group: University of Manchester and Salford Royal Hospital. Funded by Mind and Life Institute - Varela Award. Published in Clinical Journal of Pain, March 2013 Musculoskeletal pain Evidence that effective at improving self-management

14 Click to edit Master text styles -5 0 5 10 15 20 Intervention groupControl group Self-management of pain -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Intervention groupControl group Mindfulness -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Intervention groupControl group Perceived control over pain Box plots of self-report outcome measures (subtracted scores: session 2 minus session 1)

15 Click to edit Master text styles This presentation Introduction The burden of chronic conditions on society The power of self-management methods such as mindfulness Breathworks as a self-management method What do we teach? Breathworks today, including applications Vision for tomorrow

16 Click to edit Master text styles Basic problem = suffering “I DON’T LIKE THIS EXPERIENCE”

17 Click to edit Master text styles Mindfulness: Counter-intuitively turn towards experience Investigating what is actually happening in moment With tenderness, care, acceptance, compassion Unpack experience into Primary/Secondary suffering

18 Click to edit Master text styles PRIMARY SUFFERING Basic Unpleasant sensations RESISTANCE SECONDARY SUFFERING Mental, emotional & physical reactions

19 Click to edit Master text styles Primary sufferingSecondary suffering


21 Click to edit Master text styles METHODS

22 Click to edit Master text styles Meditation – Body scan – Mindfulness of breathing – Kindly awareness Mindfulness in daily life = pacing Mindful movement All breath based and WITH gravity

23 Click to edit Master text styles




27 Expand awareness to include others and world around you. Overcomes pre-occupation with self and problems Shift from isolation to empathy Explicit cultivation of compassion

28 Click to edit Master text styles This presentation Introduction The burden of chronic conditions on society The power of self-management methods such as mindfulness Breathworks as a self-management method What do we teach? Breathworks today, including applications Vision for tomorrow

29 Click to edit Master text styles Book published 2008 – in 12 languages

30 Click to edit Master text styles 2 x 8 week programmes Delivered in several countries and languages – Mindfulness for Health – Mindfulness for Stress

31 Click to edit Master text styles Online courses with mindfulness center Sweden 10 mins 2 x day over 8 weeks Both ‘solo’ and in virtual groups using ‘voice thread’ – Introduction to mindfulness – Mindfulness for health

32 Click to edit Master text styles

33 People in recovery, carers, asylum seekers So successful participants now trained as ‘mindfulness champions’ Going to prisons, schools etc Projects with Dept of Health UK

34 Click to edit Master text styles Work place trial Online course Face-to-face Mixed delivery Projects with Dept of Health UK

35 Click to edit Master text styles This presentation ● Introduction ● The burden of chronic conditions on society ● The power of self-management methods such as mindfulness ● Breathworks as a self-management method ● What do we teach? ● Breathworks today, including applications ● Vision for tomorrow

36 Click to edit Master text styles Mindfulness for ‘hard to reach’ populations Book ‘mindfulness for health’ co-written with journalist Danny Penman Released Sept 2013

37 Click to edit Master text styles Computer games? Innovative use of technology? Embracing change to spread mindfulness and compassion Anything to ease the burden of suffering on individuals and society

38 Click to edit Master text styles Thank you for listening

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