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Foundation Phase Moderation Pembrokeshire & Carmarthenshire ERW.

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1 Foundation Phase Moderation Pembrokeshire & Carmarthenshire ERW

2 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 1Nursery anticipate, follow, respond to and join in with familiar number rhymes, stories, songs, activities and games listen to and join in with rhymes, songs, stories and games that have a mathematical theme 

3 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 1Nursery show an awareness of number activities realise that anything can be counted, not just objects, e.g. claps, steps

4 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 1Nursery recite, sign or indicate one or more numbers to five

5 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 1Nursery count or indicate two objects count reliably up to 5 objects

6 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 1 begin to compare physical properties of objects

7 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 1 demonstrate interest in position and the relationship between objects

8 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 1Nursery sort and match objects or pictures by recognising similarities sort and match sets of objects by recognising similarities

9 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2Nursery join in rote counting of numbers from 1 to 10 recite numbers from 0 to 10 forwards and backwards using songs and rhymes

10 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2Nursery recognise and name numbers 1 to 3, and count up to three objects reliably recognise numbers 0 to 5 and relate a number 0 to 5 to its respective quantity

11 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2Nursery begin to develop an understanding of one-to-one correspondence by matching pairs of different objects or pictures demonstrate an understanding of one- to-one correspondence by matching pairs of objects or pictures

12 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2Nursery understand the concept of ‘one more’ understand and use the concept of ‘one more’ in their play

13 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2Nursery in play, develop an awareness of the purpose of money demonstrate an awareness of the purpose of money through role play

14 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2 show understanding of words, signs and symbols that describe size and positions

15 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2Reception sort objects using one criterion, and are aware of contrasting qualities sort and classify objects using one criterion

16 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 2Nursery record numbers initially by making marks or drawing pictures use mark making to represent numbers in play activities that can be interpreted and explained

17 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3 rote count to beyond 10 and onwards from a given small number

18 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3Reception carry out simple addition using numbers 1 to 5 and understand that zero means none understand that zero means ‘none’ combine two groups of objects to find ‘how many altogether?’ solve simple problems in a practical situation that involve simple addition and subtraction up to 5

19 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3Reception recognise and try to record numerals from one to nine read and write numbers to at least 10

20 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3Nursery understand the concept of ‘one less’ understand and use the concept of ‘one less’ in their play

21 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3Nursery compare and order two or more objects by direct observation compare, sort and order two objects in terms of size, weight or capacity by direct observation

22 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3NurseryReception talk about or indicate, recognise and copy simple repeating patterns and sequences. copy a range of simple patterns and sequences visually and aurally, e.g. clapped patterns, threading activities. recognise and repeat three object/colour/clappe d patterns and sequences.

23 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3Reception show awareness of time in terms of their daily activities use the concept of time in terms of their daily activities

24 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 3 when sorting, recognise when an object is different and does not belong to a familiar category.

25 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery use the terms ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’ and ‘last’ in daily activities and play

26 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery use counting to solve simple mathematics problems in everyday and play situations

27 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery sing/chant the days of the week

28 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery use words that describe temperature during everyday activities, e.g. hot/cold

29 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery follow two-step instructions for simple movements within games and play activities

30 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery use and build with 2D and 3D shapes within play-based activities

31 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery use a variety of media to develop concept of symmetry

32 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Nursery use mark making to begin to record collections

33 Outcome 4

34 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Reception Count up to 10 objects count reliably up to 10 objects

35 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4NurseryReception Order up to 10 objects compare and order numbers to at least 5 compare and order numbers to at least 10

36 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Year 1 Add up to 10 objects add and subtract numbers involving up to 10 objects

37 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4ReceptionYear 1 Subtract up to 10 objects take away objects to find ‘how many are left?’ add and subtract numbers involving up to 10 objects

38 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Year 1 solving problems involving up to 10 objects use known facts to solve simple problems within 10, e.g. doubling and halving, number bonds

39 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Reception read and write the numbers involved read and write numbers to at least 10

40 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Reception count on and back in steps of different sizes and from different numbers recite numbers up to 20, forwards and backwards, and from different starting points count in 2s to 10 and in 10s to 100

41 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Reception measure and order objects using direct comparison use direct comparisons with:  length, height and distance, e.g. longer/shorter than  weight/mass, e.g. heavier/lighter than  capacity, e.g. holds more/less than

42 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Nursery order events anticipate events related to elements of daily routines and use the terms ‘before’ and ‘after’

43 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Reception Be aware of the value of different coins use 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items

44 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4NurseryReception use everyday language to compare and describe position demonstrate an awareness of prepositions and movement during their own physical activities use prepositions to describe position

45 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4NurseryReception use everyday language to compare and describe properties of regular shapes recognise and use the names for 2D shapes (circle, square and triangle) within play activities and the environment  recognise and name common 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle and rectangle) and some 3D shapes (cube, cuboid and sphere) within play activities and the environment

46 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Year 1 recognise, use and make repeating patterns demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns, including shape and number, by describing, reproducing and extending.

47 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 4Reception sort and classify objects, demonstrating the criterion they have used sort and classify objects using one criterion

48 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception use ordinal numbers to 10 in daily activities and play

49 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception sing/chant the days of the week, months and seasons of the year in meaningful contexts, e.g. when changing the class calendar

50 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception use direct comparisons when describing temperature, e.g. hot/cold

51 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception complete a simple symmetrical picture through a variety of media

52 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception use 2D and 3D shapes to make models and pictures

53 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception record collections using marks, numbers or pictures

54 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception move in given directions

55 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception demonstrate a developing sense of how long tasks and everyday events take

56 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception recite a range of number rhymes and songs

57 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception begin to read number words

58 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception talk about addition and subtraction instructions in play activities

59 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Reception make a sensible estimate of up to 10 objects that can be checked by counting

60 Outcome 5

61 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1Year 2 count sets of objects reliably count reliably up to 20 objects count sets of objects by grouping in 2s, 5s or 10s

62 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5ReceptionYear 1Year 2 use mental recall of number facts to 10 to add or subtract larger numbers mentally recall ‘one more’ of a number within 10 use number facts within 10, i.e.: doubling and halving, e.g. 4 + 4 bonds of 10, e.g. 6 + 4 use mental recall of number facts to 10 to derive other facts, i.e.: doubling and halving, e.g. derive 40 + 40 from knowing 4 + 4 bonds of 10, e.g. derive 60 + 40 from knowing 6 + 4

63 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1Year 2 order numbers up to 100 compare and order numbers to at least 20 compare and order 2-digit numbers

64 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1 choose the appropriate operation when solving addition or subtraction problems use a range of strategies to mentally solve problems within 10 solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, including missing number problems, e.g. 7 + ¨ = 9, using concrete objects and pictorial representations

65 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1Year 2 identify and use halves and quarters in practical situations find halves in practical situations find halves and quarters in practical situations

66 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1Year 2 recognise sequences of numbers recite numbers up to 100, forwards and backwards and from different starting points recite numbers beyond 100, forwards and backwards and from different starting points recognise and understand odd and even numbers up to 20 recognise and understand odd and even numbers up to 100 count in 2s, 10s and 5s to 100 count on in 2s, 5s and 10s from any given number

67 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1Year 2 use mental calculation strategies to solve money problems use different combinations of money to pay for items up to 20p use different combinations of money to pay for items up to £1 find totals and give change from 10p find totals and give change from multiples of 10p

68 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1Year 2 use mental calculation strategies to solve number and measure problems use ‘counting on’ strategies to add two collections, starting with the larger number, e.g. 8 + 5 find small differences within 20 by using ‘counting on’ strategies

69 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1 use everyday non-standard units to measure length use non-standard units to measure: 1.length, height and distance

70 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 2 use standard units to measure length use standard units to measure: 1.length, height and distance: metres, half metres or centimetres

71 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1 use everyday non-standard units to measure mass use non-standard units to measure: 1.weight/mass

72 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 2 use standard units to measure mass use standard units to measure: 1.weight/mass: kilograms or 10 gram weights

73 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1 distinguish between straight and turning movements describe position, direction and movement

74 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1 recognise half-turns make whole turns and half turns

75 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 2 recognise quarter-turns recognise half and quarter turns, clockwise and anti-clockwise

76 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 2 recognise right angles in turns recognise that a quarter turn is a right angle

77 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1 sort objects and classify them using more than one criterion sort and classify objects using more than one criterion

78 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 1Year 2 when they have gathered information, they record their results in simple lists and tables, collect information by voting or sorting and represent it in pictures, objects or drawings gather and record data from: lists and tables collect information by voting or sorting and represent it in pictures, objects or drawings

79 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 2 when they have gathered information, they record their results in diagrams gather and record data from: 1.diagrams

80 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 5Year 2 when they have gathered information, they record their results in block graphs gather and record data from: 1.block graphs

81 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 read and write numbers to at least 20 forming and orientating them correctly

82 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 demonstrate an understanding of place value, e.g. one 10 and four units equal 14, up to at least 20

83 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 use ordinal numbers to 20 in practical situations

84 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 read and write number words to 10

85 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 mentally recall ‘one more’ of a number within 20

86 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 mentally recall ‘one less’ of a number within 20

87 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 use known number facts when adding three single digit numbers and realise addition can be done in any order

88 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 understand and use the mathematical symbols for addition, subtraction and equals

89 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 understand and use the different mathematical terms for addition and subtraction, e.g. add, combine, find the difference

90 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 make a sensible estimate of a number of objects that can be checked by counting

91 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 make a sensible estimate of measurement in length, height, weight and capacity that can be checked using non-standard measures

92 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 use the concept of time in terms of their daily and weekly activities and the seasons of the year

93 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 understand and order the days of the week, the months and seasons of the year in meaningful contexts

94 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 use descriptive words for a range of temperatures, e.g. cooler/warmer

95 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 recognise and complete a symmetrical picture or simple shape

96 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 1 use 2D and 3D shapes and describe how they fit together

97 Outcome 6

98 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2Year 3Year 4 use place value in numbers up to 1000 to make approximations demonstrate an understanding of place value up to at least 100 read and write numbers to 1 000 compare and estimate with numbers up to 100 compare and estimate with numbers up to 1 000 explain the value of a digit in numbers up to 1 000

99 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 3Year 4Year 5 use decimal notation in recording money record money spent and saved add and subtract totals less than £10 using correct notation, e.g. £6.85 – £2.76 add and subtract totals less than £100 using correct notation, e.g. £28.18 + £33.45

100 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6 recognise negative numbers in the context of temperature take temperature readings using thermometers and interpret readings above and below 0°C measure and record temperatures involving positive and negative readings

101 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2Year 3Year 4 develop further mental strategies for adding and subtracting numbers with at least two digits partition 2-digit numbers and know the value of each digit find differences within 100 find differences within 1 000 partition 2-digit numbers and know the value of each digit use mental strategies to add and subtract 2- digit numbers add a 2-digit number to, and subtract a 2- digit number from, a 3-digit number using an appropriate mental or written method find a small difference between two numbers by counting on, e.g. 44 – 28 = ¨ use partitioning to double and halve 2- digit numbers use partitioning strategies to double and halve 2-digit numbers

102 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2Year 3 use mental recall of the 2, 3, 4. 5 and 10 multiplication tables in solving whole number problems involving multiplication and division, including those giving rise to remainders recall and use 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables recall 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables and use to solve multiplication and division problems begin to link multiplication with simple division, e.g. grouping and sharing in 2s, 5s and 10s identify multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10; use the term multiple

103 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2 use standard units of length use standard units to measure: 1.length, height and distance: metres, half metres or centimetres

104 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2 use standard units of capacity use standard units to measure: 1.capacity: litres

105 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2 use standard units of mass use standard units to measure: weight/mass: kilograms or 10 gram weights

106 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6 use standard units of time use standard units of time to read ‘o’clock’ using both analogue and 12-hour digital clocks read ‘half past’, ‘quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’ on an analogue clock tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock and calculate how long it is to the next hour tell the time to the nearest minute on analogue clocks read hours and minutes on a 24-hour digital clock read and use analogue and digital clocks use and interpret timetables and schedules to plan events and activities and make calculations as part of the planning process read hours and minutes on a 12-hour digital clock read hours and minutes on a 12-hour digital clock using am/pm conventions time and order events in seconds use calendars to plan events time events in minutes and seconds, and order the results time events in minutes and seconds to the nearest tenth of a second calculate start times, finish times and durations using hours, 30-minute intervals and 15-minute intervals calculate start times, finish times and durations using 5- minute intervals calculate start times, finish times and durations using hours and minutes estimate how long a journey takes estimate the number of minutes everyday activities take to complete estimate the length of time everyday activities take to complete, extending to hours and quarters of hours estimate the length of time everyday activities take to complete with increasing accuracy carry out practical activities involving timed events and explain which unit of time is the most appropriate

107 Curriculum 2008 LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 classify shapes in various ways recognise and name common 2D shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle and semi-circle) and 3D shapes (cube, cuboid, cone and sphere) in order to begin to compare and sort recognise and name regular and irregular 2D and 3D shapes, understand and use the properties of shape recognise and classify triangles, squares, rectangles, pentagons and hexagons, including irregular cases recognise, classify and sketch polygons with up to eight sides, including irregular shapes recognise and classify triangles, using their own criteria

108 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2Years 3 and 4 extract and interpret information presented in simple tables and lists extract and interpret information from lists, tables, diagrams and graphs extract and interpret information from charts, timetables, diagrams and graphs

109 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Year 2Years 3 and 4 construct and interpret pictograms gather and record datafrom: pictograms where the symbol represents one unit represent data using: pictograms where one symbol represents more than one unit using a key

110 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Outcome 6Years 3 and 4 construct and interpret bar charts represent data using: bar charts and bar line graphs labelled in 2s, 5s and 10s extract and interpret information from charts, timetables, diagrams and graphs.

111 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 read and write numbers to at least 100

112 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 recall doubles up to 20

113 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 use and record ordinal numbers in practical situations

114 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 read and write number words to 100

115 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 mentally add 10 or 20 to a given number up to 100

116 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 mentally subtract 10 or 20 from a given number up to 100

117 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 mentally subtract 10 or 20 from a given number up to 100

118 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 add/subtract 9 or 11 from given number by adding/subtracting 10 and adjusting

119 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 understand and use mathematical symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and equals

120 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 understand and use the different mathematical terms for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and equals, e.g. find the total, share, goes into

121 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 use checking strategies: 1.repeat addition in a different order 2.use halving and doubling within 20

122 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 make a sensible estimate of measurement in length, height, weight and capacity that can be checked using standard measures

123 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 use symbols related to length, weight/mass and capacity

124 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 record the days of the week, the months and seasons of the year

125 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 compare daily temperatures using a thermometer (°C)

126 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement

127 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 identify a line of symmetry for 2D shapes and complete symmetrical pictures

128 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 make increasingly more complex or accurate models with 3D shapes and tessellate 2D shapes

129 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 order and identify patterns in combinations of mathematical objects, including number and number tables, and discuss the relationship between them.

130 Curriculum 2008LNF / Curriculum 2015 Year 2 sort and classify objects using more than two criterion

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