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Warm Up ► Copy the sentences below. Underline all of the nouns and circle all of the adjectives. “That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up ► Copy the sentences below. Underline all of the nouns and circle all of the adjectives. “That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up ► Copy the sentences below. Underline all of the nouns and circle all of the adjectives. “That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.” ― John Green, Paper Towns John GreenPaper TownsJohn GreenPaper Towns

2 Noun & Adjectives Notes Parts of Speech

3 Basics ► A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing or idea.  Persons: brother, scientist, Rita, Governor Granholm  Places: porch, stadium, Chicago, Africa  Things: television, cactus, hurricane, Holland Tunnel  Ideas: truth, democracy, ability, safety

4 Common and Proper Nouns ► A common noun is a general name for a person, place, thing or idea. ► A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, thing or idea; these need to be capitalized. Common nouns Proper nouns manAlbert Einstein, Michael Jordan, _____________ holidayEarth Day, Labor Day, ______________ cityMiami, London, Dallas, Beijing, _______________ languageSpanish, English, Hebrew, _________________ _

5 School subjects: common or proper nouns? ► It depends on the class! ► English is proper since “English” names a particular language. ► math is common because it names a general thing ► What other schools subjects are proper nouns? ► What about common nouns?

6 Singular, Plural & Collective Nouns ► Singular nouns name one person, place, thing or idea. ► Plural nouns name more than one. ► A collective noun names a group – people or things that are regarded as a unit.  Example: tribe, litter, flock, committee, ________________

7 Abstract and Concrete Nouns ► A concrete noun names something perceptible to the senses – something that can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted. ► An abstract noun names something that cannot be perceived through the senses such as an idea, quality, emotion or state. Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns coin, hand, fire, computer, _________ jealousy, freedom, laziness, _________

8 Basics ► An adjective limits the meaning of a noun or pronoun. ► Adjectives modify a noun or pronoun by describing a word or giving more specific information about the meanings of a word.

9 Example ► We watched a terrific game on the outdoor field  “Terrific” is an adjective which modifies “game.”  “Outdoor” is an adjective which modifies “field.”

10 Adjectives Answer Questions What Kind Which One How Many How Much Fast ponies Green field Humid afternoon This seat That goal These friends *These are demonstrative pronouns acting as adjectives. *These are demonstrative pronouns acting as adjectives. Four players Most fans Both teams No time More noise Enough speed

11 Articles ► The most common adjectives are the articles a, an & the.

12 Proper Adjectives ► Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns. ► They are capitalized and often end in n, an, ian, ese, or ish. Proper Nouns: Shakespeare, Jamaica, Taiwan Proper Adjectives: Shakespearean, Jamaican, Taiwanese

13 Now Let’s Review! ► For the next series of words tell me what type of noun or adjective it is.

14 Lake Shore High School

15 the

16 justice

17 blue

18 math

19 students

20 an

21 love

22 English

23 Now let’s practice in groups! ► Form tables of 5 ► Pack and stack. Line up at the back. How spicy do you like your salsa? ► Find your groups ► You should each receive 10 cards. ► When the words and phrases flash on the screen, figure out which cards hold the answer and members of your group should hold up the correct classifications.

24 incredulous

25 diversion

26 the

27 Bahamas

28 tolerance

29 A trap

30 Russian dressing

31 civilization

32 tribe

33 appointments

34 supplies

35 The difficult obstacles

36 gratitude

37 A Caribbean island

38 jungle

39 foreigner

40 courage

41 An analytical mind

42 A new animal

43 A traditional Thanksgiving dinner

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