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Where are we????.

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Presentation on theme: "Where are we????."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where are we????

2 Social Influences on Gender role
Parents and peers L.O – To examine how the environment of the child shapes their gender behaviours “Discuss social influences on gender” 24 marks Does the environment shape the way we behave? Nature Nurture

3 Behaviourist approach
What would behaviourists argue about how gender behaviours are acquired? We LEARN gender behaviours through………. Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Social learning

4 Task 1. Match the key terms with the definitions from the behaviourist approach 2. Think of an example of gender behaviour for each one Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Social learning theory Role modelling

5 In pairs discuss & then note down…
How can parents influence children's gender behaviours through………… Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Social learning

6 Lytton & Romney’s meta analysis
What is a meta-analysis? They carried out a meta-analysis of studies that looked at the parental treatment of boys and girls (did they receive different treatment?) 158 studies from North America 17 studies from other western countries.

7 Main findings Parents encouraged different activities in play and household chores. For example, girls more likely to be encouraged to help with housework, boys with outdoor tasks. Difference in punishment e.g boys were more likely to be physically punished. Differential treatment decreased over age.

8 PEEEL Paragraphs Create a PEEEL paragraph on Lytton & Romney’s meta analysis. P E L “Discuss social influences on gender” 24 marks This Matters Because…

9 Social cognitive learning theory Bandura & Bussey
Learning takes place through observation of role models and imitation of their behaviours If the behaviour is seen to bring rewards (vicarious learning) They are highly selective

10 Fagot et al 4. What do the findings suggest? 27 Egalitarian families
Looked at……. 27 Egalitarian families 42 Traditional families 1. What is the difference between egalitarian families and traditional families? 2. What two research methods were used to collect data? 3. Was it children from egalitarian or traditional families that showed more gender role stereotyping? 4. What do the findings suggest?

11 Influence of Peers on Gender Behaviours

12 Peers How can peers influence children's gender behaviours through: (AO1) Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Social learning

13 Research support Langlois and Down (1980) observed 4-6 years olds at school. They noted when boys played with girls toys they were teased by their male peers. Further research has found that 3 yr old children criticise peers who engage in cross sex play.

14 Schools? Page 216: Influence of schools on gender role: Formal Socialisation & Gender Bias in School Staffing. How do schools support such different gender roles? What does Delamont suggest we do to avoid this?

15 Discuss social influences on gender
The Gender essay plan Next lesson you will do a timed essay ………. Discuss social influences on gender (24 marks)

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