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Central YMCA Qualifications (CYQ)

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2 Central YMCA Qualifications (CYQ)
CYQ Level 3 Standardisation Training Day Welcome to CYQ standardisation eTraining for the L3 Certificate in Personal Training

3 Aim To introduce centre staff to the methods of best practice in delivery and assessment of the Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training Outcomes: - Identify the structure of QCF Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training - Review the content, assessment and some frequently asked questions for each unit - Identify teaching and learning resources - Understand roles and responsibilities for the delivery, assessment and internal quality assurance - Review CYQ eLearning and eAssessment Aims The aim of CYQ’s standardisation eTraining is to introduce centre staff to the methods of best practice in delivery and assessment of the Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training This will be achieved by giving an overview of the structure of the QCF L3 Certificate in Personal Training Identifying each unit’s content, assessment specification and some frequently asked questions Identifying the teaching and learning resources Reviewing staff roles and responsibilities And reviewing CYQ’s eLearning and eAssessment

4 Timetable 10.00 – 10.30 Introduction & aims of the day
10.30 – Structure of Level 3 Certificate Comfort Break 11.00 – Workshop/review: unit/assessment 12.30 – Lunch 13.30 – Group feedback 14.30 – Workshop/review: managing assessments 14.45 – learning resources/general updates/website 15.00 – Questions, summary & evaluation Here is the timetable for the day – subject to change according to the number of delegates

5 What you will need: In your packs you will find the following:
Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training Syllabus Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training Learner Assessment Record (LAR) Slide handouts for taking notes An evaluation form CPD form In your packs you will find the following: L3 Certificate in Personal Training Learner Assessment Record (LAR) Slide handouts for taking notes An evaluation form Reps form We also have copies of: L3 Certificate in Personal Training Syllabus L3 Manuals – L3 Anatomy and Physiology L3 Personal Training L3 Nutrition

6 CYQ Personal Training Qualifications

7 Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training
Qualification unit overview: Level 2 Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment Principles of exercise, fitness and health Know how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity Level 3 Anatomy and physiology for exercise and health Applying the principles of nutrition to a physical activity programme Programming personal training with clients Delivering personal training sessions Before we look at each mandatory unit in more detail lets re-cap the 7 units that make up the PT certificate – these are: L2 Health and Safety in a Fitness Environment L2 Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health L2 Know How to Support Clients who Take Part in Physical Activity and L3 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Health L3 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a physical Activity Programme L3 Programming Personal Training with Clients L3 Delivering Personal Training Sessions

8 Principles of exercise, fitness & health 2 28 4 T/600/9016
Unit Ref No Unit Title Level GLH Credit A/600/9017 Principles of exercise, fitness & health 2 28 4 T/600/9016 Health, safety & welfare in a fitness environment 16 M/600/9015 Know how to support clients who take part in exercise & physical activity 13 A/600/9051 Anatomy & physiology for exercise and health 3 43 6 L/600/9054 Applying the principles of nutrition to a physical activity programme 40 F/600/9052 Programming personal training with clients 47 7 J/600/9053 Delivering personal training sessions 58 9 Totals 245 36 This slide shows the credits and guided learning hours for each unit. There are 245 GLH for the L3 PT certificate 188 GLH are at Level 3 Total credit value 36 – 28 at level 3

9 Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training & Instruction
All Certificate in Personal Training Level 3 units Plus Exercise programming for sports conditioning Business and marketing for the fitness professional Planning and delivering group exercise in the outdoor environment There is not a specific syllabus for the diploma, you should refer to the following: L3 Certificate in PT Plus Unit syllabus – SC 24 GLH , Business 49 GLH, Outdoor Fitness 22 GLH = Total 95 GLH NB: these units are not covered in this presentation

10 Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training
Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training & Instruction Pre-requisites: Learners must hold a CYQ Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing in the context of gym-based exercise or equivalent prior to commencing either of the above qualifications. Prerequisites Learners must hold a CYQ Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing in the context of gym-based exercise or equivalent prior to commencing the CYQ Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training & the Diploma in Personal Training

11 NEW Qualification CYQ Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Gym-Based Exercise) (QCF) Qualification number 601/0195/7 The new Level 3 Diploma comprises 10 units – Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Gym-based exercise) (6 units) and the Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training (4 units) No pre-requisites GLH: 346 Credits: 52

12 Level 3 Units Workshop: In your group discuss the content of your assigned unit and identify the assessment specification and relevant paperwork: Anatomy and physiology for exercise and health Applying the principles of nutrition to a physical activity programme Programming personal training with clients Delivering personal training sessions Group session - In your group discuss the content of your assigned unit and identify the assessment specification and relevant paperwork: Anatomy and Physiology Applying the Principles of Nutrition Programming PT with clients Delivering PT with clients

13 Anatomy & Physiology for
Exercise & Health Unit content: Cardiorespiratory System The Musculosketal System Posture and Core Stability The Nervous System The Endocrine System Energy Systems Lets now look at L3 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise Unit content: The aim of this unit is to cover the anatomy and physiology relating to exercise programming for a range of clients. This information will build on and expand the information that the learners have already studied at L2. It includes the following: Unit content The Cardiorespiratory System The Musculosketal System Posture and Core Stability The Nervous System The Endocrine System and Energy Systems

14 Anatomy & Physiology for
Exercise & Health Unit assessment Assessment element 1 – theory paper Learners are required to complete the Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise & Health theory paper The paper is externally set 40 multiple choice questions 28 marks overall to pass (70%) Time allocation 60 minutes Please note for paper based assessment: once assessment has taken place the theory papers (questions sheets not answer sheets) should be destroyed – failure to do this could result in the centre being fined Assessment element 1 The assessment this unit is an externally set multiple choice theory paper The time allocation for the theory paper is 60 minutes and comprises of 40 questions. Learners must achieve a minimum of 28 marks – 70% - to pass. Theory paper questions will relate to underpinning knowledge and cover: The Cardiorespiratory System The Musculosketal System Posture and Core Stability The Nervous System The Endocrine System Energy Systems The theory paper can be taken via paper based or eAssessment. See the additional note for paperbased – added this in because we have had quite a few issues recently

15 Anatomy & Physiology for Exercise & Health – FAQs
Are mock papers available? Yes – they can be accessed via the CYQ website or requested from How do I order theory papers? CYQ theory papers are available to approved centre contacts from What if I have a learner that requires reasonable assessment adjustments (RAA)? RAA information and recording documentation can be accessed via the CYQ website We are frequently asked if Mock theory papers are available: These can be accessed via the CYQ website- or requested from How do I order theory papers? Paper-based theory papers are ordered by completing a theory paper request form and ing it to or by completing a web-based request via the approved centre area at . Please note that a minimum of 5 working days’ notice is required for theory paper requests.

16 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme
Unit content: The principles of nutrition The key guidelines in relation to nutrition Recommended practice in relation to providing nutritional advice The relationship between nutrition and physical activity How to collect and use nutritional information Nutritional goal setting Collecting and analysing nutritional information Applying the principles of nutrition to a programme Now moving on to Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme Unit content: The aim of this unit is for learners to understand and apply the principles of nutrition to support client goals as part of an exercise and physical activity programme: Unit content The principles of nutrition, covering: The structure and function of the digestive system The function and metabolism of micro and macro nutrients The calorific value of nutrients Interpreting food labeling Healthy food preparation and The relationship between physical activity, body composition and health The key guidelines in relation to nutrition, covering: Professional bodies in the area of nutrition Key healthy eating advice and the national food model/guide Reliable sources of nutritional information Recommended practice in relation to providing nutritional advice, covering: Professional boundaries Health risks associated with weight loss fads/diets and their affect on health and performance Clients at risk of nutritional deficiencies The effect of cultural and religious dietary practices The relationship between nutrition and physical activity, covering: The role of nutrients for energy production The energy balance equation BMI calculation How to collect and use nutritional information and the legal and ethical implications of collecting information Collecting and analysing nutritional information and the signs and symptoms of disordered eating, when to refer clients Nutritional goal setting, covering: How to translate goals into basic healthy eating advice Motivational strategies for healthy eating Applying the principles of nutrition to a programme, covering: Use credible sources of information to design nutritional goals that support the programme Monitor and evaluate progress towards goals

17 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme
Unit assessment There are two assessment elements for this unit: Assessment element 2 – theory paper Assessment element 3 – knowledge questions and case study Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme - Unit assessment There are two assessment elements for this unit Assessment element 2 – theory paper Assessment element 3 – knowledge questions and case study

18 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme
Assessment element 2 – theory paper Learners are required to complete the Level 3 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme theory paper (covering learning outcomes 1 to 4) The paper is externally set 30 multiple choice questions 21 marks overall to pass (70%) Time allocation 45 minutes Please note for paper based assessment: once assessment has taken place the theory papers (questions sheets not answer sheets) should be destroyed – failure to do this could result in the centre being fined Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme - Unit assessment Assessment element 2 for this unit is via theory paper Learners are required to complete the Level 3 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme theory paper The paper is externally set 30 multiple choice questions 21 marks overall to pass (70%) Time allocation 45 minutes See the additional note for paperbased – added this in because we have had quite a few issues recently

19 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme
Assessment element 3 – knowledge questions & case study Learners must provide evidence that they possess all the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for the learning outcomes 5 to 7 of the unit Knowledge questions: Externally set questions Please note: all supplementary questions and answers must be recorded Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme – Unit assessment Assessment element 3 - knowledge questions Knowledge questions: Externally set questions Where a learner fails to provide sufficient information, supplementary questions will need to be asked NB: all supplementary questions and answers must be recorded

20 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme
Assessment element 3 continued… Case study: Learners must fully complete the case study It should be carried out on an apparently healthy adult It can be marked by the tutor or by an assessor using the case study marking checklist Please note: all supplementary questions and answers must be recorded The assessment 3 – case study Case Study: The Learners must: Collect and analyse nutritional information from their chosen client Use SMART goal setting to set nutritional goals Use credible sources to provide nutritional advice Agree goals with their client Monitor, evaluate and review their clients progress towards their nutritional goals Paperwork supplied within the LAR

21 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme – FAQs
Who can the learners use as their client? Learners can use a fellow student, friend, relative, partner or spouse. Their chosen client should be an apparently healthy adult who does not require nutritional intervention from a doctor, dietician or nutritionist Under what circumstances should supplementary questions be used? When the learner does not provide sufficient evidence to meet the requirements of the related learning outcomes Please note: all questions and answers should be recorded We are frequently asked: Who can the learners use as their client? Learners can use a fellow student, friend, relative, partner or spouse. Their chosen client should be an apparently healthy adult who does not require nutritional intervention from a doctor, dietician or nutritionist. Under what circumstances should supplementary questions be used? When the learner does not provide sufficient evidence to meet the requirements of the related learning outcomes. NB: All questions and answers should be recorded Is there a pro forma for the case study? Yes, this can be found in the LAR and syllabus. There is also a case study marking scheme for the assessor.

22 Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme – FAQs continued…
Is there a proforma for the case study? Yes, this can be found in the LAR. There is also a case study checklist for the assessor We are frequently asked: Who can the learners use as their client? Learners can use a fellow student, friend, relative, partner or spouse. Their chosen client should be an apparently healthy adult who does not require nutritional intervention from a doctor, dietician or nutritionist. Is there a pro forma for the case study? Yes, this can be found in the LAR and syllabus. There is also a case study marking scheme for the assessor.

23 Programming Personal Training with Clients
Unit Content: How to prepare a personal training programme The importance of behaviour change Collecting information and screening clients to plan a personal training programme Goal setting Planning a personal training programme How to manage, review and adapt a personal training programme Now moving on to Programming with PT Clients The aims of this unit is to cover the skills required to design, manage and adapt a personal training programme. The learner will cover: How to prepare a PT programme The importance of behavior change, covering: How to work with clients to achieve change Assisting clients to commit to change and Strategies for managing change Collecting information from clients, covering: Screening and informed consent Necessary information to collect when designing a PT programme When to refer clients Goal setting using SMART goals Planning a PT programme, covering: The key principles of designing a PT programme Credible sources of information A variety of exercises to develop the components of fitness and meet the clients goals Physical activities to compliment exercise sessions How to review and adapt a PT programme, covering: Evaluation methods Using the principles of training to adapt a PT programme

24 Programming Personal Training with Clients
Unit assessment There are two assessment elements for this unit: Assessment element 4 – programming knowledge questions Assessment element 5 – personal training programme Programming with PT Clients - Unit assessment There are two assessment elements for this unit: Assessment element 4 – programming knowledge questions Assessment element 5 – personal training programme

25 Programming Personal Training with Clients
Assessment element 4 – knowledge questions Externally set questions Learner must provide evidence that they possess all the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for the learning outcomes 1 – 7 of the unit Please note: it is recommended that this assessment element is completed prior to learners completing the personal training programme (assessment element 5) Assessment element 4 – knowledge questions Externally set questions Learner must provide evidence that they possess all the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for the learning outcomes 1 – 7 of the unit NB: It is recommended that this assessment element is completed prior to learners completing the personal training programme (assessment element 5)

26 Programming Personal Training with Clients
Assessment element 5 – personal training programme Learner must provide evidence that they possess all the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for the learning outcomes 8 – 13 of the unit Learners must complete the following: - Client profile - likes and dislikes - needs - physical measurements and postural assessment Assessment element 5 – personal training programme Learners must complete the following: Client profile - likes and dislikes - needs physical measurements and postural assessment

27 Assessment element 5 continued – personal training programme
Physical measurements Learners will be observed by an assessor taking the following physical measurements from their client: - blood pressure - anthropometrics - body composition - cardiovascular fitness - range of motion - muscular fitness Please see the LAR for further details Assessment element 5 – personal training programme Evidence for assessment element 5 must be from direct observation of performance of the learner carrying out appropriate physical measurements for a client The learner will be assessed performing one test from each of the following areas appropriate for their client: Blood pressure: Manual or digital Anthropometrics: Height and weight Waist circumference or Waist to hips ratio Body composition: Skinfold or Bio-electrical impedance Cardiovascular fitness: Astrand bike test Rockport walking test Step test or Cooper 12 min walk/run Range of motion: Sit and reach test or Visual assessment during stretch positions Muscular fitness: Abdominal curl/sit-up test Press up test or Estimation of 8 – 12 rep max There is a Physical Measurement Observation Checklist in the syllabus and LAR for recording the assessment/s.

28 Assessment element 5 continued – personal training programme
SMART goal setting - short medium long term Client testimony completed and signed by the client Assessment element 5 – personal training programme SMART goal setting - short medium long term NB: stated goals must be specific in order to be able to measure a change Client testimony completed and signed by the client as evidence that the learner has epxplained and agreed various aspects of the PT programme with them

29 Assessment element 5 continued – personal training programme
Programme cards x 4 - 1 session for an environment other than a gym or studio - These sessions can be from any part of the 12 programme - Each session 30 – 60 minutes comprising: warm up CV training muscular fitness training core stability cool down including flexibility Please see the LAR for further details Assessment element 5 – personal training programme Programme cards x 4 - 1 session for an environment other than a gym or studio - these sessions can be from any part of the 12 programme and can cover consecutive weeks or spread out across the programme. - each session 30 – 60 minuets comprising: warm up CV training muscular fitness training core stability cool down including flexibility Each session should be designed for the same client and relate to the information on the client The learner should teach the 4 sessions to the client (without the assessor present) to allow for feedback for the 12 week programme overview and goal setting review

30 Assessment element 5 continued – personal training programme
12 week programme overview comprising: - All components of fitness and progression of the exercise variables (FITT) should be outlined at each stage of the programme overview - Advice on activities for daily living (ADLs) and training in other environments (such as home, office and outside) Evaluation forms x 4 - to be used after each of the four taught sessions Goals review – based on the four sessions Assessment element 5 – personal training programme 12 week programme overview comprising: - appropriate warm up activities - minimum of 2 CV approaches - minimum of 4 resistance approaches - core stability exercises It should show an outline of week 1, 6 and 12 Evaluation forms x 4 - to be used after each of the 4 taught sessions. The learner must make changes/adaptations to the 12 week programme overview based on the feedback from their client and their own evaluation of the session Goals review – based on the four sessions. The learner must make changes/adaptations to the 12 week programme overview based on the feedback from their client and the review of the sessions

31 Programming Personal Training with Clients – FAQs
Assessment element 5 – personal training programme Is there still a viva? If the paperwork is fully completed and the assessor has no doubts as to authenticity, then the checklist can be completed without the need for a viva Please note: all questions and answers should be recorded Assessment element 5 – personal training programme Is there still a viva? FAQs If the paperwork is fully completed and the assessor has no doubts as to authenticity, then the check list can be completed without the need for a viva NB: all questions and answers should be recorded

32 Delivering Personal Training Sessions
Unit Content: Instructing exercise during a personal training session Adapting exercise during a personal training session Review a personal training session Plan and prepare for a personal training session Prepare clients for a personal training session Instruct and adapt planned exercises Bring the session to an end Reflect on the session Delivering PT with Clients - Unit content: Instructing exercise during a PT session Adapting exercise during a PT session Review a PT session Plan and prepare for a PT session Prepare clients for a PT session Instruct and adapt planned exercises Bring the session to an end Reflect on the session

33 Delivering Personal Training Sessions
Unit assessment : There are two assessment elements for this unit: Assessment element 6 – knowledge questions Assessment element 7 – summative observation of practical teaching Delivering PT with Clients Unit assessment : There are two assessment elements for this unit: Assessment element 6 – knowledge questions Assessment element 7 – summative observation of practical teaching

34 Delivering Personal Training Sessions
Assessment element 6 – delivery knowledge questions Externally set questions Learners must provide evidence that they possess all the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for learning outcomes 1 – 3 of the unit Please note: it is recommended that the knowledge questions are completed prior to assessment element 7 Delivering PT Sessions Assessment element 6 – knowledge questions Externally set questions Learners must provide evidence that they possess all the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for learning outcomes 1 – 3 of the unit NB: it is recommended that the knowledge questions are completed prior to assessment element 7

35 Delivering Personal Training Sessions
Assessment element 7 – summative observation of practical teaching (learning outcomes 4 – 8) Learners must be observed instructing the following: Appropriate warm up activities Two cardiovascular approaches Four resistance approaches (training systems) Demonstration of safe lifting and passing Appropriate core stability exercises Appropriate cool down including the use of PNF stretching Ending the session and evaluation Please note: learners are advised to use the same client they used for assessment element 5 Delivering PT Sessions Assessment element 7 – summative observation of practical teaching Learners must be observed instructing the following: Appropriate warm up activities Two cardiovascular approaches Four resistance approaches Demonstration of safe lifting and passing At least One core stability exercise Appropriate cool down with at least One PNF stretch Ending the session and evaluation NB: learners are advised to use the same client they used for assessment element 5

36 Delivering Personal Training Sessions – FAQs
Does the assessor choose any of the assessment activities? No learners will be observed delivering a range of exercises from across the four detailed programme cards (see the syllabus p58, p59 for details) Under what circumstances would the learner have to produce a separate plan/programme card for their assessment? If the learner is using a different client than the one that the programme was written for they must produce another programme card We are often asked: Does the assessor choose any of the assessment activities? No learners will be observed delivering a range of exercises from across the 4 detailed programme cards (see the syllabus p58/59 for details) Under what circumstances would the learner have to produce a separate plan, from their case study, for their assessment? If the learners personal training programme (assessment element 5) does not relate to the client they are using for their assessment, they must carry out appropriate planning for the activities being assessed. No all assessment activities are chosen by the learner and should be appropriate for the client present on the day.

37 Delivering Personal Training Sessions – FAQs
What are the assessment and referral guidelines? To pass learners must achieve a tick in every box in the three sections on the checklist: - planning and preparation - teaching - ending a session and evaluation Please note: these sections can be achieved independently We are frequently asked: What are the assessment and referral guidelines ? To pass learners must achieve a tick in every box in the three sections on the checklist: - planning and preparation - teaching - ending a session and evaluation NB: these sections can be achieved independently

38 Delivering Personal Training Sessions – FAQs
What if the learners do not achieve a tick in every box? For planning and preparation, and ending a session and evaluating – if an R is applied to any criteria/criterion the learners should be re-assessed against the criteria/criterion in question For teaching – up to two Rs (across the whole teaching checklist), the learner can be re-assessed against those criteria and component(s) to which the R(s) relate(s). If there are three or more Rs, the learner must be re-assessed on all components on the teaching part of the checklist Delivering PT Sessions - FAQs What if the learners do not achieve a tick in every box? For planning and preparation, and ending a session and evaluating - if a R is applied to any criteria/criterion the learners should be re-assessed against the criteria/criterion in question For teaching – up to two Rs (across the whole teaching checklist), the learner can be re-assessed against those criteria and component(s) to which the R(s) relate(s) . 3 or more Rs, the learner must be re-assessed on all components on the teaching part of the checklist

39 Assessment specification summary
There are seven assessment elements, across four level 3 units, they are: Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Health 1. Theory paper Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme 2. Theory paper 3. Knowledge questions and case study Programming Personal Training with Clients 4. Knowledge questions 5. Personal training programme Delivering Personal Training Sessions 6. Knowledge questions 7. Summative observation of practical teaching Assessment Specification Summary There are 7 assessment elements, they are: L3 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Health 1. Theory paper Applying the Principles of Nutrition to a Physical Activity Programme 2.Theory paper 3. Knowledge questions and Case study Programming Personal Training with Clients 4. Knowledge questions 5. PT programme Delivering Personal Training Sessions 6. Knowledge questions 7. Summative observation of practical teaching

40 Resources available Syllabus Learner Assessment Record (LAR)
Personal Training Manual Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Health Manual Nutrition for Physical Activity Manual Scheme of work PowerPoint presentations Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology mock theory paper Level 3 Nutrition mock theory paper eLearning Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Health Level 3 Nutrition The resources available for this qualification are: L3 Certificate in Personal Training Syllabus Learner Assessment Record (LAR) Certificate in Personal Training Manual L3 Anatomy and Physiology Manual L3 Nutrition for Physical Activity Manual Scheme of work Power Point presentations Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology mock theory paper Level 3 Nutrition mock theory paper eLearning Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise and Health Level 3 Nutrition All resources can be ordered via the CYQ website Although the majority are available as free downloads again accessed via the website .

41 Managing assessments Workshop/Review:
Discuss the different types of assessment and how they are met at your centre Discuss a logical assessment sequence and identify the necessary paperwork at each stage of the assessment Discuss a logical sequence to assessing: A typical assessment model would be: Planning Briefing Observation Evaluation Feedback

42 CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures
Role and Responsibilities of the Invigilator The role of the invigilator is to facilitate the administration of CYQ theory papers. The invigilator must not read or share the content of CYQ intellectual property CYQ operational staff and External Quality Assurers cannot discuss the content of CYQ theory papers with CYQ centre staff Feedback from learners regarding the content of CYQ theory papers can be sent to – Tutor Emphasise each point

43 CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures
Role and Responsibilities of the Invigilator Starting, Invigilating and Ending the Assessment Late arrival of learners Misconduct Emergencies Theory paper administration process Procedures for online assessment invigilation Invigilation guidelines are in the delegates pack Tutor to refer to Role and Responsibilities of the Invigilator Policy and discuss Refer to online policy also in delegate pack – identify any points not covered in invigilation policy

44 CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures
External Assessment Procedure Reasonable Assessment Adjustment Ordering theory papers Ratio – 1 invigilator – 30 learners Desk specification Responsibilities of the learners Security and storage – theory papers stored securely and destroyed following assessment – answer sheets not to be taken home Tutor to discuss the external assessment procedure policy and highlight the above headings

45 CYQ Theory Paper Invigilation Procedures
Roles and responsibilities of invigilator External Assessment procedure Procedures for online assessment Tutor highlight the links

46 Flexible assessment CYQ will allow some flexibility in its assessment strategies to meet the needs of approved centres and learners Where this is desired, centres must seek approval from CYQ for ‘adjustments’ to an existing, published assessment strategy in advance of carry out assessment Questions should be addressed Please see CYQ Flexible Assessment Policy Flexible Assessment Policy  CYQ endeavours to create fit-for-purpose assessment strategies that meet our approved centres’ needs by: employing technical contributors who have relevant subject/sector expertise gathering business intelligence and centre feedback working in collaboration with other bodies that develop units and qualifications holding qualification review group (QRG) meetings to seek centres’ views on proposed and existing assessment strategies CYQ will allow some flexibility in its assessment strategies to meet the needs of approved centres and learners. Where this is desired, centres must seek approval from CYQ for ‘adjustments’ to an existing, published assessment strategy in advance of carry out assessment. CYQ is required, through its conditions of recognition as an awarding organisation, to ensure that the levels of demand of assessments and assessment tasks for a qualification are consistent: across all options available to learners, including those where adjustments have been proposed by centres with previous assessments for the same qualification Flexibility may be allowed in the following: The order of elements within an assessment strategy The types of evidence that can be accepted for an assessment element The methods of assessment, in accordance with the CYQ Reasonable Adjustments Policy Adjustments to assessment strategies must demonstrate that: all assessment criteria are met (as outlined in bold in the CYQ syllabus) any additional information specified by the Sector Skills Council is met the level of demand for the learner is consistent with the CYQ strategy Centres may not alter the demands on learners by proposing adjustments to assessment strategies that would not meet, or would go beyond, the standard defined by the assessment criteria. Where CYQ has approved adjustments to assessments and later concludes that there is an inconsistency between the level of demand of this assessment and other options available that is likely to prejudice a group of learners, CYQ will make a ‘reasonable alteration’ to the criteria against which learners’ performance will be judged for this assessment so as to prevent that prejudice from occurring.

47 Logical Assessment Structure
Summative assessment process: Briefing Observation Questioning – if required – cannot be used to infer practical competence Result Action Plan Flexible Assessment Policy  CYQ endeavours to create fit-for-purpose assessment strategies that meet our approved centres’ needs by: employing technical contributors who have relevant subject/sector expertise gathering business intelligence and centre feedback working in collaboration with other bodies that develop units and qualifications holding qualification review group (QRG) meetings to seek centres’ views on proposed and existing assessment strategies CYQ will allow some flexibility in its assessment strategies to meet the needs of approved centres and learners. Where this is desired, centres must seek approval from CYQ for ‘adjustments’ to an existing, published assessment strategy in advance of carry out assessment. CYQ is required, through its conditions of recognition as an awarding organisation, to ensure that the levels of demand of assessments and assessment tasks for a qualification are consistent: across all options available to learners, including those where adjustments have been proposed by centres with previous assessments for the same qualification Flexibility may be allowed in the following: The order of elements within an assessment strategy The types of evidence that can be accepted for an assessment element The methods of assessment, in accordance with the CYQ Reasonable Adjustments Policy Adjustments to assessment strategies must demonstrate that: all assessment criteria are met (as outlined in bold in the CYQ syllabus) any additional information specified by the Sector Skills Council is met the level of demand for the learner is consistent with the CYQ strategy Centres may not alter the demands on learners by proposing adjustments to assessment strategies that would not meet, or would go beyond, the standard defined by the assessment criteria. Where CYQ has approved adjustments to assessments and later concludes that there is an inconsistency between the level of demand of this assessment and other options available that is likely to prejudice a group of learners, CYQ will make a ‘reasonable alteration’ to the criteria against which learners’ performance will be judged for this assessment so as to prevent that prejudice from occurring.

48 Malpractice/Maladministration
Any deliberate activity neglect, default or other practice that compromises assessment, the integrity of the qualification, certification or the reputation/credibility of the awarding organisation Maladministration Any activity, neglect, default or other practice that results in the centre not complying with specified requirements of delivery of the units and qualifications Refer to policy for examples of centre and learner malpractice and maladministration Tutor to highlight the definitions – and discuss – give examples if necessary

49 Staff Responsibilities
Tutor The role of the tutor is to plan, deliver and evaluate an effective programme of learning to accommodate the needs of all learners registered – they should hold or be working towards a recognised teaching qualification Any tutors carrying out the ongoing assessments should hold a relevant assessment qualification Now to clarify staff responsibilities: The role of the tutor is to plan, deliver and evaluate an effective programme of learning to accommodate the needs of the learners registered. They should hold or be working towards a recognised teaching qualification The tutor may complete the on-course assessments provided they hold or are working towards a recognised assessing qualification.

50 Staff Responsibilities
Assessor The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence a learner may produce to demonstrate their competence to meet the assessment criteria Assessors must have a L3 Award or Certificate in Assessing Vocational or Work-Based Achievement (QCF); SQA equivalent; A1, D32/33 NB: Tutors working towards an assessing award will be required to have decisions countersigned by a qualified assessor Final summative assessment conducted by independent assessor The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence a learner may produce to demonstrate their competence to meet the assessment criteria. Assessors should hold or be working towards a recognised assessing qualification. Unqualified assessor decisions should be countersigned by a qualified assessor

51 Staff Responsibilities
Assessor Please refer to the Role of the Assessor document on the CYQ website This document contains a Model of Assessment; the stages of assessment, what happens at each stage and the relevant paperwork at each stage The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence a learner may produce to demonstrate their competence to meet the assessment criteria. Assessors should hold or be working towards a recognised assessing qualification. Unqualified assessor decisions should be countersigned by a qualified assessor

52 Staff Responsibilities
Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) The role of the IQA is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors IQAs must have a L4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (QCF); SQA equivalent; V1, D34 The role of the internal quality assurer is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors. They should hold or be working towards a recognised IQA qualification

53 Staff Responsibilities
Internal Quality Assurer Produce a sampling plan at the beginning of each course which clearly identifies what and when sampling will take place The IQA plan must cover: - all units of the qualification - all learners - all tutors and assessors Please refer to the Role of the IQA document on the CYQ website. This document contains a Model of Assessment; the stages of assessment, what happens at each stage and the relevant paperwork at each stage The role of the internal quality assurer is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors. They should hold or be working towards a recognised IQA qualification

54 Staff Responsibilities
Internal Quality Assurer IQA paperwork is available on the CYQ website: - IQA plan - IQA sampling reports for desk based The role of the internal quality assurer is to make informed judgements regarding the practice of and decisions made by the assessment team, to maintain standards and to provide guidance and support to assessors. They should hold or be working towards a recognised IQA qualification

55 eLearning – Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology
Content covers: The heart and circulatory system The musculoskeletal system Posture and core stability The nervous system The endocrine system Energy systems

56 eLearning – Level 3 Nutrition
Level 3 Nutrition eLearning will teach learners the knowledge and skills to give measured and tailored nutritional advice to fitness clients, including: applying the principles of nutrition to a physical activity programme collecting, analysing and utilising nutritional information the principles of nutritional goal setting with clients providing nutritional advice in line with nationally recommended best practice

57 1 2 eLearning Packages Content only
Centres with an existing virtual learning platform can simply purchase content for an annual fee 1 2 Hosted Basic Pay per learner with no contract, support or set up fees

58 eAssessment Benefits Instant access to learners' results
Removes time and cost burden of printing and returning answer sheets Available for all CYQ theory assessments

59 Information channels Website eNews updates Sent monthly

60 Website Visit for: Full qualification details
Centre guidance including: fees policies and procedures FAQs Training days calendar Assessor/IQA course schedule

61 Summary Any further questions?
You will now receive an with an evaluation form and CPD certificate request form. Please complete these and return to CYQ (an address will be provided on the form) Thank you for your participation and feedback


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