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The Tri-Phasic Model TREATING TRAUMA.

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1 The Tri-Phasic Model TREATING TRAUMA

2 Tri-Phasic Model Herman, 1992
Safety (Stabilization) Remembrance & Mourning Trauma Resolution Desensitization & reprocessing Metabolization of trauma Reconnection Present & future

3 What is Safety? (Gentry & Schmidt, 1997)
 I. Resolution of impending environmental (ambient, interpersonal and intrapersonal) physical danger; -Removal from “war zone” (e.g., domestic violence, combat, abuse) -Behavioral interventions to provide maximum safety; -Address and resolve self-harm. II. Amelioration of self-destructive thoughts & behaviors (i.e., suicidal/homicidal ideation/behavior, eating disorders, persecutory alters/ego-states, addictions, trauma-bonding, risk-taking behaviors, isolation) III. Restructuring victim mythology into intentional proactive survivor identity by development and habituation of life-affirming self-care skills (i.e., daily routines, relaxation skills, grounding/containment skills, assertiveness, secure provision of basic needs, self-parenting)

4 What is Necessary? Six Empirical Markers
From Survivor Resolve (real) Danger Distinguish between real vs. perceived threat Develop battery of regulation/relaxation, grounding, and containment skills Demonstrate ability to self-regulate Demonstrate ability to self-rescue Contract (verbal) to address traumatic material From Clinician Good Therapeutic Relationship Clinician Non-anxious Presence Good Prognosis/Positive Expectancy

5 What is Necessary? 1.     Resolution of impending environmental physical danger Abusive Environment Ambient Danger Violence Active Self Harm

6 What is Necessary? 2. Ability to distinguish between “Am Safe” and “Feel Safe.” Outside Danger Behavioral Intervention Resolve Threat Inside Danger Self regulation Anxiety Reduction Cognitive Restructuring

7 What is Necessary? 3. Development of a battery of SELF-REGULATION, relaxation, grounding, containment and expression strategies AND the ability to utilize them for self-rescue from intrusions

8 Safety/Stabilization Interventions (Trauma Practice, 3rd Edition)
Additional Progressive Relaxation Anchoring Transitional Object Postural grounding Internal vault Timed/metered expression Suggested 3-2-1 Sensory grounding Diaphramatic breathing Safe-place visualization Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Light Stream Icon in envelope

9 Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Callahan
Perturbations in the thought field contain the active information (see physicist David Bohm***) which triggers and forms the sequence of activities - neurological, chemical, hormonal and cognitive - which result in the experience of a negative emotion such as fear, depression, anger, etc. In TFT's unique diagnostic procedure the perturbations are revealed and quickly subsumed. The perturbations are of low inertial ladeness (contained in an energy form as the information on an audio or video tape has less inertial quality than the tape itself) and this fact explains the unusual speed of the therapy; the unusual effectiveness is explained by the fundamental nature of the perturbations.

10 SUDs 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

11 Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Callahan
Eyes open Eyes closed eyes open down right eyes open down left eyes clockwise eyes counterclockwise hum a tune count to five (aloud) 5. Repeat # 3 1. Trauma Memory 2. SUDS 3. Algorithm (trauma) Eye brow (5-8 taps) Under eye (5-8 taps) Underarm (5-8 taps) Collarbone (5-8 taps) 4. 9 Gamut while continuously tapping 9-Gamut spot...

12 Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Callahan
6. SUDS If decreased 2+ units then repeat until SUDS = 0 If decrease < 2, then: 7. Psychological Reversal tap on heel of hand “I accept myself event though I still _______” (3x) Callahan Techniques®,Ltd Via Carmel La Quinta, CA (760) FOR ORDERS CALL 1(800)359-CURE Dept. WB OR FAX Your Order to (760)

13 What is Necessary? 4. Ability to demonstrate self-regulation.
5. Ability to demonstrate self-rescue. 6. Contract (verbal) with client to address traumatic material Good Therapeutic Relationship Non-anxious presence and good prognosis from clinician.

14 Tri-Phasic Model: Remembrance & Mourning
Desensitization & Reprocessing

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