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1.  Incident reports should be written only when you are sure that a persons rights have been violated. True False  Full names of consumers should never.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Incident reports should be written only when you are sure that a persons rights have been violated. True False  Full names of consumers should never."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  Incident reports should be written only when you are sure that a persons rights have been violated. True False  Full names of consumers should never be used in an incident report (IR). Only initials and ID#s should be used. True False  Full names of staff involved in the incident should always be used True False  If you are not sure whether you should write an incident report (IR), you probably should not write it. True False  If I write an incident report (IR) about a potential rights issue, then I also need to call the Office of Recipient Rights and the case manager/supervisor to inform them of the incident True False 2

3  The purpose of an Incident Report (IR) is to report, review, evaluate and monitor unusual or unexpected incidents that occur in the course of providing services.  A communication tool between provider staff and clinical staff.  An organizational risk management tool used to evaluate any potential areas of harm, quality of care or risk is addressed  A Confidential Peer Review document 3

4  At CSTS the incident report is considered a peer review document. It will never be made a part of the consumer case record (this includes but is not limited to the IPOS, progress notes, behavior plans, etc).  At CSTS Incident Reports are considered a peer review document  It will never be a part of the case record  Is not subject to court subpoena  Disclosure or duplication of Incident Reports are absolutely prohibited 4

5  Follow licensing guidelines for distribution of Incident Reports  Once the incident report comes to CSTS, it then is part of the peer review process. 5

6  An unusual event that disrupts or adversely affects the course of treatment or care of a consumer.  Unusual events should be identified on an individual case basis and may be different based on the individual consumer needs/treatment. Incidents may include but are not limited to: behavioral incidents, medication errors, hospitalizations, use of physical intervention, consumer death, etc.  Completing an Incident Report is not a “bad” thing. We EXPECT to see them because they are a communication and risk management tool. (CMHPSM policy: Incident Reporting) 6

7  Anyone who witnesses an incident, or after the fact becomes aware of an incident MUST complete an Incident Report (IR) ◦ This includes: direct care staff, home managers, supervisors, program administrators, clinical staff, nurses and doctors ◦ Don’t wait for someone else to complete an Incident Report ◦ There should only be one incident report (IR) per consumer event. If more than one consumer is involved in an incident each consumer’s full name and ID# should be included on that incident report (IR) ◦ Multiple Incident Reports are not necessary if more than one consumer is involved in an incident. ◦ It MUST be stressed that at any point when an incident occurs, the staff MUST attend to the individual first to ensure health and safety. Once that is done, the Incident Report (IR) can be completed 7

8  What to include: ◦ Full name of consumer (do not use initials or ID #s without names) ◦ ID # ◦ Provider Name ◦ If other consumers are involved, include the full name and ID # of those folks ◦ The date, hour, location, and cause of the incident ◦ The effect of the incident on the person who was involved and the care given ◦ The names of the individuals who were notified (case manager, psychologist, ORR, family, guardian, etc) and the time of notification ◦ Clear/concise statement regarding the extent of the injuries, treatment ordered, and the disposition of the person who was involved ◦ Corrective measures that were taken to prevent the incident from happening again ◦ Must be completed and submitted within 24 hours of the incident ◦ DO NOT ENTER A CODE. THIS WILL BE DONE BY ORR ◦ IF the Incident Report is entered directly into E.II, it will automatically be forwarded to the supervisor of your agency ◦ Follow procedures of your provider agency 8

9  ALL STAFF: completes the Incident Report (IR) either using the paper version or directly into E.II. Call the Office of Recipient Rights (ORR) with any potential rights issues within 24 hours of the incident ◦ PROVIDER STAFF  If a paper version is completed, It should be written clearly, concisely and LEGIBLY. Staff send the report to their identified person within the organization to be scanned or entered into E.II within the 24 hour reporting period. E.II assumes that if the incident report (IR) is scanned that the supervisor has already signed off on the paper version. From there it is automatically routed to CSTS case manager/supports coordinator and Office of Recipient Rights.  Once an incident Report (IR) is scanned into E.II, the paper version should be shredded unless you are in a licensed setting  Follow the procedures of your provider agency 9

10 Where Does an Incident Report Go?

11  Providers: to look for quality improvement issues that may need to be addressed by the agency. (i.e. staffing patterns, training needs, supervision). Assure that all of the necessary information is included and that what happened is clear and to correct any problems that are evident Communicate issues/concerns with the clinical team 11

12  CSTS Case manager/Supports Coordinators: to look for any clinical changes in a persons health, request for additional supports, or changes to services. Coordinate with providers. Assure that all of the necessary information is included and that what happened is clear and follow up is occurring. Assure any incident report (IR) that documents emergency use of physical management is routed to either the consumer’s behavioral psychologist (if applicable) or the behavior treatment committee chairperson (if behavioral psychologist is not involved with the person). Document what happened in the clinical record. Choose a set of additional peer reviewers including supervisor. (The supervisor must be included on all incident reports (IRs). 12

13  CSTS Clinical (Psychologists/Occupational Therapists/Peer Support Specialist, RN, RD, etc) : to look for any clinical changes in a persons health, request for additional supports, or changes to services. Coordinate with Providers 13

14 14  Bob has been banging his head. There is a behavior plan in place for this. Staff document regularly on behavior logs about this behavior…does an incident report need to be written?  Bob has been banging his head. There is a behavior plan in place for this. Staff document regularly on behavior logs about this behavior. Today, Bob started biting his hand and has not done this before. Does an incident report (IR) need to be completed?

15  Susan had a med change recently and refused to take her medication. What should you be looking at in this situation? Should an incident report be written? 15

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18  Office of Recipient RightsNO  Adult Protective ServicesNO  Child Protective ServicesNO  Sentinel Event ReportingNO  Does reporting to one of the above meet the requirement for completing and Incident Report?NO 18

19  If you have questions or need assistance on how to enter an Incident Report (IR) into E.II you can contact the WCHO Help Desk: ◦ 734.544.2991 ◦  Or you can contact your supervisor for assistance 19

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21  As a provider agency, it is not my responsibility to code the incident report True False  Writing an incident report (IR) does not cover my obligation to report a potential rights violation True False  A separate incident report should be written for each consumer involved in a particular incident True False  Only initials and ID #’s of consumers should be used in incident reports (IRs) True False 21

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