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KEDC Project for Special Educator Effectiveness (Project SEE) KEDC Special Education.

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Presentation on theme: "KEDC Project for Special Educator Effectiveness (Project SEE) KEDC Special Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEDC Project for Special Educator Effectiveness (Project SEE) KEDC Special Education

2 What is Project SEE?  3 Year Professional Learning Experience  Series of  Workshops  Coaching  Middle School LBD teacher

3 3 Year Professional Learning Experience  Structuring the environment,  Classroom management,  Student engagement,  Evidence-based strategies (Math, ELA, Behavior)  IEP development

4 Project SEE Instructional Connections KEDC Project SEEA Framework for Teaching: Components of Professional Practice Domain 1: Planning & PreparationDomain 2: The Classroom EnvironmentDomain 3: InstructionDomain 4: Professional Responsibilities 1A. Knowledge of content /pedagogy 1B. Knowledge of students 1C. Instructional outcomes 1D. Knowledge of resources 1E. Designing instruction 1F. Designing Assessments 2A. Environment of respect & rapport 2B. Culture of learning 2C. Managing classroom procedures 2D. Managing classroom behaviors 2E. Organizing physical space 3A. Communicating with students 3B. Questions & discussion techniques 3C. Engaging students in learning 3D. Using assessment in instruction 3E. Flexibility & responsiveness 4A. Reflecting on teaching 4 B. Maintaining accurate records 4C. Communicating with families 4D. Participating a professional learning community 4E. Growing & developing professionally 4F. Showing professionalism Year 1 Student Engagement Modules Module 1: Scheduling X XXXX Module 2: Structuring for Success X XXX Module 3: Classroom Management X XXXXXX X Module 4: Understanding our Learners X XX XXX Module 5: Planning for Diverse Needs XXXXX X X XXXX IEP Guidance Document XXXXX XX XXX XXXXXX X Module 6: High Yield Instructional Strategies XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XX Module 7: Increasing Student Engagement Using Behavior and Academic Strategies X X X XX X X Module 8 Progress Monitoring and Data- Based Decision Making XX XX X XX X Year 2 Conceptual Building Blocks Module 1: Ratio & Proportion XXXXXX XX XXXX X XX Module 2: Algebraic Thinking Professional Learning XXXXXX XX XXXX X XX Domain 1: Planning & PreparationDomain 2: The Classroom EnvironmentDomain 3: InstructionDomain 4: Professional Responsibilities 1A. Knowledge of content /pedagogy 1B. Knowledge of students 1C. Instructional outcomes 1D. Knowledge of resources 1E. Designing instruction 1F. Designing Assessments 2A. Environment of respect & rapport 2B. Culture of learning 2C. Managing classroom procedures 2D. Managing classroom behaviors 2E. Organizing physical space 3A. Communicating with students 3B. Questions & discussion techniques 3C. Engaging students in learning 3D. Using assessment in instruction 3E. Flexibility & responsiveness 4A. Reflecting on teaching 4 B. Maintaining accurate records 4C. Communicating with families 4D. Participating a professional learning community 4E. Growing & developing professionally 4F. Showing professionalism Module 3: Geometric Thinking Training XXXXXX XX XXXX X XX Year 3 ELA Strategies Module 1: Reading Comprehension / Fluency XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX Module 2: Writing XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX Module 3: Vocabulary XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX Module 4: Communication Speaking & Listening XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX

5 Project SEE supports  KDE goal to increase the percentage of students with disabilities (SWD) scoring at or above proficient in middle school math.  TPGES to increase teacher effectiveness by building their skill sets and creating positive changes in their professional practice

6 General Timeline Application Process  Complete and submit the application to KEDC Special Education Cooperative by March 20, 2015  KEDC notification to applicants by April 6, 2015

7 General Timeline Professional Learning  Year 1 (May 2015-May 2016)  Evidence Based Instructional Strategies (Behavior, Math, ELA)  Year 2 (June 2016-May 2017)  Conceptual Building Blocks of Mathematics  Year 3 (June 2017-May 2018)  Evidence Based Instructional Strategies for ELA

8 Selection Criteria  Preference is given to applicants teaching middle school Math to students with high incidence disabilities  Preference is given to applicants from schools performing below state average in Math, but open to all applicants within the KEDC Special Ed Cooperative Region  Preference is given to applicants who agree to attend all professional learning activities, implement recommended strategies, collect data, conduct follow-up, and use technology/has access to technology

9 Participating Teacher Responsibilities  Attend the two-day kick off July 20-21, 2015 and subsequent professional learning activities  Attend the IEP guidance document training in August  Participate in monthly, job-embedded professional learning and coaching with their regional educational cooperative consultants  Create goals for implementation of evidence-based practices in their classroom based on the monthly professional learning  Assist in the collection of data to support data-based decision making to implement evidence based instructional practices  Participate in monthly virtual PLC meetings with Project SEE personnel  Serve as a resource to other special education teachers upon completion of the project

10 Administrator Responsibilities  Provide district and building level support to participating teacher(s)  Allow teachers release time for professional learning  Partner with the KEDC Special Education Consultants to ensure teacher success  Complete online survey

11 KEDC Special Education Consultant Responsibilities  Provide professional learning experiences and on-going coaching sessions throughout the course of the project  Assist teachers in identifying and setting program goals related to the evidence-based practices presented  Provide updates to all stakeholders  Provide funding for travel reimbursement and resource materials as related to the project

12 Questions????

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