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Prepared by: Christie Goddard. Course Objectives  Definitions  Values of Written Directives and Proofs  How to write policy/procedures  Building the.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: Christie Goddard. Course Objectives  Definitions  Values of Written Directives and Proofs  How to write policy/procedures  Building the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by: Christie Goddard

2 Course Objectives  Definitions  Values of Written Directives and Proofs  How to write policy/procedures  Building the Directive System  Types of Written Directives  What can be used as Proofs  Amount of Proof Needed  Guiding Principles

3 Written Directives: A Policy Procedure or Plan that is binding on the agency. Any Written document used to guide or affect agency employee’s performance. Always think of this term in the broadest context because it includes both internal and external written directives. A state or provincial law, General Order and S.O.P. could be applicable to a single standard. Proof of Compliance: Documents, logs, records or other tangible evidence that the agency is following a standard and its own written directives governing that standard. Proofs of compliance are nearly always generated with the implementation of a CALEA standard. In rare cases, the only available “proof” of compliance will be an interview or observation.

4 Written Directives −are documentation of a process and develops requirements for staff participation. Proofs of Compliance −Supports the agency for documentation. −Important when faced with litigious claims. −Confirm and develop a staff inspection process of sorts. Value of Written Directives and Proofs of Compliance

5 Proofs of Compliance −Forces agencies to test their assumptions and constantly review the documents that guide their behaviors and actions. −The search for relevant policies and proofs exposes weaknesses, strengths and those issues that are not complementary across broader policy philosophy

6 Developing Written Directives −Define the outcomes −develop resource that must be addressed −Understand the players and environment −Have processes for consistent review −Use SMEs where possible

7 Developing Written Directives −Involve legal reviews −Receive feedback from affected personnel −Make certain there is a sign-off for final approval and system of documenting revisions over time  How to write policy/procedures (Jim Brown Article)

8 Building a Directive System Related Standards: −Law Enforcement Standard 12.2.1 −Campus Security Standard 3.2.1 −Communications Standard 2.1.5 −Training Academy 3.1.6

9 Building a Directive System −Not complicated/ Easy flow −Electronic or hard copy −Easy access to all personnel −Terminology −Follow CALEA Standards for policy numbering (NOT Recommended)

10 Building a Directive System −linking to CALEA standards with footnotes −Might consider. Not a CALEA requirement −Can be helpful depending on desire to keep this current based on CALEA revisions to standards −Who is responsible for review and update − make sure system is in place and active

11 Types of Written Directives −General Orders −Special Orders −S.O.Ps −Memoranda

12 Types of Written Directives −State Statues −City Ordinance −Policies from other departments binding on agency

13 Proofs of Compliance Types of Proofs- Think outside the box −General Orders −Special Orders − S.O.Ps −Memoranda −Laws and Ordinances −Rules and Regulations

14 Proofs of Compliance Types of Proofs- Think outside the box −Job Descriptions −Labor Contracts −Correspondence (not from PM) −Photographs −Audio/Video Recordings −Rosters

15 Proofs of Compliance Types of Proofs- Think outside the box −Forms −Reports −News Articles −Budget Documents −Logs and Records −Interviews −Observations

16 Amount of Proof Needed −Initial −Policy Implementation date −Nothing prior to contact date −Not expecting three years of proofs −Reaccreditation −3 years −On-site to On-site −Appendix G

17 Bullet Standards Proofs Appendix G 1.1.1..Standard a. 2012 b. 2014 c. 2013 d. 2012 e. 2014 f.2013

18 Guidelines for Proving Compliance with Time Sensitive and Non-Time Sensitive Standards FREQUENCY REQUIRED BY DIRECTIVE AND/OR CALEA STANDARD RECOMMENDED MINIMUM IN FILE FOR EACH YEAR RECOMMENDED TOTAL MINIMUM IN FILE Per Incident13 Daily13 Monthly26 Quarterly26 Semi-Annual13 Annual13 Biennial 1*1 or 2 Every 3 Years1*1 * May not be applicable if not enough time has elapsed.


20 Success will come and go… …but integrity is forever. CALEA Accreditation provides a powerful opportunity to publicly demonstrate organizational integrity in a transparent manner that exemplifies a commitment to continuous growth and improvement through peer review.

21 Questions

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