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Careers in Health & Fitness Careers in Therapeutic Exercise

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Health & Fitness Careers in Therapeutic Exercise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Health & Fitness Careers in Therapeutic Exercise
Chapter 13 & 14 Careers in Health & Fitness Careers in Therapeutic Exercise 4/17/2017

2 Student Learning Outcomes
Familiarize yourself with the opportunities in health and fitness, & the spheres of therapeutic exercise What type of work do health and fitness professionals perform therapeutic exercise professionals perform 4/17/2017

3 Student Learning Outcomes
How is the field of health & fitness evolving in the market place What are the educational requirements & experiences necessary to become a competent health and fitness professional Does your skills fit any of these professions? 4/17/2017

4 Health & Fitness Settings
Worksite Settings Commercial Settings 4/17/2017

5 Groups If you were offering a worksite setting in wellness. What type of programs and classes would you offer? 4/17/2017

6 Health & Fitness Settings
What are Clinical Settings? What are Community Settings 4/17/2017

7 Clinical Settings 4/17/2017

8 Group Exercise Specialist
What type of skills should this person posses? 4/17/2017

9 Professional Roles in Health & Fitness
Group Exercise Instructor 4/17/2017

10 What types of classes a group instructor can teach
What types of classes a group instructor can teach? What type of Populations can they teach? 4/17/2017

11 Group Exercise Instructor

12 Fitness Instructor . 4/17/2017

13 Four Health Related Components
1. 2. 3. 4. 4/17/2017

14 Health and Fitness Counselor

15 Personal Trainer What four things you want this person to have?

16 Population Specialist – Name some

17 Health and Fitness Director

18 Multidimensional Model of Wellness

19 Multidimensional Model of Wellness

20 Health Care Provider 4/17/2017

21 Certification & Continuing Education

22 Certification & Continuing Education

23 Advice for Health and Fitness Students
Health & Fitness Counselor Group Exercise Instructor 4/17/2017

24 Advice for Health and Fitness Students
Personal Trainer Specialist 4/17/2017

25 Advice for Health and Fitness Students
Professional Health & Fitness Membership Associations NSCA

26 Careers in Therapeutic Exercise Chapter 14

27 Careers in Therapeutic Exercise Chapter 14

28 Exercise Therapy 4/17/2017

29 Habilitative Therapeutic Exercise

30 Therapeutic Exercise Settings Name them?

31 Therapeutic Exercise You can be a:

32 Important Questions to Ask Yourself
What is your favorite population? 4/17/2017

33 Professional Organizations
Athletic Trainers National Athletic Trainers' Association Canadian Athletic Therapists’ Association Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist American College of Sports Medicine American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation 4/17/2017

34 Professional Organizations
Occupational Therapist American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Physical Therapy American Physical Therapy Association, Inc. 4/17/2017

35 Professional Organizations
Strength and Conditioning National Strength and Conditioning Association NSCA Therapeutic Recreation American Therapeutic Recreation Association 4/17/2017

36 Physical Therapy Specialty Certifications

37 Study Guide for Chapter 13
Describe typical job duties for the following health and fitness positions: Pick ONE! 4/17/2017

38 Worksite Commercial Community Clinical
Identify objectives, target markets, and types of programs offered for each of the following settings: Pick ONE! Worksite Commercial Community Clinical 4/17/2017

39 How will demographics trends in the US population (aging baby boomers) affect the health and fitness professions? How will Obesity trends in the US population affect the health and fitness professions? 4/17/2017

40 Chapter 14 Study Guide Discuss similarities and differences between habilitation and rehabilitation. What skills or attributes are unique to the professions presented in this chapter/lecture Education – credentials - certifications 4/17/2017

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