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Purdah - how will this affect us? Tuesday 3 February John Considine.

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Presentation on theme: "Purdah - how will this affect us? Tuesday 3 February John Considine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purdah - how will this affect us? Tuesday 3 February John Considine

2 What we will cover today 1. An update on our work to prepare for purdah 2.What does purdah mean for Healthwatch England? 3.What impact will purdah have on local Healthwatch

3 An update on our work to prepare for purdah Early discussions with the strategy team at the Department of Health Guidance from the Local Government Association A webinar themed on purdah with local Healthwatch What’s next: the publication of a briefing to share across the network 3

4 What is purdah and what does it mean? Purdah is the period between the announcement of the General Election, and the date on which it is held All central and local government bodies must adhere to rules about how they conduct their external activity Typically begins six weeks before the scheduled election and ends when the new Government is sworn in. In the case of the forthcoming General Election and in local elections in some areas, formal notice of the Parliamentary elections will be published on 30 March 2015 and legal restrictions will apply from that date until 7 May 2015 4

5 What does purdah mean for Healthwatch England? Healthwatch England is subject to purdah We will continue with our day-to-day business of supporting the network and taking forward our projects We will not be carrying out public facing engagement. This means we will not be issuing press releases, publishing new reports or publically commenting in the media Our public facing engagement will resume once a new Government takes office 5

6 What impact will purdah have on local Healthwatch Local Healthwatch may not be subject to purdah, but it is the responsibility of each Healthwatch to establish and adhere to any restrictions in the event that it is. It is important that during the purdah period care is taken with requests for information and with any publicity work you are undertaking. If you are undertaking any direct engagement with the public in sensitive areas in the run up to and during purdah, it is advisable that you exercise caution when making public statements and ensure that all recommendations are firmly grounded in evidence. If anyone directly involved in local Healthwatch delivery is standing for election, it is essential they that declare their interest and do not make public statements on behalf of your Healthwatch.  If you are unsure about how purdah will affect you contact Democratic Services in your local authority. 6

7 Any questions? 7

8 If you have any questions, please contact: John Considine, Public Affairs Advisor: Olly Grice, Development Officer for the South: 8

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