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Standards Australia Presentation Adam Stingemore National Sector Manager Building Construction Plumbing.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards Australia Presentation Adam Stingemore National Sector Manager Building Construction Plumbing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards Australia Presentation Adam Stingemore National Sector Manager Building Construction Plumbing

2 Agenda 1.Introduction to Standards Australia 2.Organisational changes 2008 - today 3.A plumbing perspective 4.Challenges and opportunities 5.Engaging with Standards Australia

3 An Introduction to Standards Australia

4 Standards Australia – Is not part of government Does not conduct certification, surveillance or auditing Develops Standards through a consensus process Does not publish or sell the documents which we produce

5 Our Core Business Standards Development Accreditation of SDO Organisations Design Assessment & Promotion National and International Standards Co-ordination One of the world’s leading standards organisations Standards Development – developing internationally harmonised Australian Standards and other normative technical documents through expert Technical Committees. National and International Standards Information and Co-ordination – coordinating representation of Australian input into international standards development and adoption, promoting information exchange and knowledge management. Accrediting Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) – through the Accreditation Board for Standards Development Organisations (ABSDO). Design Assessment and Promotion – Principal Sponsor of the Australian International Design Awards. More than 50 years experience of benchmarking excellence in fostering design and innovation. International standards development Recognised as a major contributor to ISO / IEC & regional bodies A leading standards body in the Asia Pacific region

6 What is a Standard? –A document –Established by consensus –Approved by a recognised body –For common and repeated use –Aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order ISO/IEC Guide 2, Standardization and related activities – General vocabulary

7 Why do Standards matter

8 We don’t like desks failing ISO 21015-2007 Office furniture – durability and strength

9 We don’t like our houses to fall down… AS 1684-2010 Residential timber framed construction to name one…

10 We don’t like contaminated land… but we like protective gear if we need to manage it.. ISO 11269-2 Soil quality – Determination of the effects of pollutants AS/NZS 1716 – Respiratory protective devices

11 We like our traffic lights to work ISO CIE 16508 Road traffic lights ISO 23600 Acoustic and tactile signals for traffic lights

12 We need good standards for food ISO 22000 series – Food safety management systems

13 Organisational transformation 2008 - today

14 The Starting point –A number of government reviews –Engaged across all sectors of the economy to differing degrees –Top down, bottom up agendas – worked well, sometimes –Work programmes set by Committees –Recognition that we could work ‘smarter’ –Significant goodwill

15 Standards Australia today –Operating model settled –Standards Australia Resourced pathway  Intakes twice per year  Decisions made subject to net benefit –Externally funded pathway sits alongside SA Resourced  Funding of process, not outcome  Accelerated development through certain stages –Investing significantly in:  People  Technology  Process improvements

16 The Principles underpinning our model Openness Consensus Transparency Standards Australia Standards Development Model

17 Our focus Engagement Information Outcomes Where is our focus

18 A plumbing perspective

19 Standards development – a plumbing perspective –AS/NZS 3500 review and development  Ongoing  Policy and technical matters being addressed  Work in progress –Divestment of role managing the Watermark Certification Scheme –But It’s not only about AS/NZS 3500 and Watermark…  WELS Standards development  Product and materials Standards development  Disability access matters  Standards Australia Catalogue review –Withdraw –Reconfirm –Revise

20 Standards development – a plumbing perspective –It has never been more important to get it right –We have never had so much opportunity to get it right –The challenge is in the opportunity 3 key points: 1.Engagement 2.Capacity 3.Delivery

21 Engaging with Standards Australia Public Comment As a Technical Committee member Through nominating organisations Join our linkedin group “Standards Australia – Building and Construction” Project Proposal Process (Form) –What do you want to do? (Scope) –Why do you want to do it (Net Benefit) –What do other people think? (Consultation)


23 Thank you Adam Stingemore National Sector Manager Building | Construction | Plumbing

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