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Using svn and git with Unity and sdk

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Presentation on theme: "Using svn and git with Unity and sdk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using svn and git with Unity and sdk
Version Control Using svn and git with Unity and sdk

2 Subversion (svn)

3 Create Assembla Repo Go to
“Get started with Free Repository” Enter signup information Click “Create Account” Enter prompted information Select subversion (or git if preferred, see next section) Select repository name Go to my repository

4 Create Assembla Repo… Add Team Members Click Team tab along top
Invite new team members Search for team members to add to project

5 Create Assembla Repo… Click SVN tab along top
Use checkout URL in future steps

6 svn Checkout repository Add files Commit changes

7 Tortoise svn (windows)
Graphical tool to use SVN with on Windows

8 Create Repository Make local directory containing files to be added to repository Right-click > Import Enter repository URL Enter username and password

9 Accessing repository Create local directory
Right-click > SVN Checkout Browse/Type URL of source and destination directories Click OK, files will be copied from repository to local directory specified

10 Updating Repository Right-click directory > SVN Commit
Right-click > SVN Checkout Type message describing changes you made Click OK

11 Updating Local repository
Right-click directory > SVN Update

12 GIT

13 git Import repository Add files Commit changes to local repository
Push changes to central repository

14 Setting up Github Follow Instructions above for setting up Assembla, or create github account (below) Go to Sign up for new account Enter personal information Select free account Finish sign up

15 Setting up Github… cont
Create new repository (button) Enter name of repository Create repository

16 Setting up Github… cont
Add group members to repository Settings Collaborators Add group member as collaborator

17 Setting up Github… cont
Follow instructions on and later slides to access repository

18 Git – cloning repository
git clone project_url local_directory_name Creates a copy of git repository from ‘project_url’ into ‘local_directory_name’

19 Git – Updating git pull Gets files from repository and merges with your files git add file1 file2… etc Staged listed files to be committed to local copy of repository git commit –m “message describing changed made” Adds all files staged to be commited to local copy of repository git push Updates central repository with contents of your local repository

20 unity

21 UNity Enable Metadata:
Edit -> project settings -> editor -> version control -> visible meta files. Add ‘Assets/’ and ‘ProjectSettings/’ directories to SVN or GIT Ignore ‘Library/’ directory

22 udk

23 Udk Required Files/folders: Binaries Config Content Source
[Your_project_Name].sln [you_project_name].uproject Everything else can be ignored

24 Relevant Tutorials Unreal + git
Unreal + svn Unity+svn

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