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S5 / 6 Curricular Evening Garnock Academy. New Higher Courses (S. Duff) Tracking & Monitoring (S. Duff) English Course (G. Morris) Maths Course (A. Wilson)

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Presentation on theme: "S5 / 6 Curricular Evening Garnock Academy. New Higher Courses (S. Duff) Tracking & Monitoring (S. Duff) English Course (G. Morris) Maths Course (A. Wilson)"— Presentation transcript:

1 S5 / 6 Curricular Evening Garnock Academy

2 New Higher Courses (S. Duff) Tracking & Monitoring (S. Duff) English Course (G. Morris) Maths Course (A. Wilson) UCAS (J. Stirling) SQA Appeals (S. Duff) Closing Remarks (A. Dick) Areas for discussion

3 Step up from Nat 5 Homework / Revision should begin now Higher is Gold Standard Increased Expectations

4 New Highers introduced this year Computing & Geography remain at ‘old’ Higher English & Maths offer ‘old’ Higher to S6 Students only Both qualifications have same SCQF level and UCAS points New Higher Courses

5 Grade Tariff points Advanced Higher Higher Scottish National Certificates * Scottish Interdiscipli nary Project Ungraded Higher NPA PC Passport Core Skills** A 130 Group C 125 B 110 Group B 100 C 90 A 80 Group A 75 D 72 B A 65 60 B 55 C 50 CPass 45 42 38 D 36 35 UCAS Tariff Points

6 Similar to National 5 Courses Individual Units External Coursework External Exam Structure Of Courses

7 Targets based on prior attainment Takes into account progression statistics PT and Teacher professional judgement Pupil and parent dialogue Tracking & Monitoring

8 English Mr G. Morris

9 Faculty of Language and Literacy Faculty Expectations Course structure Assessment calendar Supported Study

10 1. Faculty Expectations Climate of high expectations Culture of independent learning Skill based environment Rigorous monitoring/tracking of attainment National 5 / Higher English

11 2. Course structure Internal UASP – Reading/Writing/Talking/Listening External Folio – Personal or Imaginative/Broadly Discursive Final examination - Reading for Understanding / Analysis / Evaluation, Textual Analysis / Critical Essay National 5 / Higher English

12 3. Assessment calendar Dates of UASP Term by term break down of skills. 4. Supported Study National 5 / Higher English

13 Maths Mr A. Wilson


15 Expectations in Maths National 5 – 236 days away Higher – 237 days away

16 National 5 has replaced... Credit Intermediate 2

17 Higher A few small changes to structure, topics and layout.

18 Expectations in Maths Work hard in class Full effort on homework Supported Study + Easter School Break and Lunch Past Papers !!!!!!!!

19 National 5




23 Higher




27 To keep you informed... Parents night Prelim feedback forms Text messages and letters

28 UCAS Mrs J. Stirling

29 SQA Appeals Mr S. Duff

30 SQA Appeals Pre Exam Exceptional Circumstance Post Result Service Clerical Check Marking Review BANDGRADESTANDARDISED MARK 1A (upper)85-100 2A (lower)70-84 3B (upper)65-69 4B (lower)60-64 5C (upper)55-59 6C (lower)50-54 7D45-49 8Fail40-44 9FailLess than 40

31 Closing Remarks Mr A. Dick

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