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about the work of the road checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»

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1 about the work of the road checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
Information about the work of the road checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)» of Vitebsk Custom House (for informing the public and media)

2 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border)

3 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border)

4 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border)

5 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) Scheme checkpoint 1,2. entry check-point 8. cash pay desk (banking services), insurance agent «Beleximgarant» 13. border service & passport control, customs control. entry to Republic of Belarus. Republican unitary enterprise «Beltamozhservis» 3. vehicle weight and dimensions measurement 4. cargo transport clearance area 9. national insurance «Belgosstrah» 5. cars (minibuses) clearance area 10. veterinary control 14. customs supervision 6. sanitation quarantine control 7. plant quarantine control 12. border service & passport control, customs control. departure from Republic of Belarus 15. oversized (off-clearance loaded) transport

6 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) Passport of the object Status: International Contiguous checkpoint: Paternieki Character of International communication: Passenger-and-freight Type of international communication: Road Operating mode: Round the clock Custom House: Vitebsk Code:

7 The capacity of the checkpoint
Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)» (Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) The capacity of the checkpoint 240 passenger cars per day 10 buses per day 250 trucks per day

8 Operating mode of customs authorities
Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)» (Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) Operating mode of customs authorities Name of organization: Customs control and clearance department №1 of Verhnedvinski customs post of the Vitebsk Custom House Operating mode: Round the clock Phone: +375-(2151) 61121 +375-(2151) 61127 Fax: Internet address: Helpline: +375-(212) +375-(212) (Round the clock)

9 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) Customs broker Name of organization : Representatives of the Republican Unitary Enterprise «Beltamozhservis» (Vitebsk branch) Operating mode: Round the clock Phone: Fax: Internet address:

10 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) Control agencies The boundary control The department of the boundary monitoring «Bigosovo-1» of military formation №2034, Grigorovschina, Verhnedvinski region, (phone./fax ) , operating mode: round the clock. The veterinary control Polotsk boundary control veterinary point «Belarusian Department of the State Veterinary Supervision of boundary and transport» of the Ministry of Agriculture and food of the Republic of Belarus, Grigorovschina, Verhnedvinski region, (phone./fax ), operating mode: round the clock. The fytosanitary control The boundary plants quarantine point «Bigosovo» - «Vitebsk Regional State Inspection on seed-growing, quarantine and protection of plants» of the Ministry of Agriculture and food of the Republic of Belarus, Grigorovschina, Verhnedvinski region, (phone./fax , operating mode: round the clock. The sanitary-quarantine control «Polotsk zone centre of hygiene and epidemiology» of the Ministry of health protection of the Republic of Belarus, Grigorovschina, Verhnedvinski region, (phone./fax , operating mode: round the clock.

11 Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)»
(Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) The insurance companies Representation of Belarusian Republican Unitary Enterprise «Belgosstrah» in Verhnedvinsk region, Grigorovschina. The head of representation Oguretskaya Tatyana Danilovna, (phone , , fax ). Operating mode: round the clock. «Beleksimgarant-Vitebsk» the branch of the Republican Unitary Enterprise «Beleksimgarant», Grigorovschina, Verhnedvinsk region. The head of branch Prokolyshenko Natalia Aleksandrovna. (phone ). Operating mode: round the clock. Banks Belarusbank, division №206/82 of Verhnedvinsk branch №214. The head of division Bolshaya Elena Il’inichna, (phone ). Grigorovschina, Verhnedvinsk region. (phone ). Operating mode: round the clock. Meal stations Not presented. Retail stores Not presented.

12 The system of green and red channels
Checkpoint «Grigorovschina (Paternieki)» (Belarusian-Latvian part of the border) The system of green and red channels In connection with the limited quantity of traffic lanes because of the reconstruction of the checkpoint «Grigorovschina» there is no system of green and red channels.

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