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0 1 STRATEGIC LOCATION, DIRECT ACCESS TO MARKETS Hume Region is one of Australia’s major food producing areas and has direct access to 68% of Australian.

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2 1 STRATEGIC LOCATION, DIRECT ACCESS TO MARKETS Hume Region is one of Australia’s major food producing areas and has direct access to 68% of Australian markets by road or rail

3 2 FOUR DISTINCT SUB REGIONS 2 Over 40,000 km 2 17% of Victoria’s total land area Proximity to capital cities and markets

4 3 COMPETITIVE BUSINESS ADVANTAGES 3 Strategic national transport routes Dynamic economy Leading companies Lower business costs Skilled and accessible workforce Transport and logistics High quality industrial land Reliable water resources

5 4 MAJOR SECTORS 4 Agriculture and food processing Manufacturing Tourism and hospitality Health and community services Freight transport and logistics Education and training

6 5 ENJOY THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE Housing choices for every lifestyle Education options A short commute Year round recreational opportunities Rich heritage and culture Welcoming communities

7 6 HUME REGION MAKE YOUR BUSINESS, OUR BUSINESS 6 Regional Development Victoria HUME 03 5722 7101

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