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Assessing Universal Church - WORLD

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1 Assessing Universal Church - WORLD

2 Assessing Local Church/Community
This term, the formally assessed theme is the UNIVERSAL CHURCH THEME – WORLD We will be formally assessing AT1 (i). The children may be informally assessed against the other strands. Each year group will assess from an activity taken from a Learning Focus in Reveal. The activities are listed over the next few slides. When planning please leave this task out. Please teach all of ‘Explore’, ‘Reveal’ (but not the task you will use for the formal assessment) then, after ‘Remember’, please formally assess using the activities indicated. This enables the children to have had opportunity to work through the topic in full to inform their assessment.

ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion AT 2 : Learning from Religion (i) beliefs, teachings and sources ii) celebration and ritual iii) social and moral practices and way of life i) engagement with own and others’ beliefs and values ii) engagement with questions of meaning and purpose CHURCH THEME SACRAMENTAL THEME CHRISTIAN LIVING THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories Recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases Recognise that people because of their religion act in a particular way Talk about their own experiences and feelings Say what they wonder about 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols Describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers Ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs Use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and symbols Give reasons for certain actions by believers Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that of others Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answer 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them Use religious terms to show an understanding of different liturgies Show understanding of how religious belief shapes life Show an understanding of how own and others’ decisions are informed by beliefs and values Engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious teaching 5 Identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise Describe and explain the meaning and purpose of a variety of forms of worship Identify similarities and differences between peoples’ responses to social and moral issues because of their beliefs Explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence them and others Demonstrate how religious beliefs and teaching give some explanation of the purpose and meaning of human life

4 Formal Assessment Summer 2015 Universal Church – World
Beliefs, Teachings and Sources Early Years: Adapt Focus Week 1 page 177, adult directed Activity 1. ‘Make a world frieze on long sheets of paper, one for land and another for under the sea. Pupils add in paint, crayon or collage different people, plants or animals in God’s world, to answer the question, ‘What did God make?’.

5 Formal Assessment Summer 2015 Universal Church – World Beliefs, Teachings and Sources
Year 1: Adapt Learning Focus 4, p185, Activity 1 and related continuous provision section. ‘Read the account of the Good Samaritan (based on Luke 10:25-37) and discuss the related questions.’ Pupils role play some aspects of the Good Samaritan (Towards Level 1) Pupils draw a picture of the story and label some aspects of the account. (Level 1) Pupils retell through their own words and pictures or storyboard the account of the Good Samaritan (Level2)

6 ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion
(i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people The children at Level 1 should recognise the story of the Good Samaritan. The children at Level 2 need to retell the story of the Good Samaritan in their own words and/or pictures.

7 Formal Assessment Summer 2015 Universal Church – World Beliefs, Teachings and Sources
Year 2: Based on Learning Focus 3 p184, New activity - use scripture, CAFOD PowerPoint ‘We are God’s Treasure’ and Background notes. Using the key questions, Pupils retell the scripture passage in their own words. (Level 2) Pupils illustrate the scripture passage, recognising how God looks after us. (Level 1) Pupils retell the scripture passage and make links to what Christians believe about how and why God looks after us - see Background notes on CAFOD website. (Level 3)

8 The children at Level 2 should retell Luke 12:27-28.
ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion (i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs The children at Level 1 should recognise the elements of Luke 12:27-28. The children at Level 2 should retell Luke 12:27-28. To achieve Level 3 children need to make links between Luke 12:27–28 and what Christians believe about how and why God looks after us.

9 Formal Assessment Summer 2015 Universal Church – World Beliefs, Teachings and Sources
Year 3: Adapt Learning Focus 1 p189, Activity 4 – support with God’s Story, PowerPoint and background notes from the CAFOD website. Pupils retell in their own words and picture the selected story about Jesus from the Content section- page 189 (Level 2). Pupils retell the selected story about Jesus making links to this story and what Christians believe – see Background notes (Level 3).

10 ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion
(i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME Recognise some religious stories Retell some special stories about religious events and people Make links between religious stories and beliefs The children at Level 1 should recognise some elements of the scripture story. The children at Level 2 should retell the scripture story in their own words and pictures. The children at Level 3 should make links between the scripture story and some Christian beliefs.

11 Formal Assessment Summer 2015 Universal Church – World Beliefs, Teachings and Sources
Year 4: Adapt Learning Focus 3 p207 – having watched the CAFOD PowerPoint about Oscar Romero, collate key facts about his life and discuss Key Question 4. Pupils use the key facts to retell the life of Oscar Romero making links to Christian beliefs (Level 3) Using key facts, pupils retell the story of Oscar Romero (Level 2).

12 ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion
(i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them To achieve a Level 2 , the pupils should retell the story of Oscar Romero. To achieve a level 3 the pupils should make links between the life of Oscar Romero and some Christian beliefs .

13 Formal Assessment Summer 2015 Universal Church – World Beliefs, Teachings and Sources
Year 5: Adapt Learning Focus 5 p211, Activity 1 - refer to this and previous scripture as well as to the CAFOD background notes. ‘Using the scripture in this session as well as previous scripture, invite the pupils to design a leaflet that could be given to people after Mass, making links between the scripture and the beliefs that Christians have concerning the care of Creation and its people.’

14 (i) beliefs, teachings and sources
CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them 5 Identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise To achieve a Level 3 the children need to make links between the scripture and Christian beliefs To achieve a Level 4 the children need to describe and show understanding of religious sources beliefs, ideas, feeling and experiences and make links between them.

15 Formal Assessment Summer 2015 Universal Church – World Beliefs, Teachings and Sources
Year 6: Adapt Learning Focus 6, p233, Activity 2 – using the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-17) and CAFOD background notes. ‘Invite the pupils to design a guide to the Beatitudes which shows their understanding of the Beatitudes, Catholic Social Teaching, their own ideas, feelings and experiences, making links between them.’

16 (i) beliefs, teachings and sources
CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them 5 Identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise To achieve a Level 3 children will be able to make links between the Beatitudes and to the beliefs that Christians have. To achieve a Level 4 children describe and show an understanding of the scripture passage, the beliefs, the ideas and feelings of Christians and make links between them.

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