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 How Social Programs meet the needs of citizens..

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1  How Social Programs meet the needs of citizens.

2  A belief about what’s important (democracy, respect, accountability, peace, etc.)  Values can change over time.  Canada’s values are based on shared values that shape laws and social programs.

3  Social programs are services provided by the government and paid for by taxes.  They aim to reduce the economic inequalities and promote the well-being of all citizens.  Social Programs can include; o Health care o Pensions for Seniors o Welfare (income assistance) o Child care o Employment insurance o Education o Affordable housing

4  Canada has a public health care system – this means that it is funded by public taxes.  United States has a private health care system – this means that individual citizens cover their own costs (health care is like a business trying to make profit)  How might decisions on social programs connect to the principles of mixed and market economies?

5 Pros & Cons of Public Health Care System Pros & Cons of Private Health Care System

6  Social programs are very tax dependent  Higher taxes result in more programs, with the goal of these programs being more effective  Lower taxes take away from social programs and put the onus on citizens to cover these costs

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