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All About the Hopewell Tribe By Anaya, Kenyetta,and Lily R.

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Presentation on theme: "All About the Hopewell Tribe By Anaya, Kenyetta,and Lily R."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About the Hopewell Tribe By Anaya, Kenyetta,and Lily R.

2 This is a picture of the Hopewell Indians farming. They farmed enough for a lot of food.

3 Food of the Hopewell Hopewell Indians were hunter and gatherers. They also farmed. They ate a typical stone-age diet, fish, and meat also berries and plants. Read more: ns_eat#ixzz1BrrNQ1U8

4 Clothing This is the clothing the Hopewell Indians wore. It was made out of Buffalo skin.

5 Interactions with others. This is a great mystery. There weren’t very many tribes around so it was basically peace.

6 Hopewell Indian mounds at Mound City in Chillicothe, Ohio is home to the Hopewell Culture National Historical Park operated by the National Park Service. This is a Hopewell burial mound.

7 Roles of Men, Women and Children We couldn’t find the roles of men and women, also children. We were guessing men were hunters. Also, maybe sometimes they taught the boys how to hunt. Women probably farmed and cooked. They probably taught the girls how to cook. Maybe farm.

8 How They Formed A group of people who believed in the culture of Hopewell came together and formed a tribe. They did have leaders. The leaders were not allowed to boss people around. They did not rule.

9 Legends The Native Americans were rich in folk tale. They also had many myths. We couldn’t find anything for the Hopewell in particular.

10 Tribe Location The tribe lived in Southern and Western Michigan. They also lived in Ohio and Indiana. They have most of their mounds in Ohio.

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