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Presentation slide 1.1 Aims of the session To provide a brief outline of the key features of the science strand of the secondary national strategy for.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation slide 1.1 Aims of the session To provide a brief outline of the key features of the science strand of the secondary national strategy for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation slide 1.1 Aims of the session To provide a brief outline of the key features of the science strand of the secondary national strategy for school improvement To introduce TAs to the Framework for Secondary Science To familiarise TAs with some of the common science misconceptions held by pupils and others To identify and correct some commonly held science misconceptions

2 Presentation slide 1.2 Principles of the national strategies Expectations Progression Engagement Transformation

3 Presentation slide 1.3 The Framework for Secondary Science provides: Yearly learning objectives for both key stages 3 and 4 The five strands of progression Framework guidance –aims –structure –progression –planning Guidance and support –the new curriculum –learning and teaching –assessment, target setting and tracking –inclusion and intervention –subject leader guidance

4 Presentation slide 1.3a Structure of the Framework for secondary science The five strands of progression: 1.How science works 2.Organisms, behaviour and health 3.Chemical and material behaviour 4.Energy, electricity and forces 5.The environment, Earth and the universe

5 Presentation slide 1.4 Characteristics of misconceptions They have been constructed from everyday experiences They may be linked to specialist language They can be personal or shared with others They explain how the world works in simple terms They may be inconsistent with science taught in schools They can be resistant to change They may inhibit further conceptual development

6 Presentation slide 2.1 Aims of the session To outline different roles the TA might take in a science lesson To discuss ways TAs can workin a science lesson To signal the importance of liaison between the teacher and the TA To raise awareness of issues arising with practical activities To indicate where to get advice on practical aspects of science

7 Presentation slide 2.2 Ways of working Working with individuals Working with groups of pupils Working at times with groups other than those designated for support Team teaching Working with the rest of the class while the teacher works with a small group Acting as a scribe Observing and recording pupils’ responses Providing help and guidance with practical work

8 Presentation slide 2.3 Supporting pupils Prompt shy/reticent pupils Draw teacher’s attention to pupils who want to make a response Encourage Help pupils to use resources Act as a scribe Ensure instructions are followed Help pupils with practical work Help to manage the task Troubleshoot and pre-empt problems Improving learning Rephrase Note difficulties and progress made Ask questions

9 Presentation slide 2.4 Why question? To check knowledge To stimulate recall To interest, engage and challenge To focus thinking To extend thinking To lead pupils through a planned sequence To promote pupils’ thinking on how they have learnt

10 Presentation slide 2.5 What TAs need to know Lesson plan to include: learning objectives expected learning outcomes for the pupils to be supported activities – what pupils will be doing health and safety risk assessment what assessments of pupils’ achievements need to be made

11 Presentation slide 2.6 Healthy and safe working The employer has the duty of setting up a system of policies and procedures to ensure safe working All employees must cooperate with the employer and follow these instructions Everybody should exercise common-sense care for others TAs should provide a role model of good practice for pupils

12 Presentation slide 2.7 Suggested school-based activities Observe a lesson Discuss particular procedures with relevant teachers Draw map of areas where intending to work Consider the need for background reading Discuss ‘what ifs’ Collect relevant school health and safety documentation and read it Complete the induction checklist and internalise the personal assessment sheet Identify sources of further information and advice

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