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Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Genesis 4:8-12. Introduction This passage records the first acts of worship Cain and Abel both brought sacrifices to God Abel’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Genesis 4:8-12. Introduction This passage records the first acts of worship Cain and Abel both brought sacrifices to God Abel’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Genesis 4:8-12

2 Introduction This passage records the first acts of worship Cain and Abel both brought sacrifices to God Abel’s was accepted but Cain’s was rejected Abel’s was by faith, Cain’s was not- Heb. 11:4 Cain became very angry God encouraged and warned Cain- V7 But he allowed his anger to develop into jealousy and later murdered his brother- I Jn. 3:12

3 God’s Question He asked Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?”- V9 God knew what Cain had done He gave him an opportunity to confess his sin But Cain chose to try to hide it Nothing we think or do is hidden from God- Heb. 4:13 He answered with a lie- “I do not know.” He denied knowing where his brother was

4 Cain’s Question-1 Then Cain asked God a question “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Provided instead of the truth Cain’s question implied that he was not his brother’s keeper And had no responsibility toward Abel It was also an insolent question to the Almighty It suggested that God’s expectation was inappropriate

5 Cain’s Question-2 God’s answer showed that He knew about Cain’s sin- v. 10 He didn’t give a direct answer, but pronounced Cain’s punishment- v. 11 God was merciful to Cain The answer is provided in the scriptures There are many different teachings on this subject in the Bible Let us examine some of them

6 Who Is A Keeper? One who watches, observes or guards Like a shepherd keeps sheep Those specifically appointed to be keepers 1. Prophets- Ezek. 3:17 2. Elders of the church- Heb. 13:17 But all christians have a duty to be keepers We bear a responsibility to our brothers and sisters in Christ and also to our neighbors- Gal. 6:10

7 Areas in which We Are Not Our Brother’s Keeper-1 1.We are not the keepers of our brother’s will We are not to try to force others to do right Or make decisions for them We must each make our own choices And bear the consequences of them I can advise and encourage a brother to obey God’s word But I cannot make decisions for my brother

8 Areas in which We Are Not Our Brother’s Keeper-2 2. We are not the keepers of our brother’s conscience We shouldn’t expect others to share all our convictions of right and wrong And make the same decisions we would make The Roman Christians had different ideas about eating meats and observing days- Rom. 14:2 & 5 Each one must act in harmony with his own conscience- Rom. 14:23

9 Areas in which We Are Not Our Brother’s Keeper-3 3. We are not the keepers of all our brother’s responsibilities We all bear two types of burdens Some we can and should help others bear- Gal. 6:2 Others each must bear for himself or herself- V5 We can’t worship, study, pray and visit for others Nor can we fulfill others’ duty in local church These are the individual’s responsibilities And each will give account for them- Rom. 14:12

10 Responsibilities to Our Brother-1 1. To love our brother- I Jn. 4:21 A badge of discipleship- Jn. 13:35 Involves doing to him what we want done to us- Mt. 7:12 And seeking what is best for him as determined by God’s word 2. To help him when he is in need- I Jn. 3:17 3. To pray for our brother- Jas. 5:16 Whatever his problem may be- III John 2

11 Responsibilities to Our Brother-2 4. To be willing to teach him God’s will by word and example- Acts 8:4 & Matt. 5:16 This applies to our neighbor also 5. To encourage and edify him- Rom. 14:19 One purpose of public worship- I Cor. 14:26 6. To rebuke those who sin against us and forgive all who repent- Lk. 17:3 7. To try to restore unfaithful brothers and sisters- Gal. 6:1

12 In Conclusion Yes, we are our brother’s keeper We have many responsibilities toward others Both Christians and non-Christians Let us be sure that we fulfill all of them The Lord will evaluate our efforts as a “keeper” of our bother- Mt. 25:40 & 45 Are you bearing your individual burden of responsibility? Can we assist you in coming to Christ?

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