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Welcome to The Learning Tree and The Greenspan Floortime Approach ®

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1 Welcome to The Learning Tree and The Greenspan Floortime Approach ®
by Jake Greenspan and Tim Bleecker The Floortime Center®

2 The DIR Model “D” =Developmental “I” =Individual Differences “R” =Relationship-based

3 Functional Developmental Capacities Developmental Profile of the Child
The DIR Model Functional Developmental Capacities The Nine Developmental Milestones Developmental Profile of the Child Individual Differences Sensory modulation and processing Motor Planning and sequencing Auditory processing Visual-spatial processing Relationships- Caregiver/Child interactions and family patterns

4 DIR Model: The Learning Tree

5 Trunk: Development The 9 Functional Emotional Developmental Milestones
1. Staying calm and regulated, and shared attention. 2. Engagement and relatedness 3. Basic Intentional interaction and communication, 5-10 circles of communication. 4. Problem solving, co-regulated interactions with a continuous flow. 5. Creative and meaningful use of ideas and words. 6. Building logical bridges between ideas. 7. Multi-causal, comparative thinking. 8. Grey area thinking 9. Reflective thinking off an internal standard.

6 Roots: Individual Differences
Motor Development Motor Planning and Sequencing Gross and Fine motor Balance and Coordination Auditory/Language Processing Expressive and Receptive Visual-Spatial Processing Tracking and Scanning Visual Thinking Sensory Modulation and Processing Over- and under- reactive sensory systems Vestibular and proprioceptive systems

7 Relationships Caregiver/Child interactions and family patterns
Teacher/Child interactions Therapist/Child interactions All caregivers must reflect on self What type of individual am I? How do I react to different emotions? Does child act differently around me?

8 Establish a Positive Relationship
Have Fun! Show interest and enthusiasm in child’s interests Listen, don’t judge or lecture Sympathize and Empathize

9 The Greenspan Floortime Approach Fundamentals
Follow the Lead Challenge Expand

10 Work on Regulation and the first three Developmental Milestones
1. Shared Attention 2. Engagement and relatedness 3. Basic Intentional interaction and communication, (5-10 circles of communication)

11 Being calm and regulated
Sensory and emotional systems, staying calm and regulated Be aware of hyper sensitivities and sensory needs, both can limit attention and “disregulate” a child. Emotional inputs and needs can also “disregulate” and limit attention. We can use the two systems to balance each other.

12 working on shared attention
Follow the child’s lead Observe what the child is doing and do it with them Join their activity Use motivating interests, activities and objects, to harness the emotional interest of the child

13 Engagement and relatedness
Affect Using personal emotional energy, in the form of gesturing and vocalizing, to show interest in the child or the activity the child is involved in, to increase the child’s eye contact and gesturing with us. Playful obstruction Playfully using affect and creating obstacles in the form of physical obstructions to make the child acknowledge your presence.

14 Basic intentional interaction and communication (5-10 circles)
Sensory play Use sensory pleasures to help the child enjoy relating and interacting, ex: deep pressure, swinging, spinning, etc. Playing dumb Playfully pretend that you don’t know how to do something or what the child is expecting. This will entice the child to use more circles of communication and interaction to get you to do something for them.

15 Work on developmental milestone 4
4. Social Problem solving, co-regulated interactions with a continuous flow

16 Social problem solving, co-regulated interactions with a continuous flow
Create problems that need to be solved using many circles of interaction. Take simple interactions and create extra circles. Create interesting barriers/obstacles to your child’s goals. Always change the problem and the solution within the same activity, so that your child is always learning something new. Be aware of your child’s level of frustration as it builds when we challenge. Sometimes you will need to step back and calm your child before they can complete the problem.

17 Work on developmental milestone 5
5. Creative and meaningful use of ideas and words -Simple and Complex

18 Simple creating and using ideas
Help your child use ideas by fostering situations in which needs and desires are expressed. Remember WAA (Words, Action, Affect): Always combine your words or ideas with your affect (expressed feelings) and actions. Initially, encourage your child’s imagination by staging familiar interactions during pretend play. Challenge the use of new plot twists. Ex: challenge his stuffed animals to feed each other, hug, kiss, cook, or go off to the park and play.

19 Complex Creating and expressing Ideas
Encourage more developed use of ideas, in reality and fantasy, and with emotions. Follow your child’s lead and help him build more ideas by challenging him to expand what he is saying or playing. Give your child choices about where to go or what to do. Encourage opinions, not facts

20 Work on Developmental Milestone 6
6. Building logical bridges between ideas answering W questions, having logical back and forth conversations

21 Building bridges between ideas and logical thinking
Challenge your child with open-ended questions; those beginning with “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how”. Provide possible multiple-choice answers if your child ignores or avoids responding to your open-ended questions. Throw in some silly possibilities for him to consider. If his thinking becomes a little piecemeal or fragmented, get your child to be logical by acting confused yourself. Work on your child’s opinions, not facts. (If you know the answer, it is a fact)

22 Developmental Milestones 7, 8, and 9
7. Multi-causal, comparative thinking 8. Grey-area thinking 9. Reflective thinking off an internal standard

23 Multi-causal, comparative thinking
Ask for multiple reasons “why”? Compare and contrast things: A vs. B Have them place ideas and interests in a hierarchy of importance.

24 Grey Area Thinking Moving away from polarized thinking (all or nothing thinking); finding a middle ground Understand gradations, degrees, and magnitudes of things, like feelings

25 Reflective thinking off an internal standard
Get your child to express opinions about their own behavior and feelings. “I’m angrier than I usually am, in this situation.”

26 The Greenspan Floortime Approach ® Level 1 Certification
We will be accepting applications for a hands on Greenspan Floortime Certification course. 6 hours of webinars to review DIR analysis 2-3 days hands on coaching by The Floortime Center directors Jake Greenspan and Tim Bleecker. Once Trainees show proficiency in The Greenspan Floortime Approach they will be allowed to provide The Greenspan Floortime Approach to the children they work with.

27 The Floortime Center® Contact Information: 4827 Rugby Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: (301) Website:

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