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Mergent FISD Antti Alakiuttu Department of Finance.

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1 Mergent FISD Antti Alakiuttu Department of Finance

2 Mergent FISD Mergent, Inc. A provider of business and financial information on publicly and privately listed companies Descriptive and fundamental information Pricing and corporate action data Terms and conditions data on corporate and municipal bonds –One of most detailed and used fixed- income data sources

3 Mergent FISD Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD) A comprehensive database of publicly offered U.S. bonds for academics U.S. corporate and U.S. government From short- to long-term –i.e., notes and bonds Over 140,000 issues A source of asset characteristics

4 Mergent FISD CUSIP based Data/information of issue can be combined to other datasets by using the CUSIP-number of an issue. Issuer data Name, Industry, funding structure data, etc.

5 Mergent FISD Issue data For example, Name Issue type –Convertible, preferred, junior, senior, etc. Issue size Credit rating –Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s, Fitch, and Duff and Phelps Coupon –Rate, type, etc.

6 Articles using FISD data Cici, Gibson, and Merrick (2011, JFE) Credit rating, coupon rate, maturity date, and issue size Merging FISD data with Morningstar’s holdings data using bond CUSIPs. Cici and Gibson (2012, JFQA) Credit rating, coupon rate, maturity date, issue size, but also one source of price data FISD contains bond trades done by insurance companies

7 Articles using FISD data Bessembinder, Kahle, Maxwell, and Xu (2009, RFS) Use FISD coupon data to calculate accrued interest for TRACE bonds Also issue size, credit rating, time to maturity

8 How I have used FISD? Convertible bond identification Credit rating Coupon rate Issue size Time to maturity

9 Sources: datasets/fisd/ datasets/fisd/ Cici G, Gibson S & Merrick Jr. JJ (2011). Missing the marks? Dispersion in corporate bond valuations across mutual funds. Journal of Financial Economics 101(1), 206- 226. Cici G & Gibson S (2012). The performance of corporate- bond mutual funds: Evidence based on security-level holdings. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 41 (1), 159-178.

10 Sources: Bessmbinder H, Kahle K, Maxwell W & Xu D (2009). Measuring abnormal bond performance. Review of Financial Studies 22 (10), 4219-4259.

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