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People of the 1800’s. Research / Presentation 1.) Research biographical information with emphasis on historical significance/contribution 2.) Prepare.

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Presentation on theme: "People of the 1800’s. Research / Presentation 1.) Research biographical information with emphasis on historical significance/contribution 2.) Prepare."— Presentation transcript:

1 People of the 1800’s

2 Research / Presentation 1.) Research biographical information with emphasis on historical significance/contribution 2.) Prepare speech about your person in FIRST PERSON~ you are taking on their persona **3x5 cards** (Not a formal essay) **Bibliography** 3.) Prepare a power point OR a poster board to be used during your presentation 4.) Costume = Extra Points

3 Speech Must include… Childhood – birthplace, family any difficulties to overcome… Adult Life – family, profession… Physical description & personality Accomplishments – Why is this person famous? (or infamous?) What is the significance of this person’s life in our history? Times – What was life like, especially regarding his or her importance in history? Death – any unusual circumstances? **QUOTE –

4 You will be turning in… Research print outs –(NO WIKIPEDIA) –Two sources MINIMUM Bibliography -MLA Format (Two sources MINIMUM) 3x5 cards with speech (2-3 minutes) Poster board OR Power point (email or flash drive)

5 THE WEST Wyatt Earp Annie Oakley Wild Bill Hickok INVENTORS Samuel Morse Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Lewis Howard Latimer Granville Woods Charles Goodyear Henry Ford ARTISTS/ACTORS Frederick Remington Charles Russell Sarah Bernhardt RAILROADS Leland Stanford George Westinghouse George M. Pullman BUSINESS Cornelius Vanderbilt John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie J. Pierpont Morgan LABOR Samuel Gompers Terence V. Powderly Eugene V. Debs

6 NEWSPAPERS Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst Lincoln Steffens Ida Tarbell Jacob Riis IMMIGRATION Emma Lazarus Grace Abbot Julia Clifford Lathrop CITIES / BUILDING Jane Addams Elisha Otis William Le Baron Jeremy Louis Sullivan MILITARY Charles M. Young REFORMS John Dewey Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver W.E.B. Du Bois WRITERS James Fenimore Cooper Nathaniel Hawthorne Mark Twain Noah Webster Louisa May Alcott Upton Sinclair

7 NATIVE AMERICAN BATTLES Red Cloud William Cody Crazy Horse Black Kettle Sitting Bull George Custer Geronimo Helen Hunt Jackson POLITICIANS *James B. Weaver *Grover Cleveland *William Jennings Bryan *William McKinley *Robert La Follette (“Fighting Bob”)

8 Others… You can submit your own choice for APPROVAL *Must be someone with historical/social significance to America in the late 1800’s. *All topics must be confirmed with Mrs. Maturo by Wed., 5/27

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