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Qualtrics in Higher Education Orlando Leon Head of Operations, Academic Computing Services, Stanford Libraries October 30, 2014 A C ASE S TUDY OF I NNOVATING.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualtrics in Higher Education Orlando Leon Head of Operations, Academic Computing Services, Stanford Libraries October 30, 2014 A C ASE S TUDY OF I NNOVATING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualtrics in Higher Education Orlando Leon Head of Operations, Academic Computing Services, Stanford Libraries October 30, 2014 A C ASE S TUDY OF I NNOVATING B USINESS P ROCESSES AND S YSTEMS

2 Overview Business Case for Enterprise Survey Tool Analysis Usage Statistics Innovative Use Cases Future

3 Business Case for Enterprise Survey Tool Should we purchase and support Qualtrics as an enterprise solution for the Campus? Should UCSF decide on a single solution for all survey needs? Should UCSF rationalize availability and support of existing survey solutions currently within the Campus?

4 Business Case for Enterprise Survey Tool: Considerations In conversations with stakeholders (likely survey users—SON, SOM MedEd, Nursing PI, SOM TAC), people asked us to consider:  Product Features  External/Vendor Support  Internal Product Ownership  Integration with Existing Systems  Total Cost of Ownership  Expertise in Survey Design vs Knowledge of the Technology

5 Analysis: Sample Use Cases Encountered Education  Student Learner Survey  Evaluation  Feedback  Registration Research  Radiology Orthopedics Study  mOst Survey Tool –ATHENA –Clinical Trial Qualification Surveys –Research Questionnaires

6 Analysis: Additional Use Cases Encountered Administrative  Polls  Voting  Usability Satisfaction/Feedback Surveys  Interview Candidate Feedback Clinical  Nursing PI Surveys  Patient Satisfaction

7 Analysis: Existing Survey Tools Currently supported by Primary UseCosts Checkbox SOM ISU, SOM EdTech Surveys for education and some one-off surveys for SOM TCO $7600/year for unlimited users RedCap Cancer Center & ITS ARS Clinical research or by individual PI’s who need to store ePHI Unknown, but it is an open-source product Salesforce SOM ISUAthena, Nursing Performance Improvement Group Project-based SurveyMonkey Ad-hocSimple surveys$780/user/year for highest level of support Zoomerang NursingAlumni outreach$599/user/year

8 Analysis: Qualtrics Strengths Able to collect ePHI SSO integration with MyAccess/Shibboleth Mobile versions of surveys “out of the box” Offline Survey Tool* Integration with Salesforce objects Supports 48 languages ADA compliance-checking tool Panels Triggers Robust user/group/organization/library features Programmatic interface (REST/Javascript) Training and Support

9 Analysis: Scope of License The term of the license for the Qualtrics Software is one year, beginning January 16, 2012 and includes an unlimited number of surveys. The Qualtrics license may be used by academic areas within University of California San Francisco for projects that are academic in nature. Academic projects may serve research (instructional or academic) and administrative purposes. The license may not be used for purely corporate or "for-profit" purposes. Such corporate projects would include purely clinical and patient related surveys that are not related to academic research. Affiliated hospital and clinics may purchase Qualtrics access according to Qualtrics corporate pricing model. A 10% discount will be applied to any license purchased for corporate purposes.

10 Selling the Idea of Cloud-based Surveys “Easy enough for an intern, sophisticated enough for a PhD.”


12 Current Usage Statistics Campus License: January 2012 (Announced Summer 2012) Users: 1383 Divisions: 49 Groups: 29 Surveys: 6261 Auditable Responses: 243,099 (as of Fall 2013)

13 Innovative Use Cases Shared Asset Libraries Among Departments Customizable Reports with Live Updates (link)link Accreditation Review Objectives Collection of Data (ie pictures, homework, quizzes, research materials) Student Elections Event Badge Scanning

14 Innovative Use Cases Online Form Integration (ie Drupal) Dynamic Classroom or Meeting Polling with Live Results with Mobile Devices (ie Clickr) Service Checklist (ie onboarding, change control, surgery, etc) Shopping List with Pictures (ie shopping list) Service Tracking (ie quick questionnaire for front-line staff) Decommissioning of FileMaker Pro Web Forms Interview Evaluations

15 Innovative Use Cases Service Requests (ie. computer/supply purchase requests, etc) Branded Customer Service Feedback forms Integration within Web Applications using Custom REST API Calls (ie SLR) Collaboration without Sharing Passwords Collaboration Outside of UCSF Panels and SSO-based Contextual Information Quizzes and Learning Evaluation Annual Evaluations (ToC) Offline Response-Gathering

16 Future Funding Working with Limitations  Enhancements Offline Respondent Use Cases Deeper Integrations with Salesforce Research Use Cases User Conference – February 2014

17 Demo

18 Questions?


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