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Entertainment Education Components of Successful Campaign Design.

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2 Entertainment Education Components of Successful Campaign Design

3 Goals & Objectives Terms Terms Social marketing approaches Social marketing approaches Analytical literature Analytical literature Lessons learned Lessons learned



6 Terms Social marketing = process for designing health-promotion interventions that utilizes techniques drawn from commercial advertising, market research and the social sciences. Social marketing = process for designing health-promotion interventions that utilizes techniques drawn from commercial advertising, market research and the social sciences.

7 Terms Social marketing Social marketing –Defines its objectives (beliefs, values, practices) –Identifies target audience –Uses audience research to position project –Positions objectives in terms of benefits offered to target audience –Channels message through mass media

8 Key Design Principles Address environmental factors & social norms (as well as behavioral issues) Address environmental factors & social norms (as well as behavioral issues) Involve key gatekeepers Involve key gatekeepers Involve target audience Involve target audience Conduct media advocacy Conduct media advocacy Pretest messages Pretest messages Provide support networks & training Provide support networks & training Plan evaluation Plan evaluation Israel, R., Nagano, R. (1997). Promoting Reproductive Health for Young Adults through Social Marketing & Mass Media. Newton: Educational Development Center.

9 Social Marketing Approaches ObjectiveIntervention Raising awareness Mass media Increasing knowledge Environmental media Changing beliefs & attitudes Interpersonal education Changing behavior Product marketing Changing social norms Community mobilization Media advocacy

10 Model Campaigns Philippines Multi-Media Campaign for Young People Philippines Multi-Media Campaign for Young People Profamilia Mass Media Campaigns (Columbia) Profamilia Mass Media Campaigns (Columbia)


12 Philippines Campaign for Young People Target audience Target audience –Teenagers Goals Goals –Promote responsible sexual behaviors »Improve acceptance of safe sex »Improve approval of condoms »Increase number of teenagers using condoms

13 Philippines Campaign for Young People Strategy Strategy –Enter-educate –Popular songs –Telephone hotline


15 Project Impact “Dial-a-Friend” Hotline survey (n = 22,285) “Dial-a-Friend” Hotline survey (n = 22,285) –92% of callers recalled the song “I Still Believe” by Menudo & Lea Solonga –70% correctly interpreted message –51% said it influenced their behavior »25% said they sought info about contraceptives


17 PROFAMILIA Colombia Colombia Target audience Target audience –Young men 15-25 –Pharmacy owners Goals Goals –Increase awareness of temporary contraceptive methods among sexually active teens –Increase sales of Tahiti brand condoms –Increase pharmacists’ knowledge & sales of Tahiti condoms

18 Project Strategy Formative Research Formative Research –Method »Focus groups –Goal »Identify basis & marketing strategy to promote temporary family planning among potential users, retailers and distributors

19 Understanding Target Audience VariableSignificance Age Developmental level affects health, interests, etc. Gender Differences in attitudes Income Affects risk Ethnicity Cultural norms affect beliefs & message reception

20 Understanding Target Audience VariableSignificance Education Affects access & comprehension Family Lack of social support increases risk Geographic status Lifestyle can affects behavior & campaign strategy

21 Understanding Target Audience VariableSignificance Psychographics Social norms, beliefs, willingness to try new things, fears, dreams Affinity group Who do they associate with? KAP Knowledge, attitudes & practices Media use Determines campaign strategy

22 Project Strategy Results of formative research Results of formative research »Young men not concerned with family size, birth spacing or maternal/infant health »Young men wanted free lifestyle Campaign strategy Campaign strategy –4 radio spots –15 stations –Campaign message »“keep being free, use Tahiti condoms”

23 Project Impact Tahiti condom sales increased 77% Tahiti condom sales increased 77% –Sales remained higher than pre-campaign levels for at least 6 months Men intending to use condoms increased Men intending to use condoms increased –1.7% to 3.8% Men believing condoms are safe increased Men believing condoms are safe increased –24.5% to 42%

24 Lessons Learned Situation analysis Situation analysis –Analyze health needs of target audience –Review epidemiological trends –Identify key factors affecting objectives –Understand target audience (beliefs, values) –Establish project objectives –Develop messages & materials that appeal to audience –Look at attitudes of stakeholders

25 Use Models of Behavior Change Create positive socio-cultural environment Create positive socio-cultural environment Use reinforcing channels of communication Use reinforcing channels of communication –Mass media –Peer education

26 Use Models of Behavior Change Tailor messages Tailor messages –Role models –Skills –Give sense of control, empowerment Provide access Provide access –Product marketing –Services marketing

27 Project Infrastructure Pre-testing Pre-testing –Pre-test messages and materials Training Training –Set up programs to train staff to facilitate audience participation Media advocacy Media advocacy –Connect w/ media players Social mobilization Social mobilization

28 Implementation, Monitoring & Management Organizational issues Organizational issues Resource allocation Resource allocation Monitoring & supervision Monitoring & supervision

29 Evaluation Research Assess the extent to which desired outcomes or objectives achieved. Assess the extent to which desired outcomes or objectives achieved. Can include: Can include: –Evaluation of effectiveness of the implementation process (process evaluation or monitoring) –Assessment of validity of conceptual model –Assessment of impact

30 Measures Process variables Process variables –Reach –Frequency –Product sales or access to services Impact variables Impact variables –KAP –Behavior change –Health status –Social norms

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