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Design of Components of Francis Turbine

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1 Design of Components of Francis Turbine
P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Detailing to Infuse Reaction….

2 Specific speed in rpm P in hp & H in meters


4 Selection of Speed of A Turbo Machine
Zp : Number of pairs of poles of the generator

5 Design of Any Selected Francis Turbine Unit
Different capacities for each sub-group. Design for Normal Head. Assume an overall efficiency: 94 – 96% Calculate the required flow rate.

6 General Layout of A Hydro Power Plant
Power Tunnel: Diameter: 15000mm Length= 746m Slope= 1 in 120 Actual velocity: 5.563m/s

7 Power Tunnel Channel Bed Slope

8 Penstock : Consider Velocity equal to Actual Site Velocity

9 Estimate net Head available at the inlet turbine casing
Pipe Material Absolute Roughness, e micron (unless noted) drawn brass 1.5 drawn copper commercial steel 45 wrought iron asphalted cast iron 120 galvanized iron 150 cast iron 260 wood stave 0.2 to 0.9 mm concrete 0.3 to 3 mm riveted steel 0.9 to 9 mm Estimate net Head available at the inlet turbine casing

10 Dimensions of Guide Vane Wheel
Group NO. Unit Size MW Degree of Reaction, % Dpenstock m Vpenstock m/s Head loss 1 135.9 35 2 40 3 45 4 203.9 5 6

11 Design of Spiral Casing
dpenstock Rcasing Q Risv Inlet to Stay vanes

12 Runner Guide vanes Ring Stay vanes Ring

13 Design of the Guide Vanes How to choose the guide vane angle aegv at full load


15 Specifications of Guide Vanes
Slow Runner: Ns=60 to 120 Begv/Dmgv=0.033 – 0.04 Normal Runner: Ns = 120 – 180 Begv/Dmgv=0.125 to 0.25 Fast Runner: Ns = 180 to 300 Begv/Dmgv=0.25to 0.5 L: length of vane L=15 to 30% of Degv

16 Dimensions of Guide Vane Wheel
Group NO. Unit Size MW Degree of Reaction, % Digv, m Degv, m Bgv, m 1 135.9 35 2 40 3 45 4 203.9 5 6

17 Design of the Guide Vane Outlet Angle
The outlet angle can be calculated by assuming a vortex from the flow in the gap between the runner and the guide vanes rigv Begv regv Select appropriate value of n



20 Design of the Details of Stay Vanes
Theory of Relatively Whirling flow: Bisv rinlet Stay Vane Besv rexit stay Vane






26 At any angle q, the radius of casing is:
A full spiral is generally recommended for high head 300m, semi-spiral is recommended for low heat <50m. In general k =1.0, however corrected using CFD.

27 Performance of Casing : Loss of Total Pressure
Rcasing Risv dpenstock Q The losses in the spiral casing as a sum f distributed losses and the exit losses

28 Friction losses Friction losses in the spiral casing and stay vanes Guide vane losses Gap losses Runner losses Draft tube losses

29 Number of Guide/stay Vanes
Ns Z=8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 <200 Dge,mm <250 >1700 >200 <300 >2100

30 Validation of the Guide Vanes Design Degree Overlapping of the guide vanes
High Overlap Low Overlap

31 Specifications of Guide Vanes
L: length of vane L=15 to 30% of Degv

32 Minimum Number of Guide/stay Vanes
Ns Z=8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 <200 Dge,mm <250 >1700 >200 <300 >2100

33 The Runner

34 Velocity triangles rri rre Uri Vwi Vri Vfi Vai Ure Vwe Vre Vfe Vae bi
be ae

35 Water particle Water from spiral casing

36 Diameter of guide vane shaft Vs Runner Inlet Diameter

37 Design of the Runner Vanes How to choose the number of vanes
The number of guide vanes has to be different from the number of runner vanes.

38 Ub Vwi Vai Vfi Vri Ub Vwi Vai Vfi Vri Vwi Ub Vai Vfi Vri

39 Inlet Velocity Triangles Vs Ns
Low Specific Speed : Slow Francis Runner Vwi Vai Vfi

40 Inlet Velocity Triangles Vs Ns
Low Specific Speed : Normal Francis Runner Vwi Vai Vfi

41 Inlet Velocity Triangles Vs Ns
High Specific Speed : Fast Francis Runner Vwi Vai Vfi

42 Specifications of Runner
Slow Runner: Ns=60 to 120 ai = 150 to 250 Kui = 0.62 to 0.68 bi = 900 to 1200 Bgv/Dmgv=0.04 – 0.033 Normal Runner: Ns = 120 – 180 ai = 250 to 32.50 Kui = 0.68 to 0.72 bi = 900 Bgv/Dmgv=0.125 to 0.25 Fast Runner: Ns = 180 to 300 ai = to 37.50 Kui = 0.72 to 0.76 bi = 600 to 900 Bgv/Dmgv=0.25to 0.5

43 Velocity triangles rri rre 13o < be < 22o Uri Vwi Vri Vfi Vai
Ure Vwe Vre Vfe Vae bi ai be ae 13o < be < 22o

44 Design for Maximum Power

45 Net Positive Suction Head, NPSH

46 NPSH required

47 Dimensions of the outlet
13o < be < 22o 1,05 < a < 1,15 0,05 < b < 0,15 Highest value for highest head

48 Remaining head to be used :
Extra head to be converted into kinetic energy: Preferred Exit Velocity Triangle: DRI DRE 13o < bRE < 22o

49 Available Inlet velocity Triangle

50 Runner Design

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