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An Improved Teaching and Learning Module of Chinese Medicine On-site Field Trip Combing with On-line Moodle Dr Yibin Feng 冯奕斌博士 Associate Professor School.

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Presentation on theme: "An Improved Teaching and Learning Module of Chinese Medicine On-site Field Trip Combing with On-line Moodle Dr Yibin Feng 冯奕斌博士 Associate Professor School."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Improved Teaching and Learning Module of Chinese Medicine On-site Field Trip Combing with On-line Moodle Dr Yibin Feng 冯奕斌博士 Associate Professor School of Chinese Medicine The University of Hong Kong

2 Background Chinese Medicine on-site Field Trip On-site fieldtrip started in 2003 Learn and identify herbal plants in the wilds

3 Studying Chinese herbal and folk medicines in the wild

4 Studying Chinese medicines in local market

5 Challenge of Current Field Trip Teachers are difficult to make sure each student devotes himself into the field trip study due to the increasing number of students joining the course; Perception and knowledge could be only provided at the particular sites during the field trip, it was very difficult for students themselves to review what they have learnt during filed trip; It is not feasible to evaluate the learning output of students after the field trip.

6 Combine On-site Fieldtrip and On-line Moodle Moodle will go through the process of fieldtrip learning; Enhance the interaction between teachers and students; Provide various assessment methods. +

7 Moodle E-Learning Contents in Moodle Platform Atlas of Chinese Medicine Herbal Plants Students herbal picture sharing Self-test exercise

8 Section 1: Course Review This section provide course information and preparation material for field trip. 100 herbal plants were listed in the handbook with pictures and description. The handbook can be downloaded and carried out by the students for an on-site study, such as identifying herbal plants according to the given pictures and taking notes during fieldtrip.

9 Section 2: Warm-up Test Quizzes for herbal plants and dry herbs identification were design in this section. The documented pictures from previous field trip were used in this section. The quizzes were just used for preparing field trip, not for course assessment.

10 Section 3: Atlas for Herbal Plants The atlas included a list of 100 common use herbal plants, standard high quality pictures of fresh plants and correspondent pictures of dried herbs, and description of each herb. The documented pictures from previous field trip were used in this section. Some pictures were changed according to the actual study in field trip.

11 Section 4: Field Trip Herbal Picture Sharing A database “Herbal Picture Sharing” was set up and improved after testing and testers’ feedback. In his section, students may upload their herbal pictures collected in field trip and add description. Teachers and other students may also give comments to each picture.

12 Section 5: Herbal Plant Identification Exercise In this section, 3 sets of herbal plant identification exercises were provided. The drag-and-drop exercises were designed and improved by teachers in School of Chinese Medicine and technicians in eLearning Pedagogical Support Unit. The documented pictures from previous field trip were used in this section. Some pictures were changed according to the actual study in field trip.

13 Students’ Evaluation Key points of students’ opinions in narrative response section of the questionnaire: What were the best thing(s) about the Moodle course? Herbal plant atlas Drag and Drop exercise “Very useful and great for study”; ”I can study the herbs at home and it’s quite useful. ” What thing(s) about the Moodle course could be improved? Provide more self-test exercise

14 Thank you! Dr. Y Feng HKU

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