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Year 2 SATs Information Evening Thursday 5th March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 SATs Information Evening Thursday 5th March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 SATs Information Evening Thursday 5th March 2015

2 Welcome! Aims of the session
To share important information about the KS1 SATs and how they are administered. To answer any questions you may have about the KS1 SATs. To discuss/share ideas about how you as a parent can help your child at home To share how we are supporting them at school.

3 What are the KS1 SATs? Statutory Standard Assessment Tests
All children have to be tested before they leave KS1 They provide assessment information for the end of KS1 and identify progress made since leaving the Foundation Stage Purpose – assign National Curriculum levels to children before they enter KS2

4 The National Expectation
The national expectation is that all children are working at a level 2b by the time they leave KS1 but of course all children are different! Level 1 – below age related expectation Level 2 (c, b, a) – age related expectation Level 3 – above age related expectation

5 Teacher Assessment Teacher assessment draws together everything the teacher knows about a child so they can level a child based on a whole range of evidence rather than one test. There can be a difference between teacher assessment results and test levels. The teacher assessment is used as the final judgement and this will be submitted.

6 How is SATs organised? KS1 SATs will be administered throughout the month of May. All children must sit the tests at the same time. Please ensure that your child is in school every day during SATs week and that they are on time. Please don’t book anything during this week e.g. doctor’s appointments, holidays etc. If your child is ill, please let us know immediately. Feed their brain – breakfast is important!

7 Writing Longer Task – Amazing Pebble Children given a story starter
Planning time included Shorter Task – What Am I? Poster used for discussion Handwriting – 3 marks Spelling Test (have a go!)

8 Writing - how can parents help?
Encourage children to write for fun/enjoyment, praising them for using their imagination. Practise basic skills including the use of accurate punctuation, checking their writing makes sense. Encouraging your child to complete all homework to a high standard and discussing their work with them. Spelling homework – spelling lists set each week, discuss these words with the children so they can create higher level sentences.

9 Reading Reading – includes both fiction and non-fiction
Level 2 paper (all) Level 3 paper (some) Testing reading comprehension Work through practice questions

10 Reading - how can parents help?
Ensure your child reads every night! Encourage them to read fiction and non-fiction. Try to ask them questions about the text. Comprehension focus.

11 Maths Level 2 paper (all) and Level 3 paper (some)
Includes both mental maths, written calculations and problem solving Staff can read questions out to the children but they cannot read operations/symbols Some practical resources can be used Showing working out encouraged

12 Maths - how can parents help?
Support with Education City homework Help your child with their times tables (in particular the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10) Maths in context – use everyday examples e.g. shopping and money Daily counting/mental maths Range of resources on Education City

13 What are we doing? Preparing the children in a variety of ways
Covering all areas of Maths to ensure coverage of the curriculum Additional Maths and English support in the form of booster groups Timed questions – Big Maths. Let’s have a go! Encouragement and openness- a ‘you can do it!’ attitude!

14 How can parents help in general?
High attendance. Supporting homework. Good communication between the school and home - please let us know of any problems. Getting a good sleep on a school night! Don’t panic or stress! Keep things in perspective – please don’t use the terms ‘test’ or ‘SATs’ as we don’t want to worry the children – Special Challenges

15 Useful Websites Google – KS1 Maths/Writing/Reading/Spelling Links on the class pages

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