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St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 1 How to be a deaf friendly teacher!

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1 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 1 How to be a deaf friendly teacher!

2 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 2 What makes a deaf friendly teacher? Source: NDCS

3 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 3 Some statistics  34,000: the estimated number of deaf children in the UK  90% of deaf children grow up in hearing families  80% of deaf children in England are educated in mainstream schools  40% of deaf children have additional needs  15: the number of deaf children in St. Paul’s Way Main source NDCS

4 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 4 Types of deafness Some children are born deaf (congenital) and others may become deaf (acquired) due to illnesses such as meningitis. There are two main types of deafness:  Conductive: the most common type, it is often caused by a build up of fluid in the middle ear. It may clear up or it may develop into a long term condition.  Sensori-neural: usually caused by loss or damage to the hair cells in the cochlea. This may be genetic or due to diseases like mumps, measles or rubella. This damage is permanent.

5 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 5 Degrees of deafness  Mild: Would hear music from a stereo, but may not hear whispered conversation  Moderate: Would hear a telephone ringing, but may be unable to hear a baby crying  Severe: Would hear drums playing, but may be unable to hear a dog barking  Profound: Would hear a plane, but not a telephone ringing Source: British Society of Audiology 1988

6 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 6 The Impact of Deafness Language development:  Deaf children may not hear all of the individual sounds in a word. It is common for them to leave out word endings like ‘s’ or ‘ed’  They may have a limited vocabulary because they cannot hear conversations going on around them  They may struggle when one word has several meanings eg. Catch a cold, catch a ball, the catch on the gate

7 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 7 The Impact of Deafness (cont) A deaf child may become frustrated if they cannot communicate effectively or if they do not understand what is happening around them. This may affect their opportunity to:  Learn appropriate social behaviour incidentally  Communicate effectively with others  Initiate conversations  Use appropriate language in differing social situations  Be fully included in large groups  Express their feelings and emotions  Develop confidence and self esteem

8 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 8 What can we do?  Create opportunities for deaf children to mix with their peers  Promote good communication skills within the classroom  Consider your seating plan and where you stand in the classroom Source: NDCS

9 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 9 Top Tips for Communication in the Classroom  Make sure you have the deaf child’s attention before starting to speak  Don’t shout! This distorts your lip pattern and may be painful for hearing aid users  Don’t talk for ages as it can be tiring for the deaf child to lip read for long periods  Use gesture and facial expression to aid understanding  Encourage other children to put their hand up to speak and to speak one at a time

10 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 10 Top Tips for Positioning in the Classroom  Make sure the pupil sits near to the teacher, but it is important they can see other pupils too  Try not to wander around when you are talking, the pupil may not be able to see you  Don’t stand with your back to the window, you will be difficult to lip read  Don’t speak as you are writing on the board again

11 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 11 Top Tips for Teaching  Use lots of visual clues to aid understanding  Write key words on the board  Make sure the deaf child knows when there is a new topic of conversation Source:NDCS

12 St. Paul's Way School Deaf Support Base. C.Dew 12 Tips for Using the Radio Aid  Make sure its switched on!  Switch off when you are having a conversation the deaf child does not need to hear  Turn it off if you shout

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