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SIMS End of Key Stage Seminar 2015. Domestics Facilities Fire Phones Finish.

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Presentation on theme: "SIMS End of Key Stage Seminar 2015. Domestics Facilities Fire Phones Finish."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMS End of Key Stage Seminar 2015

2 Domestics Facilities Fire Phones Finish

3 Communications to Schools (Head teachers) ARA 2015 Documents (STA) – No longer sent to Schools Data Submission Letter 2015 (LA -Peter Owen)

4 Forthcoming Courses 2014 SIMS Discover Pastoral Overview - 4 th June 2015 AM /PM Personnel for Primary School – 9 th June 2015 AM Only SIMS Discover with Assessment for Primary School – 10 th June 2015 AM/PM System Manager for Primary school (Managing SIMS Users) 11 th June 2015 PM Only SIMS Office User Advanced - 17 st June 2015 Full Day End of Year Workshop & Seminars - TBA Book via or

5 SIMS Team Accreditation A Big Thank You! Your SIMS team needs you Lynn Warrington (SIMS Team Manager) Richard Chappelle (SIMS System Manager) Carol Hoyle Carly Jenkins Maq Patel Christine Denton Jane Bell Lailing Wong

6 Agenda Changes 2015 Assessment Reporting Arrangement 2015 EYFS, KS1 ( Including Phonics ) & KS2 Process Using the Key stage wizards Previewing & printing reports Exporting results using the CTF Routine Finish

7 Changes 2015 EYFS No Changes From Last Year

8 Changes 2015 KS1 This is the final year that schools will use the 2007 and 2009 versions of the key stage 1 tasks and tests. Local authorities must externally moderate 50% of their infant schools during the 2014 to 2015 academic year.

9 Changes 2015 KS2 All tests at all levels will be marked on screen in 2015. Schools will be able to view test scripts on the ‘Pupil results’ section of NCA tools.NCA tools The science sampling tests won’t take place in 2015 as they happen every other year. The tests will recommence in sampling tests Optional tests for years 3, 4 and 5 are no longer available

10 ARA Early Years Foundation Stage 2015 EYFS profile must be completed for each child who will be 5 years old on or before Monday 31 August 2015 EYFS profile requires practioners to assess children against a set of 17 early learning goals (ELGs) Practitioners should use their judgement to decide whether children have met each ELG or whether their level of attainment is above or below the level described by the ELGs. This will result in a judgement of (1) Emerging, (2) Expected or (3) Exceeding for each child.

11 ARA Y1/Y2 phonics 2015 The phonics screening check is a statutory assessment for all children in Year 1 and Year 2 (who did not meet the expected standard in year 1) Schools must also ensure they report on every child in Year 2 who: Did not meet the expected standard in Year 1; Did not take the check in Year 1; Did not take the check in Year 1 or Year 2 or Entered state education in England for the first time following the end of year 1 Maintained schools should report Phonics screening check results to the LA School will need to record a mark out of 40 (Threshold mark will be available on the DfE’s website on 29 th June) School level results will be a made available via RAISE online School level results will not be published in Performance tables National and Local authority phonics results will be available with the KS1 statistics in autumn 2015 to allow schools to benchmark.

12 ARA KS1 2015 Schools must report the following for all children at the end of Key stage 1 to LA A teacher assessment level in reading, writing and speaking and listening A separate teacher assessment level for each science attainment target Scientific enquiry Life process and living things Materials and their properties Physical process An overall teacher assessment level in Math’s and Science P scales must also be reported for children with (SEN)

13 ARA KS2 2015 Schools must report the following for all children at the end of Key stage 2 to LA A teacher assessment level for each attainment target in English, Math's and Science An overall teacher assessment level in English, Maths and Science P scales must also be reported for children with (SEN)

14 KS2 Test 2015 Schools must administer the following levels 3-5 test: English Reading English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Mathematics Schools may also choose to administer level 6 test. Results will be published as scores and corresponding levels for each test. A Child’s overall maths level is calculated by combining the child’s scores from the maths components. A Child’s marks from English grammar, punctuation and spelling test components will be aggregated to calculate their level for the English GPS (Grammar Punctuation Spelling) test. A combined overall English level will not be calculated. Results will be published as marks and levels for each test. Schools will be able to view their results on Tuesday 7 July from the ‘Pupil results’ section of the NCA tools website.NCA tools website

15 KS2 Test Timetable Monday 11 May Levels 3-5 English reading test Level 6 English reading test Tuesday 12 May Levels 3-5 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Level 6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 13 May Levels 3-5 mental mathematics test Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 1 No level 6 tests timetabled for this day Thursday 14 May Levels 3-5 mathematics Paper 2 Level 6 mathematics Paper 1 Level 6 mathematics Paper 2

16 Children who transfer to a new School? Only Applies to KS1 - TA If a child start at a new school before the summer half-term holiday (22/5/2015) the new school must report the child’s TA results to the local authority If a child starts at a new school during the second half of the summer term (1/6/2015) the previous school must report the child’s TA result to the local Authority. – This also applies to children who transfers during the half term holiday Half Term Week – 25/5/2015 If a child moves school within Year 2/6, the new school must report the end of key stage result to the child’s parents.

17 Children who transfer to a new School? Only Applies to KS2 – TA & TEST The school where the pupil was registered during the KS2 test week must submit TA data to LA. If a pupil moves before test week, the receiving school must submit TA data. If a pupil moves during test week, the school where they sat each test should submit the data. For example if the pupil sat English reading at one school and mathematics at another, each school must submit data for the relevant test(s).

18 Process Accessing the wizards Creating Marksheets Entering Data on Marksheets Running Reports for Parents KS2 Test Results Download Sending Data to LA

19 Accessing the Wizards Choose the Tools Menu…. All the wizards can be accessed via this routine. EYPT, KS1&2 & Phonics

20 Setting up the Wizard Select the appropriate Wizard Click “Next”

21 Access Rights for Marksheets NOTE: You must have Assessment operator/co-ordinators access rights to add data on the marksheets. Teachers who DO NOT have the above access rights, will need to be made Head of year of their particular group in the pastoral structure. Alternatively create marksheets for the registration group of the teacher who wish to input data. Click on the magnifying glass to select the appropriate year groups. Click Apply.

22 Opening Marksheets Click the “Edit” button to open the marsheet Highlight the marksheet you want to open  Teacher Assessments 2015  P-Scales 2015

23 Entering Data using Marksheets Read the notes Set the dates & click refresh EYFS, KS1 & 2 = 22/5/2015 Enter the data Error Check Various tools available in Assessment Manager

24 Data Specification - EYFS Assessment RatingEYFS Judgement 1 Indicates a child who is at the emerging level at the end of the EYFS 2 Indicates a child who is at the expected level at the end of the EYFS 3 Indicates a child who is at the exceeding level at the end of the EYFS A Indicates a child who has nor been assessed due to long periods of absence, for instance a prolonged illness, and arrives too late in the summer term for teacher assessment to be carried out, or for an exemption The following TA grades should be used:

25 Data Specification – Y1 & Y2 - Phonics DescriptionPhonics outcome code The Phonic Screening Check Mark from 0 - 40 AbsentA Child did not take the phonics screening check D Child has left the schoolL

26 Data Specification – KS1 DescriptionTeacher assessment code For assessing reading, writing and mathematics. 1, 2C,2B,2A,3,4 For assessing speaking and listening, and each science attainment target 1,2,3,4 A secure level cannot be recorded because of long periods absence or insufficient (due to late arrival) A Disapplied – used where a pupil has been disapplied from National Curriculum D Working towards level 1.W

27 Data Specification – KS2 Level - 1-6A level for each attainment target in English, Maths and Science AAbsent, or not enough information available to calculate a teacher assessment level DDisapplied – used where a pupil has been disapplied from National Curriculum, including statutory assessment requirements. LChild has left school WWorking towards level 1 FTake in Future PTaken in the Past The following TA grades should be used:

28 P- Scales and ‘NOTSEN’ The use of P scales has been statutory for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) who are working below level 1 of the national curriculum. Schools will need to use P scales to record and report the achievement of those children in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. P scales are not to be used to assess children with English as an additional language (EAL) at any age unless they have additional (SEN) If a child is working below level 1 of NC and do not have SEN then ‘NOTSEN’ should be reported. tes

29 Entering P- Scales on TA Marksheet Children who are working below level 1 in each attainment – you will need to input W on the TA marksheet.

30 Entering Data on P-Scale Marksheet Data recorded on the TA Marksheet will appear on the P Scale Data Entry Marksheet. Any pupil with a W for any teacher assessment must have a P scale or an ‘NONSEN’ status recorded in the adjacent column. If a child is at P1i – P3ii level in English, Reading, Writing, Speaking or Listening levels would not normally be appropriate. If a child is at an English level higher than P3ii, P4-P8 in Reading, Writing, Speaking or Listening are appropriate and an English level is not expected. The position is similar in respect of mathematics. For Science, a single level from P1i-P8 is appropriate.

31 Close Marksheets and Save When all data has been entered – Click the ‘Close’ to exit the marksheet and click ‘Yes’ to save.

32 Moving on from Marksheets Once all data has been entered - Click next to move onto Reports

33 Reporting to Parents EYFS Profile All EYFS providers must parents a written summary of a Childs attainment against the ELGs Y1 & 2 Phonics Headteachers must report each child's phonics screening check score to parents by the end of summer term at the latest. Headteachers should also report whether or not a child has met the standard or not. KS1 – Teacher Assessment Attainment levels S&L, reading, writing. Attainment levels for all 4 Science Overall level Mathematics and Science. KS2 – Teacher Assessment and Test Results Attainment levels S&L, reading, writing. (TA) Overall level English, Mathematics and Science. (TA) Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling (TEST) Reading and Mathematics (TEST)

34 Creating Reports using the wizards. Preview Print Export Upload Select the relevant pupil(s) to print (or only one to preview )

35 Sample EYFS Report 2015

36 Sample Y1 Phonics Report 2015

37 Sample KS1 Report 2014

38 Sample KS2 Report 2014

39 Sending Data to LA Select General for the Export Type and click on the ‘Select’ button.

40 Sending Data to LA Leave all of this as default Set Date – EYFS, KS1 & KS2 = 22/5/2015 Tick Box –Include students already exported Click Refresh Students Button Use the Filters to pick out appropriate cohort i.e. Year 1 etc.. Right Click on the Destination LA and Select All. Choose: EYFS= A File for EYFS Profile Submission KS1 = A File for EOKS1 Submission KS2 = A File for EOKS2 Submission Y1 Phonics = A file for Y1 Phonics Submission Y2 Phonics = A file for Y2 Phonics Submission Make sure Include KS1 Task/ Test is Ticked

41 NON- RSN Schools Send data to LA via S2S Website LA automated scripts wont work with Non-RSN schools. Send email to the Policy and Research team to notify them that the files has been sent Telephone No: 01706 926218.

42 KS2 Test Result Download Tuesday 7 th July 2015 Results available for the Key Stage 2 tests ‘Pupil Results’ Section Level thresholds will be published by this date Headteachers should have been sent logging details by NCA Tools

43 Importing KS2 Test Results into SIMS Select ‘Add KS2 for Existing pupils only ‘ from the import type options. Click on the “Browser” button on the right hand side Browse to find the file you have just downloaded, click “open to choose the file. Click on Proceed for Match import button.

44 Software Demo in SIMS (Process)

45 Submissions Deadlines to LA Key StageInformation Required Method of Submission CTF DestinationDeadline Date – Submission to LA Early YearsEYFS ProfileCTFA File for EYFS Submission Friday 19 th June 2015 KS1- Year 1The Phonics Screening check results CTFA File For Year 1 Phonics Submission Friday 26 th June 2015 KS1 – Year 2The Phonics Screening check results CTFA File For Year 2 Phonics Submission Friday 26 th June 2015 KS1Teacher Assessments CTFA file For EOKS1 Submission Friday 26 th June 2015 KS2Teachers Assessments CTFA file For EOKS2 Submission Friday 19 th June 2015

46 Pre- Checklist Check all 2015 Wizards are available EYFS Profile Wizard 2015 Key Stage 1 Wizard England 2015 Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2015 Year 1 Phonics Screening Wizard 2015 Access rights to enter data CTF Export Location (Destination LA/Other) A File for EYFS Submission A File for Y1 Phonics Submission A File for Y2 Phonics Submission A File for EOKS1 Submission A File for EOKS2 Submission

47 SIMS Team Help & Support The EDIT Team Website Booklet & Slides Available MIS > Downloads Call the SIMS Team Tel Rochdale 927777

48 Help & Support Contacts Help and Assistance on the Statutory Assessment Requirements Peter Owen (School Improvement Team) Telephone Number: 01706 925189 Email: Help and Assistance on the Data Submission and Analysis: Ben Jorgenson (The Policy & Research Team) Telephone Number: 01706 926218 Email: Ben.Jorgenson Use of the software and help with the process SIMS Team Telephone Number: 01706 925522

49 Thank you for your time and support

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