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Health Information Professionals Week March 22nd-28th, 2015 This week is an opportunity to showcase the thousands of certified HIM® professionals who.

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2 Health Information Professionals Week March 22nd-28th, 2015 This week is an opportunity to showcase the thousands of certified HIM® professionals who perform their duties masterfully throughout the year

3 What is HIM? Health Information Management encompasses a wide scope of practice. The key role is to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of personal health information within the domains of practice: Data Quality, Privacy, eHIM and HIM Standards.

4 What Do HIMs Do? Manage Health Information services and Lifecycle of the record Work with confidential health records: format, content, quality and use Use technologies to capture, manage and analyze data Contribute to healthcare delivery as members of the health care team Prepare, analyze and present health information for use in health care delivery and financial/management planning

5 Health Information Professionals Week This year’s theme is The Domino Effect of Data Quality While data quality is everyone’s responsibility, CHIMA certified HIM professionals are recognized as the leading source of HIM knowledge, encompassing the entire Lifecycle of Health Information.

6 The Domino Effect Quality Care Health System Funding Patient Safety & Risk Efficiencies Accountability Clinical Documentation Decision Support Poor Data Quality

7 The Domino Effect of Data Quality Quality healthcare depends on the availability of quality data. Poor documentation, inaccurate data, and insufficient communication can result in errors and adverse incidents. Inaccurate data threatens patient safety and can lead to increased costs, inefficiencies, and poor financial performance.

8 HIM Professionals… Upholding Data Quality HIM professionals are recognized as the leading source of HIM knowledge, encompassing the entire Lifecycle of Health Information HIM professionals apply their knowledge of biomedical sciences and Canadian coding standards to capture the appropriate diagnosis and intervention code(s)…plus much more

9 Importance of Data Quality Premium importance to support the best clinical, administrative and financial decisions HIM professionals are experts in coding classification, accuracy and data capture Poor data = poor decision-making = ↑ risks and inefficiencies

10 Data Quality Issues There are many factors contributing to Data Quality Issues: – Missing or incomplete Clinical Documentation and reports – Misinterpretation of coding standards – Insufficient coding staff – Short turnaround times for coding submission deadlines requiring coding from incomplete charts

11 Improving Data Quality Leverage the skills and expertise of certified HIM professionals in all aspects of HIM, including: – Overall Records Management – Data Quality initiatives – Decision Support – EHR – Coding and Data Capture – Case Mix – Activity Based Funding – Privacy, confidentiality and security – Documentation improvement strategies – HIM Standards – Health Law

12 Better Health Care Planning HIM professionals are experts in clinical documentation Good documentation equals: – Better health care planning decisions – Fewer medication errors – Improved specificity of diagnoses and treatment – More appropriate funding – Enhanced risk reduction – Equitable resource allocation All supporting… Better Health Outcomes

13 CHIMA Seeking Mandate CHIMA is seeking a mandate requiring: Health care facilities that provide data and information to the CIHI databases be coded and abstracted by CHIMA certified HIM Professionals ONLY All HIM Leadership roles be filled by CHIMA certified HIM Professionals ONLY

14 As EHR systems get rolled out across the country, the need for more rigorous data quality governance, stewardship, management and measurement is greater than ever. Certified HIM Professionals… Upholding Data Quality

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