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Warm Up: April 13, 2015 introduction to narrative poetry

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1 Warm Up: April 13, 2015 introduction to narrative poetry
Barbara Frietchie Homework: Study your notes. Objective I can identify the elements of plot in narrative poetry. Warm Up: Today we will be starting our study of the different KINDS of poetry, beginning with narrative poetry. In the glossary section of the BROWN Literature book, copy the definition of NARRATIVE POETRY into your notes and identify the elements that a narrative poem must contain.

2 Poetry that tells a story. It must contain:
characters setting plot narrative poetry

3 Plot diagram

4 exposition introduces the setting and characters

5 exposition central conflict introduces the setting and characters
the problem that drives the story exposition introduces the setting and characters

6 rising action exposition central conflict
builds suspense and complicates the conflict central conflict the problem that drives the story exposition introduces the setting and characters

7 rising action climax exposition central conflict
builds suspense and complicates the conflict turning point of the story central conflict the problem that drives the story exposition introduces the setting and characters

8 rising action climax falling action exposition central conflict
builds suspense and complicates the conflict turning point of the story central conflict falling action the problem that drives the story winds down the action of the story / ties up loose ends exposition introduces the setting and characters

9 rising action climax falling action exposition resolution
builds suspense and complicates the conflict turning point of the story central conflict falling action the problem that drives the story winds down the action of the story / ties up loose ends exposition resolution introduces the setting and characters the conflict is resolved / fixed

10 "Barbara Frietchie" is an example of a narrative poem
"Barbara Frietchie" is an example of a narrative poem. Therefore, it must contain:  1. characters 2. setting 3. plot

11 Turn in the BROWN Literature book to pg. 737
Before we get to the poem, read and answer the CONNECT TO YOUR LIFE section.

12 Define and give an example
What is bravery? Define and give an example

13 spider

14 Historical background

15 Barbara Frietchie

16 scheme? This type of poem is written in
In addition to the story elements, "Barbara Frietchie" is a poem after all, and contains a regular rhyme scheme.  What is its rhyme scheme? This type of poem is written in

17 What are the setting details mentioned in the poem’s exposition?
setting = time, place exposition = introduction of characters and setting  

18 conflict = the problem in a story
What is the central conflict in the poem? conflict = the problem in a story

19 List 3 events (in sequential order) that are part of the poem's rising action.  
sequential order - the order that events occur in rising action - suspense builds, conflict is getting more intense   

20 In which lines is the climax, or turning point of the poem, found?

21 What is the climax of the poem?

22 Give an example of an event that is 
part of the falling action.
falling action - events that lead to the resolution, the story winds down

23 What is the resolution to the conflict?
resolution = resolves the central conflict

24 What adjectives would you use to describe "Dame Frietchie" in this poem? What text can you pull to support your answer?

25 Look on pg. 741. Complete both of the activities under the WRITING OPTIONS section.

26 1. Frietchie Interview What would be 5 questions you would like to ask Barbara Frietchie?

27 2. Rhymed couplets Write a rhymed couplet that could be carved on Barbara Frietchie's gravestone. Be sure to mention what she did.

28 3. Your definition of bravery
Look back at your definition of bravery. Write one rhymed couplet that captures your definition, and another that discusses your example.

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