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A452 – Programming project – Mark Scheme

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1 A452 – Programming project – Mark Scheme
Use of programming techniques Candidates should be able to: (a) identify and use variables, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments (b) Understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program: Sequence; Conditionals; Iteration (c) Understand and use suitable loops including count and condition controlled loops (d) Use different types of data including Boolean, string, integer and real appropriately in solutions to problems (e) Understand and use basic string manipulation (f) Understand and use basic file handling operations: open, read, write and close (g) Define and use arrays as appropriate when solving problems.

2 A452 – Programming project.
Efficient use of programming techniques. The techniques are used appropriately in all cases giving an efficient, working solution for all parts of the problem.

3 A452 – Programming project.
3) Design There is a detailed analysis of what is required for these tasks justifying their approach to the solution. There will be a full set of detailed algorithms representing a solution to each part of the problem. There is detailed discussion of testing and success criteria. The variables and structures are identified together with any validation required.

4 A452 – Programming project.
4) Development There will be detailed evidence showing development of the solution with evidence of systematic testing during development to show that all parts work as required. The code will be well organised with meaningful variable names and detailed annotation indicating the function of each section.

5 A452 – Programming project.
4) Evaluation The test plan will cover all major success criteria for the original problem with evidence to show how each of these criteria have been met, or if they have not been met, how the issue might be resolved. There will be a full evaluation of the final solution against the success criteria.

6 Possible Report format.
Introduction Introduce the project and each task 2) Analysis of requirements. List the requirements of the task and analysis them. Expand on them if required to make them more measurable. Break down the task in to a INPUT/PROCESSES/OUTPUT overview. Design 3) Approach to solution. Show an overview of how you are going to approach this solution. What methods are you going to use and justify your approach. 4) Algorithm designs. Show the designs of every separate part of your solution. This can either be in pseudo code, (or bulleted English) or flowcharts, or both. Each function can be explained.

7 Possible Report format.
Design (Continued) 5) Data requirements. Talk about what are the data requirements for the task and therefore your solution. This will lead into….. 6) Data Dictionary List all the variables you are going to use in your solution, showing the data types and any possible validation for them. Create a table to show your main variable, their purpose, data type, possible example data and any validation. 7) Success criteria. Take the requirements and state how are you going to measure whether your program in successful based on them – Basically what your program needs to do and how are you going to judge whether it is successful or not. 8) Test plan. Show how you are going to test your solution overall against your success criteria. Create a table with the test, reason for test, possible test data and what result you are expecting.

8 Possible Report format.
Implementation 8) Show step by step with screenshots how you develop your solution. Annotate and explain along the way, Especially each individual function. 9) Show any systematic testing that you undertake as you implement your solution. 10) If you vary from your design make sure you explain why. 11) Perhaps also mention where in you development you are meeting requirements of the task.

9 Possible Report format.
Testing and Evaluation Show the overall testing against your success criteria. Make sure you reference to screenshot evidence of your testing. If you find errors then show how you have fixed them (Although most of these will probably have been covered with the systematic testing in the implementation phase) Write an evaluation of your solution First evaluate against each item of your success criteria. How effective have you been in meeting it – refer back to your testing for this and maybe provide additional screenshots as a guide. Also talk about how effective your overall solution is and how well it meets the requirements of the task. Are there any improvements you could have made. Where are the limitations of your solution. Were did you encounter problems.

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