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Rotational Business Building Plan By Field Vice President Andy Docos.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotational Business Building Plan By Field Vice President Andy Docos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotational Business Building Plan By Field Vice President Andy Docos

2  This is an outline for an ongoing schedule of business building team meetings and activities designed to foster continuous growth.  This plan incorporates PRODUCTIVE & SYSTEMATIC ACTIVITIES that have generated growth for all business owners that have participated.  Everyone’s business will grow provided the activities are implemented on a CONSISTENT basis and if the team works together with as many people participating as possible.


4 Cycle of Events  Monthly Team Coring Meetings  Names List Night  Call Nights  Home Business Presentations

5 Monthly Team Coring Meeting  Frequency: Every 4 to 6 weeks  Either a Friday or Saturday evening  Time  6 to 7 PM Social Gathering: everyone bring a dish to pass  7 to 9 PM Business Coring Activities  Monthly meeting activity - details to be scheduled at the beginning of the meeting

6 Names List Night Frequency: Monthly Either a on Sunday or Monday evening Time: 7 to 9 PM Bring your Names List of 60—100 names [update weekly with new prospect names]. Your list should include occupation, phone numbers and email addresses [if possible] Bring “Bio” Sheets to complete at each meeting of your Top Ten Plus Ten Prospects. [to be used to determine the best approach for each prospect]. Attendees will break up in teams of 3’s. Each person gets 20 minutes to go over their list. Practice making pre-calls. During the week, make calls.

7 Call Nights  Frequency: Weekly  Either on Sunday or Monday evening  Time: 6 to 9 PM  Bring “Bio” Sheets completed at the Names List Night  Be prepared to make calls!  Purpose of these nights is to populate UBPs, HBPs, 2 on 1 presentations etc., and to set appointments!

8 HBPs  Frequency: Weekly  3 weeks per month  Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday  Rotate the week that has an HBP and a UBP [when there are 2 UBPs per month, attend one]

9 HBPs  Time: 7:30 to 9 PM  Locations should rotate. All participants must volunteer to host the various events at one time or another whenever possible. This is to avoid putting the responsibility on only a few people.  By moving the HBPs we will also be implementing aspects of the ABC Pattern and moving prospects from event to event.  Keep snacks simple: Extend bars, store bought items, coffee, tea, water.

10 Cycle of Events  Monthly Team Coring Meetings  1 time every 4 to 6 weeks from 6 to 9 PM  Names List Night  1 time per Month from 7 to 9 PM  Call Nights  Weekly from 6 to 9 PM  Home Business Presentations  3 times per Month from 7:30 to 9 PM


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