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School Based Immunization Campaign
August 2015
I. INTRODUCTION Vaccination has been proven to be the most effective public health intervention Vaccination protects not only the individual but also protects other members of the family and the community.
I. INTRODUCTION The Philippines Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) has focused on the provision of free vaccines for infants as their primary series for several years.
Routine Vaccination Schedule
Vaccine Minimum Age At 1st dose No. of Doses Minimum Interval Bet.Doses Reason BCG Birth or Anytime after birth 1 BCG is given at the earliest possible age protects against the possibility of infection from other family member PENTA 6 weeks 3 4 weeks An early start with DPT HIB HepB reduces the chance of severe pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus, HIB meningitis, and hepatitis B OPV The extent of protection against polio is increased the earlier the OPV is given
Routine Vaccination Schedule
Vaccine Minimum Age At 1st dose No. of Doses Minimum Interval Bet.Doses Reason Hepa B At birth and 6 weeks (with PENTA 3 4 weeks An early start of Hepatitis B reduces the chance of being infected and becoming a carrier Measles 9 months 1 At least 85% of measles can be prevented by immunization at this age MMR 12 months Rota 6 weeks and 12 weeks Dose 2 up to 32 weeks 2 4 weeks
Routine Vaccination Schedule
Upcoming Vaccines: PCV13 – Pneumonia Conjugal Vaccine 13 IPV – Inactivated Polio Vaccine HPV – Human Papilloma Virus Td – Tetanus Diphtheria
Why School Based Immunization?
Protection produced by some of these vaccines will decline over time Booster doses may be needed to ensure that high levels of protection are maintained New vaccines such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine are more effective if delivered at a specific age.
TARGET POPULATION Human Papillovirus vaccine*
Measles-Rubella (MR)Vaccine Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) Vaccine *20 poorest provinces Pangasinan 9 y/o, Female students Grade *All Grade 7 students will be given regardless of immunization history Grade 7 The spcific vaccines to be administered every year in every public school level shall include: *Will undergo screening on past MCV immunization history *All will be vaccinated with TD regardless of immunization history Grade 1
General Guidelines DOH shall provide the necessary vaccines and other immunization logistics following the routine system of the distribution of the immunization logistics.
General Guidelines Department of Education (DepEd) –shall:
-determine the most appropriate timing of the immunization sessions; -inform teachers/parents/students of the vaccination, provide additional human resource for vaccination; and, -appropriately refer missed students for vaccination.
General Guidelines The Local Government Units (LGUs) shall lead the vaccination in collaboration with schools, hospitals and other partners within the catchment areas.
Specific Guidelines (Grade 1/K1):
All teacher in-charge of Grade 1 students shall check the measles immunization of each student. The immunization card of each student shall be requested from the parents/guardians/caretakers and shall be the proof of evidence that student received the measles vaccines.
Specific Guidelines (Grade 1/K1):
The status of measles vaccination of each student shall be recorded in the Reporting Form 1. The teacher in-charge shall inform the health staff assigned regarding the number of students needing the measles vaccines. No student shall be deprived of education in cases of zero or only one dose received nor vaccine refusals.
Specific Guidelines (Grade 1/K1):
Vaccination with Measles Rubella: Students with recorded 2 doses of MCV: DO NOT VACCINATE 2. Students with 0 or 1 dose of MCV or no immunization card: List the names of the students, number of MCV doses previously received using K1 Masterlist, submit to the catchment health centers for the scheduled vaccination.
Specific Guidelines (Grade 1/K1):
Vaccination with Measles Rubella: Vaccinate with Measles to complete the 2-doses per student at 1 month interval from the last dose. Vaccination with MCV can be done on the same immunization session for the Td vaccine
Specific Guidelines (Grade 1/K1):
Vaccination with Measles Rubella: Follow-up of Missed Students for MR vaccines: Teacher-in-charge shall follow-up the missed students for vaccination but willing to be vaccinated and refer to RHU/MHC for the MR dose.
Specific Guidelines (Grade 1/K1):
Vaccination with Td Vaccine: All males and females shall be vaccinated with 1 dose of Td vaccines in the designated immunization post and record in the K1 Masterlist.
Specific Guidelines (Grade 1/K1):
Vaccination with Td Vaccine: Students with consent to vaccinated but were missed during the scheduled immunization should be followed-up and referred to the health center catchment for the needed vaccination.
Schedule for Grade 1 (K1):
Vaccines Measles-Rubella (MR) Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) Dosage 0.5 ml 0.5ml Route & Site of Injection Subcutaneous, Right deltoid arm Deep Intramuscular, Left Deltoid arm # doses required 1 dose Students with Zero dose 2 doses, 28 days interval from the last dose Students with only 1 dose recorded 1 dose only :
Specific Guidelines (Grade 4/K4-Pangasinan):
Vaccination for HPV Vaccine: Vaccination with HPV is one of the preventive interventions for cervical cancer in later life. WHO recommends that primary intervention begins with the HPV vaccination of girls aged 9-13 years old, before they become sexually active.
Specific Guidelines (Grade 4/K4-Pangasinan):
Vaccination for HPV Vaccine: Only 9 years old female students in Grade 4 shall be vaccinated with 2-doses of the quadrivalent Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in the designated immunization posts in all public schools Menstrual history shall be ask before giving the vaccine
Schedule for HPV Vaccination:
Dose 1 Dose2 0.5 ml Route of Injection Intramuscular (IM) Site of Injection Left, deltoid arm Interval Six (6) months after Dose1
Specific Guidelines (Grade 7/K7):
All males and females students shall be vaccinated with both MR and Td vaccines regardless of immunization status.
Schedule (Grade 7/K7): MR Td Dosage 0.5ml Route and Site of Injection
MR Td Dosage 0.5ml Route and Site of Injection Right, deltoid arm Left, deltoid arm
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