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Rotary Foundation in D7570 Lighting up Rotary while we are doing good in the world - can indeed be a gift to the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary Foundation in D7570 Lighting up Rotary while we are doing good in the world - can indeed be a gift to the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary Foundation in D7570 Lighting up Rotary while we are doing good in the world - can indeed be a gift to the world

2 District 7570 Exciting times In the second year of the new grant model, D7570 is fully involved with the programs of and strongly support the Foundation Lighting Up Rotary and being recognized as a Gift to the World

3 District 7570 Opportunities District Grants  Community Projects  GSE Global Grants  Humanitarian Projects  Vocational Team Training Scholarships PolioPlus – #1 eradicate polio forever! Peace Centers – peace is possible

4 District 7570 Areas of Focus Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention & Treatment Water & Sanitation Maternal & Child Health Basic Education & Literacy Economic & Community Development

5 District 7570 How are We Doing? District Grants  2014-15 - $81M awarded to 26 club projects  2015-16 - $96M available $4,000 max submit apps 5/31 Global Grants  Currently 10 approved/active  Additional 3-4 under consideration/ preparation

6 District 7570 How are We Doing? Scholarships  Funded by Skelton & Jones endowments Approximately $100-120M revenue  3 Scholarships awarded/funded in 14-15  Anticipate 3 scholarships to award in 15-16  Also seeking Peace Fellow candidates

7 District 7570 Financial Support Annual Fund  2013-14 $465M $131 per capita [Records!] Major Donor/Major Gifts  2014-15 9 Major Donors to date  2014-15 6 Bequests, LIA, gifts ($162M)

8 District 7570 Financial Support PolioPlus - #1 Rotary Priority  20% DDF contributed  Goal of cash contributions $25 per capita $86M To date: $100,939

9 District 7570 District Goals Increase giving to TRF  Increase AF giving to $140 per capita  25 additional PHS members  10 additional 100% EREY clubs  +20% MD/Major Gifts/Bequest giving Increase PolioPlus giving  Transfer at least 20% DDF  Clubs/Rotarians giving aver $25 per capita Increase club involvement in District & Global Grants  20% more clubs involved in District Grants  20% more clubs involved in Global Grants

10 District 7570 Foundation Approach in District Communicate, communicate, communicate  Tell the stories  Recognition & celebration Committee Members, Assistant Governors & Foundation Advocates are a team  Ready sources of Foundation information  Willing & eager to research & resolve questions/problems - encourage Cover expenses & secure the future

11 District 7570 Foundation Committees Annual Giving – Shelley Brouillette, Chair Endowments – Janet Johnson, Chair End Polio Now – Ron Mabry, Chair Grants – Mike Mefford, Chair Planned Giving/Major Gifts – Joe Ferguson, Chair Scholarships – Dave Moreman, Chair Stewardship – Ron Mabry, Chair District Rotary Foundation Committee - Ron Ferrill, Chair


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