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Leading, Teaching and Learning through SAMR Monique Simpson LWDT

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1 Leading, Teaching and Learning through SAMR Monique Simpson LWDT Facilitator @monsimp

2 Learning Intentions  To investigate the elements of the SAMR model and their relevance to leaders, teachers & learners.  To evaluate examples of practice using the SAMR levels of ICT integration.  To generate next steps for our practice and to share these with colleagues.

3 SAMR Explained The SAMR model is a tool for understanding the levels of integration of digital technologies in learning.

4 SAMR Explained  Teachers and leaders can use SAMR to help:  plan units of learning  evaluate classroom practice  develop an e-learning skills progression  reflect on learning & teaching practice  identify strategies to meet student learning needs SAMR Explained The SAMR Model. Puentedura, R. (2006). Transformation, Technology, & Education. Online at:

5 Why… Learners become able to choose the tools (traditional and digital) that are appropriate, both to their strengths and to the task and audience.

6 Why…  All levels of technology integration can be appropriate, redefinition offers the widest scope for:  achieving the NZC vision & key competencies  building capacity to be self-regulated learners  developing higher order thinking skills  reflecting the emerging themes of future-oriented learning & teaching  accommodating multiple learning styles and intelligences

7 What does this mean for leadership ?  lead by example  set the tone  new ways of administration  provide professional learning opportunities  celebrate success  provide opportunities for teachers to connect  be a digital leaders in your communities  be willing to learn

8 BES: School Leadership and Student Outcomes ‘Ensure quality teaching’ is one of the five dimensions of leadership :  establish goals and expectations  resource strategically  ensure quality teaching  lead teacher learning and development  ensure an orderly and supportive environment

9 BES and SAMR The SAMR model informs what constitutes ‘quality teaching’ in the 21st century and influences:  pedagogy  curriculum  assessment & reporting  performance management  monitoring, planning & review

10 Connections to Teaching  Effective teaching in the digital or knowledge age is underpinned by:  The New Zealand Curriculum  Future Focused Teaching and Learning

11 Connections to Learning The NZ Curriculum Vision and Key Competencies suggest that students need to become ‘self-regulated learners’ if they are to achieve success in the digital or knowledge age. SAMR is relevant to learners particularly modification and redefinition.


13 Further Resources  SAMR hand-out for Schools SAMR hand-out for Schools  SAMR examples (short video providing simple examples of each SAMR element) SAMR examples  SAMR explained (TKI general resources and explanations) SAMR explained  SAMR applied (TKI video of one school’s use of SAMR to develop critical thinking) SAMR applied

14 Thank you Ian Suckling Monique Simpson @monsimp

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