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ARM HARDWARE DEBUGGER Shane Mahon, Lyndsi Parker, and Drew Shafer.

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Presentation on theme: "ARM HARDWARE DEBUGGER Shane Mahon, Lyndsi Parker, and Drew Shafer."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARM HARDWARE DEBUGGER Shane Mahon, Lyndsi Parker, and Drew Shafer

2 Project Objective  To implement a hardware debugger in the FPGA to communicate to the ARM processor through JTAG.  The hardware debugger will be controlled through a serial port to a separate computer running a graphical software interface.

3 Overview  Hardware  JTAG interface to ARM  UART interface to RS232  Bridge from UART to JTAG communication  Software  Serial communication ISA for JTAG commands  Implement debug commands  GUI interface

4 Teamwork Breakdown  Shane Mahon  Physical hardware to connect ARM JTAG pins to FPGA  Simulation of JTAG  Logic analyzer debug  Lyndsi Parker  JTAG interface  JTAG to UART interface  Presentation preparation  Drew Shafer  Software code  Graphical interface  UART code  Simulation of Serial and JTAG

5 Architecture User Interface Software Debug API RS232 UART Hardware Bridge Hardware JTAG Hardware ARM Processor

6 Architecture ARM Processor


8 Architecture ARM to FPGA Connections ARM JTAG FPGA Accessory Pins Logic Analyzer Probes

9 Architecture Hardware sasc_jtag_interfacejtag_topsasc_topsasc_fifo4

10 Architecture JTAG Hardware Reset Wait TLR DR IR RTI Complete

11 Length  Test Logic Reset (resets JTAG state machine on ARM)  Run Test Idle (advances ARM pipeline once)  Instruction Register  Data Register Architecture Bridge Hardware 0000 1111 1000 - - - - 0 - - - - - - - Instruction Variable Length Data

12 Architecture UART Hardware  Downloaded open source UART code   Began debug by creating a loopback  Code required some minor modifications

13 Implementation RS232

14 Implementation JTAG Software  Implemented Functions  Read ID Code  Bypass Register  Halt the Processor  Read/Write a Register  Read/Write Multiple Registers  Read/Write Memory  Execute a Single Instructions  Return from Halt  Code developed from JTAG-Arm9 

15 Implementation User Interface  Created in Visual Studio using C#

16 Demo: JTAG ID Code

17 Demo: Halting the Processor

18 Demo: Read/Write Registers

19 Demo: Execute Add Instruction

20 Demo: Read/Write Memory

21 Design Tradeoffs  JTAG data register accesses are not pipelined.  Debug instructions are not interleaved.  For simplicity in executing ARM instructions, entire scan chain was shifted although only 33 bits needed for simple instructions.

22 Additional Functionality  Execute code loaded from a file  View disassembly of code  Breakpoints/watch points  Block memory accesses  Standard connector for JTAG to FPGA connections

23 Lessons Learned  Start simulation of Verilog early  Ensure that adequate documentation is available  8 LEDs != Logic Analyzer  Never connect 16.5V directly to the ARM Processor

24 Backup Slides

25 Logic Analyzer Trace  ADDI Instruction

26 Logic Analyzer Trace  Bypass

27 Logic Analyzer Trace  IDCODE

28 Logic Analyzer Trace  Read Debug Status Register

29 Logic Analyzer Trace  Select Scan Chain

30 Logic Analyzer Trace  Write Debug Control Register

31 TLL5000 Connections FPGA BallSchematic NameFunctional Use F26FPGA_ACC4tclk G25FPGA_ACC5tms H25FPGA_ACC6tdi G26FPGA_ACC7tdo H26FPGA_ACC8trst FPGA BallSchematic NameFunctional Use M2RS232_TXtx_o M1RS232_RXrx_i N1RS232_CTScts_i M6RS232_RTSrts_o

32 TLL5000 Connections

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