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Flow Chart for Drug Testing
Secure OP and waiver form from CL Proceed to LBP and Pay Php 300 and secure SBR Present SBR, OP, ID & waiver to CL Receives bottle with code for urine collection Reception of the requirements Escort by the ASC during collection Duty checks the bottle with urine Duty will proceed with the examination Submit the urine specimen Release of report Report writing
License to Own and Possess Firearms (LTOPF) TENPRINT FLOWCHART
LTOPF Applicant 2x2 picture Applicant finished and back to FEO Proceed to PNPCL FPID and get Order of Payment (OP) Paste 2x2 picture at tenprint card then photocopied Original Tenprint left at FPID for AFIS registration and to be stored at Fingerprint filing cabinet Payment of Php 200 at LAND BANK and secure Special Bank Receipt (SBR) Back to FPID Accomplished/Fill out TENPRINT for fingerprinting
Secure Order of Payment (OP) Pay the NP exam fee of (Php 900) at LandBank and secure Special Bank Receipt (SBR) Proceed to NP Section for NP Testing (Present SBR & 1 valid ID; bring 1 2x2 ID picture, 1 black ballpen & pencil Applicant takes the written NP Exam Applicant undergoes clinical interview Release of NP Clearance: Three (3) working days after the interview (bring 1 brown envelope)
II. Balistics Testing and stencilling Requirements
1. The applicant shall pay Php 350 to cover the consumables needed for testing and stencilling, as provided under Fiscal Directive Nr dated October 9, 2005; 2. SBR, as proof of payment is required; 3. Referral/endorsement for testing and stencilling procedures is required from concerned PNP units; 4. Five rounds of patented and pristine ammunition with full metal jacket bullets shall be allocated for testing per firearm which includes an extra round to replace damaged bullet and or cartridge case, except .22 LR and .22 short cartridges with lead bullets; 5. The same number of rounds shall also be used for shot shells with buckshot lead pellets; 6. A four-color coded with security features testing certificate shall be used for the purpose. 1-copy shall for FEO/FESAGS, 1-for FAID, CL/RCLO, while the 3rd and 4th copy as NHQCL file; 7. The collected tests shall be placed in a marked, controlled CL container.
III. Procedures The PNP Crime Laboratory shall closely supervise and control the conduct of testing and stencilling; The Firearm Examiners and Technicians of the PNP Crime Laboratory shall be the only authorized personnel for the purpose; Before the conduct of testing, the cartridges, as test specimens, shall be marked with the identifying markings accordingly; 4. Only test specimens in pristine condition with prominent identifiable markings shall be collected, as determined by the testing technicians.
CARAVAN LTOPF September 29 to October 3, 2014
Firearms Licensing Division (FLD) FEO shall Scan the Requirements from the CARAVAN Submit Complete requirements to FEO CARAVAN FESAGS shall give the transmitted LTOPF to Applicant Start Return Application and recommend completion FEO CARAVAN Complete? N Approval of C,FLD Y Approval of AC,FEO Capture Picture of Applicant and Encode Applicant’s Information Approval of C,FEO Issue TRANSACTION RECEIPT Issue Temporary License To Own and Posses Firearm(LTOPF) CARAVAN shall File Documents and transmit to FEO Camp Crame Transmit temporary LTOPF to concerned FESAGS
CARAVAN LTOPF with Schedule of Fees
Firearms Licensing Division (FLD) FEO shall Scan the Requirements from the CARAVAN Submit Complete requirements to FEO CARAVAN Start Applicant shall pay necessary FEES and Charges at any Landbank Branch Return Application and recommend completion FEO CARAVAN Complete? N Approval of C,FLD Landbank shall electronically send payment transaction to FEO Y Approval of AC,FEO Capture Picture of Applicant and Encode Applicant’s Information Approval of C,FEO System will capture Landbank payments and print ID cards Issue TRANSACTION RECEIPT System Generates Order of Payment (OP) Number and send OP number to Applicant via SMS CARAVAN shall File Documents and transmit to FEO Camp Crame ID card will be sent to the Applicant End
Secures PTT and application forms from PNP unit/s (FEO/FES/SAGS (PROs)/PPOs/ CPOs). Submits filled out application forms with complete mandatory requirements (Completeness, Authenticity & Validation) and presentation of firearms to PNP unit concerned FEO-FRC duly informs applicant/s through Short Message System (SMS) to pay corresponding Firearm/s registration fee/s to Land Bank. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: - License to Own and Possess Firearms; (LTOPF); Filled out application forms (triplicate copy); Proof of Billing; One (1) valid ID card; and - Registration Fee. N Deposit Firearms with Permit To Transport to FEO/FES/SAGS(PROs)/PPOs/CPOs for stencil and ballistics by the designated PNP CL. FEO/PROs/PPOs/CPOs stores the Firearms and issues Transaction Receipt (TR) Land Bank issues Validated Payment Slip (VPS) to applicant or his authorized representative Y PPOs submit consolidated application forms and requirements fm its lower units to PROs. CPOs may directly submit all applications to PROs. Disapproved application shall be forwarded to FES/SAGS (PROs) for subsequent distribution to PPOs/CPOs then to the applicant FRC-FEO issues/releases Firearm Registration to applicant Y N LEGEND: PNP-Philippine National Police PTT- Permit to Transport PRO-Police Regional Office RD-Regional Director FEO-Firearms and Explosives Office CL-Crime Laboratory FLD –Firearms Licensing Division FES-Firearms and Explosives Section SAGS-Security Agencies and Guards Section PPO-Provincial Police Office CPO-City Police Office MPS-Municipal Police Station FRC-Firearms Registration Committee FES/SAGS(PROs) thru RD, PROs shall forward applications to FRC-FEO FLD, FEO will counter-check documents and encodes data (Scans Attachments) N Approval/ Disapproval of applications by the Chief, FEO N Normal/ideal Situation
REQUIREMENTS: Filled-up Application forms (2 copies); RTC Clearance and MTC Clearance and/or SandiganBayan; as the case maybe Neuro-psychiatric clearance from PNP Health Service; Drug Test and Biometrics from PNP Crime Laboratory; Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership Seminar Certificate; National Police Clearance (Directorate for Intelligence or Regional Intelligence Division Clearance); NSO Birth Certificate; Proof of Latest Billing; Government issued ID (2); Income Tax Return or Business permit LTOPF HOLDER APPLYING FOR PTCFOR Businessman Requirement you need to submit together with your LTOPF and temporary registration of firearm in securing PTCFOR: 1. Computer Generated PTCFOR Application Form (Notarized) 2. Certified True Copy of Temporary LTOPF 3. NBI Clearance 4. Certified True Copy of Firearms License or Certified True Copy of Firearms Registration *For LTOPF issued before June 23, 2014 secure Automated Fingerprint Identification system (AFIS) PTCFOR HOLDER APPLYING FOR LTOPF Requirements you need to submit together with your PTCFOR: 1. Filled-up LTOPF Application forms (2 copies); 2. NSO Birth Certificate; 3. Proof of Latest Billing; 4. Government issued ID (2); 5. Income Tax Return or Business permit 6. Gun Safety Seminar Certificate BACK
LICENSE TO OWN AND POSSESS FIREARMS Private Employee/OFW REQUIREMENTS: Filled-up Application forms (2 copies); RTC Clearance and MTC Clearance and/or SandiganBayan; as the case maybe Neuro-psychiatric clearance from PNP Health Service; Drug Test and Biometrics from PNP Crime Laboratory; Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership Seminar Certificate; National Police Clearance (Directorate for Intelligence or Regional Intelligence Division Clearance) ; NSO Birth Certificate; Proof of Latest Billing; Company ID Government issued ID; Income Tax Return (ITR)/Certificate of Employment; LTOPF HOLDER APPLYING FOR PTCFOR PRIVATE EMPLOYEE/OFW Â Requirement you need to submit together with your LTOPF and temporary registration of firearm in securing PTCFOR: 1. Computer Generated PTCFOR Application Form (Notarized) 2. Certified True Copy of Temporary LTOPF 3. NBI Clearance 4. Certified True Copy of Firearms License or Certified True Copy of Firearms Registration *For LTOPF issued before June 23, 2014 secure Automated Fingerprint Identification system (AFIS) PTCFOR HOLDER APPLYING FOR LTOPF Requirements you need to submit together with your PTCFOR in securing LTOPF: 1. Filled-up LTOPF Application forms (2 copies); 2. NSO Birth Certificate; 3. Proof of Latest Billing; 4. Government issued ID (2); 5. Income Tax Return or Business permit 6. Gun Safety Seminar Certificate BACK
LICENSE TO OWN AND POSSESS FIREARMS Government Official/Employee REQUIREMENTS: Filled-up Application forms (2 copies); RTC Clearance and MTC Clearance and/or SandiganBayan; Neuro-psychiatric clearance from PNP Health Service ; Drug Test and Biometrics from PNP Crime Laboratory ; Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership Seminar Certificate; National Police Clearance (Directorate for Intelligence or Regional Intelligence Division Clearance), ; NSO Birth Certificate; Proof of Latest Billing; Government issued ID (2); Copy of Appointment Order or Oath of Office; LTOPF HOLDER APPLYING FOR PTCFOR Government Employees/Government Official Requirement you need to submit together with your LTOPF and temporary registration of firearm in securing PTCFOR: 1. Computer Generated PTCFOR Application Form (Notarized) 2. Certified True Copy of Temporary LTOPF 3. NBI Clearance 4. Certified True Copy of Firearms License or Certified True Copy of Firearms Registration *For LTOPF issued before June 23, 2014 secure Automated Fingerprint Identification system (AFIS) PTCFOR HOLDER APPLYING FOR LTOPF Requirements you need to submit together with your PTCFOR in securing LTOPF: 1. Filled-up Application forms (2 copies); 2. NSO Birth Certificate; 3. Proof of Latest Billing; 4. Government issued ID (2); 5. Income Tax Return or Business permit 6. Gun Safety Seminar Certificate BACK
LICENSE TO OWN AND POSSESS FIREARMS Retired Private/Government Employee REQUIREMENTS: Filled-up Application forms (2 copies); RTC Clearance and MTC Clearance and/or SandiganBayan; as the case maybe Neuro-psychiatric Clearance from PNP Health Service ; Drug Test and Biometrics from PNP Crime Laboratory ; Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership Seminar Certificate; National Police Clearance (Directorate for Intelligence or Regional Intelligence Division Clearance) ; NSO Birth Certificate; Proof of Latest Billing; Government issued ID (2); 10. Retirement Order or Retirement Certificate from previous work LTOPF HOLDER APPLYING FOR PTCFOR Retired Private/Retired Government Employee Requirement you need to submit together with your LTOPF and temporary registration of firearm in securing PTCFOR: 1. Computer Generated PTCFOR Application Form (Notarized) 2. Certified True Copy of Temporary LTOPF 3. NBI Clearance 4. Certified True Copy of Firearms License or Certified True Copy of Firearms Registration *For LTOPF issued before June 23, 2014 secure Automated Fingerprint Identification system (AFIS) PTCFOR HOLDER APPLYING FOR LTOPF Requirements you need to submit together with your PTCFOR in securing LTOPF: 1. Filled-up LTPOF Application forms (2 copies); 2. NSO Birth Certificate; 3. Proof of Latest Billing; 4. Government issued ID (2); 5. Income Tax Return or Business permit 6. Gun Safety Seminar Certificate BACK
LICENSE TO OWN AND POSSESS FIREARMS Military Reservist REQUIREMENTS: Filled-up Application forms (2 copies); RTC Clearance and MTC Clearance and/or SandiganBayan; as the case maybe Neuro-psychiatric clearance from PNP Health Service ; Drug Test and Biometrics from PNP Crime Laboratory ; Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership Seminar Certificate; National Police Clearance(Directorate for Intelligence or Regional Intelligence Division Clearance); NSO Birth Certificate; Proof of Latest Billing; Military Reservist ID Government issued ID; J9 Certificate LTOPF HOLDER APPLYING FOR PTCFOR Military Reservist Requirement you need to submit together with your LTOPF and temporary registration of firearm in securing PTCFOR: 1. Computer Generated PTCFOR Application Form (Notarized) 2. Certified True Copy of Temporary LTOPF 3. NBI Clearance 4. Certified True Copy of Firearms License or Certified True Copy of Firearms Registration *For LTOPF issued before June 23, 2014 secure Automated Fingerprint Identification system (AFIS) PTCFOR HOLDER APPLYING FOR LTOPF Requirements you need to submit together with your PTCFOR in securing LTOPF: 1. Filled-up LTOPF Application forms (2 copies); 2. NSO Birth Certificate; 3. Proof of Latest Billing; 4. Government issued ID (2); 5. Income Tax Return or Business permit 6. Gun Safety Seminar Certificate BACK
Juridical Firearms Registration Private Security
Juridical LTOPF Private Security Agency (Juridical) REQUIREMENTS: RTC clearance and MTC clearance or Sandigan Bayan Neuro – Psychiatric Clearance Drug Test Gun Safety Seminar and Responsible Gun Ownership Seminar Certificate National Police Clearance Proof of Latest Billing Address Valid ID Government Issued ID Certificate of Employment/ITR. For Bonded Firearm Custodian: RTC Clearance and MTC Clearance or Sandigan Bayan Company ID Bond Certificate (Affidavit of Undertaking) Juridical Firearms Registration Private Security 1. Filled-up Application Form (2 Copies) 2. Company Certification/ Board Resolution authorizing the bearer as the representative/bonded firearms custodian. 3. License to own and Possess Firearms (LTOPF). 4. Authenticated License to operate (LTO) 5. Firearms record Verification/certification from record section, FEO (for new PSA) 6. Monthly Disposition Report issued by SOSIA (MDR) (for new purchase)  7. Authority to purchase firearms (ATPF) issued by SOSIA (for new purchase) Firearms Bond; Certificate of Ballistics from storage section FEO; Company profile/Income Statement/ Income Tax return. Transfer Same requirement with new purchase Deed of Sale/Donation and Certificate of Ballistics from storage Section, FEO (if there’s no record)
License to own and Possess Firearms Upgrade or downgraded Requirements
Individual Firearms Registration Requirements: 1. Filled-up Application forms (3 copies) 2. License to own /Possess firearms (Type 1-5) 3. Certificate of Ballistics testing. 4. Firearms Bond. Transfer Filled-up Application forms (3 copies) License to own /Possess firearms (Type 1-5) Firearm Bond Deed of sale/Donation Certificate of Ballistics testing and Stencil ( if there’s no record)  License to own and Possess Firearms Upgrade or downgraded Requirements Certification from the FEO that the Licensee is clear of any derogatory Record. Previous License to own and possess firearms; Updated Registration of firearms; and Inspection Report (for upgrading Type 3 to type 5 license) Additional License Requirements can be done simultaneously in applying LTOPF Gun Collector 1. License to own and possess firearms (type 3 and type 4) ;and 2. Certification of updated firearms registration Antique Firearm Collector 1. License to own and possess firearms; and Certification from the National Museum that the firearms is Antique(as the case may be) Sport shooter A copy of the License to own and possess firearms ; Certification from the President of the recognize Gun club or sports hooting association; and Written authority or consent from the parents/ Guardian(for Minor)
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