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Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Converter Slags by Hybrid Beneficiation Technology and Industrial Application Qingwei Qin, Fan Bi Wuhan University.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Converter Slags by Hybrid Beneficiation Technology and Industrial Application Qingwei Qin, Fan Bi Wuhan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Converter Slags by Hybrid Beneficiation Technology and Industrial Application Qingwei Qin, Fan Bi Wuhan University of Science and Technology

2 Content Properties and phase composition of converter slag Flotation tests of converter slag Results and discussion Conclusions

3 Properties and phase composition of converter slag The converter slag has hard compact structure, with grey and black. The main compositions are magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) and fayalite (2FeO·SiO 2 ).

4 Table 2 Main compositions of converter slag /% CompositionCu 2 SCuCu 2 OCu 2 O·Fe 2 O 3 Sum Content51.3439.814.534.32100 Table 1 Analyze of Cu containing phase in converter slag /% CompositionCuFePbZnSSiO 2 CaOAl 2 O 3 MgO Content8.8443.761.042.021.2121.671.932.711.27

5 Figure 1 Optical micrograph of matte phase in converter slag

6 Figure 3 SEM photograph and EDS analysis point

7 X-ray maps of the zone showing the relative distribution of Cu, Fe, S, O and Si.

8 It can be seen that during the convert slag forming period, the grade of matte was increasing, eventually turn into white matte, even crude copper and partial cuprous oxide. The content of copper in this batch of the primary ore is a little higher, the content of metal copper of which is obviously higher than the normal slag. In order to reduce the content of copper in tailings, experiments were conducted in aspects of intensified grinding, adjusting technological process and gravity concentration.

9 Flotation tests of converter slag The flotation tests were performed in a 3L mechanical agitation flotation machine. Batch sample weighed 1000g. Flotation products were weighed after being dried and concentrate grade analyses.

10 Results and discussion Grinding tests The converter slag was crushed and then gone through the 2mm sample sieve. XMQ–67 ball mill was adopted in the grinding process. Each sample was taken at 1000g, and the grinding time was 10min, 15min, 20min, and 25min, respectively. Samples were screened with standard sieve, and copper distribution was analyzed afterwards.

11 Effect of grinding time on granularity and copper distribution Granularity Grinding time + 0.074mm–0.074 + 0.043mm–0.043mm ContentCu%ContentCu%ContentCu% 10min36.32%7.8822.34%10.9541.34%8.06 15min19.80%9.2626.87%9.0453.33%8.44 20min11.03%13.5925.36%8.4663.61%7.85 25min7.01%19.1920.70%8.1272.29%7.77

12 Optimization of operating parameters Small flotation tests were conducted in this stage. Considering the high Cu grade in the converter slag, stage grinding – stage beneficiation process was adopted in order to achieve the target of “early recovery”. According to past experience, the grinding fineness was determined as –0.074mm account for 70% in the first stage and –0.043mm account for 70% in the second stage. Sodium butyl xanthate was used as collector. 2 # oil was used as foaming agent. 1kg ore was taken as sample. XFD– 3 single flotation cell was used in the tests.

13 Results of optimized flotation tests ProductWeight Productivity % Cu grade % Cu amount Distribution % Concentrate recovery Copper concentrate 1 19719.7033.5866.152673.3128 92.75% Middling 110710.7014.6215.643417.3366 Middling 2808.003.843.0723.4045 Tailing61661.600.8715.36545.9461 Sum1000100.009.0290.2334100.00

14 In order to decrease the grade of tailings, copper particles need to be grounded fine enough, so grinding time should be prolonged. The experiment scheme of –0.074mm account for more than 75% in the first stage, and –0.043mm account for 75% ~ 81% were investigated.

15 Flotation results of extended grinding time and flotation time ProductWeight Productivit y% Cu grade% Cu amount Distribution % Concentrate recovery Copper concentrate 1 21521.5030.2565.037571.4007 96.50% Middling 111211.2018.5420.764822.7964 Middling 2767.603.422.59922.8535 Tailing59759.700.452.68652.9493 Sum1000100.009.1191.088100.00

16 It can be seen that the grade of tailings decreased significantly from 0.871% to 0.45%. However, the grade of 0.45% in the tailing is still higher than the goal of 0.35%. Thus, the extended grinding time of –0.074mm account for 80% and –0.043mm account for 85% were investigated.

17 Flotation results of grinding time and flotation time extended further Product Weight g Productivity % Cu grade% Cu amount Distribution % Concentrate recovery Copper concentrate 1 19919.9029.4258.545866.2316 96.37% Middling 112412.4020.1224.948828.2240 Middling 2696.903.122.15282.4354 Tailing60860.800.4522.74823.1090 Sum1000100.008.8488.3956100.00

18 Gravity – magnetic separation – flotation hybrid beneficiation process In single flotation tests the lowest tailing grade was 0.45%, is still higher than the target of 0.35%. Considering Cu exists in converter slag is matte and metallic copper, and the specific gravity of metallic copper is heavy and hard to grinded, then the floatability is poor. However, due to its heavy specific gravity and coarse particles, most of metallic copper can be separated from copper compounds by hydraulic classification.

19 Industrial Hydrocyclone

20 In view of the large amount of magnetic iron in mineral, metallic copper can be separated from copper compounds by magnetic separation. In this stage, the gravity concentration–magnetic separation–flotation hybrid beneficiation process was adopted. Beneficiation tests were conducted under the condition of –0.074mm account for 75% in one stage grinding.

21 Results of hybrid beneficiation tests ProductWeight g Productivity % Cu grade% Cu amount Distribution % Concentrate recovery Flotation raw ore 772.377.235.9045.565752.3706 97.82% magnetic concentrate 227.722.7718.5542.238448.5464 Flotation concentrate 193.919.3922.1142.871349.2738 Flotation tailings 549.754.970.3451.89652.1797 Raw ore10001008.787.0062100.00

22 It can be seen that through the hybrid beneficiation process, two kinds of products were obtained, the grade of tailings decreased from 0.45% to target 0.345%, and comprehensive recovery of copper concentrate increased from 96.50% to 97.82%.

23 Industrial utilization of converter slag by hybrid beneficiation process Dajiang Group built a slag processing line to treat converter slags with a capacity of 200,000 t/a. The reagent system was 230 ~ 270g/t butyl xanthate with 15 ~ 22g/t pine oil. After more than a year of industrial application, when the grade of converter slag is 5% ~ 8%, the grade of recovered metallic copper concentrate was 18% ~ 20%, the grade of recovered flotation concentrate was 28% ~ 30%, the grade of discarded tailings was 0.30% ~ 0.35%. The comprehensive recovery was 93% ~ 96%.

24 Results of industrial production of rich oxygen blowing converter slag ProductProductivity GradeDistribution Cu Raw copper concentrate 9 ~ 1118 ~ 2050 ~ 55 Flotation copper concentrate 4~64~628 ~ 3039 ~ 41 Cu tailings 84 ~ 860.30 ~ 0.355~75~7 Primary ore100 4~84~8

25 Thank You For Your Attention !

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