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Alaska Specific Hazardous Materials Tabletop Exercises Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department of Military & Veterans Affairs DRAFT.

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska Specific Hazardous Materials Tabletop Exercises Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department of Military & Veterans Affairs DRAFT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska Specific Hazardous Materials Tabletop Exercises Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department of Military & Veterans Affairs DRAFT Rail Tabletop Exercise

2 Welcome and Introductions This document was prepared under a grant from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation. For Official Use Only

3 Agenda 8:30 - Registration 9:00 - Welcome and Introductions 9:15 - Exercise Scenario and Discussions 12:00 - Working Lunch 1:00 - Exercise Scenario and Discussions 2:00 - End Exercise 2:15 - TTX Hotwash 2:45 - Concluding Remarks

4 Scope This exercise focuses on notification, coordination and command and control issues associated with a HazMat incident in Alaska.

5 Objectives  Demonstrate the ability to direct, coordinate, and control emergency activities using the Incident Command System (ICS).  Demonstrate the ability to alert, mobilize, and activate personnel for emergency response and maintain operations until the situation is brought under control.  Demonstrate the ability to mobilize, track, and demobilize equipment, people, and other resources in support of emergency operations.

6 Objectives  Develop and maintain coordinated action plans to accomplish operational objectives.  Identify and implement appropriate actions to protect emergency workers and the public.  Coordinate and disseminate timely and accurate information to the media.

7 Exercise Process  This is an open, low-stress, no-fault environment  Respond based on your knowledge of current plans and capabilities  Decisions are not precedent setting and may not reflect your organization’s final position on a given issue.

8 How to Play in a TTX Players respond to the situation presented, based on knowledge of response procedures, current plans, and insights from training. The facilitator will present the situation. The information presented is supplemented in the players’ Situation Manual. Players will engage in a discussion of appropriate response actions and issues that arise from the scenario at hand.

9 Format of a TTX  Interactive  No fault environment – exchange ideas  Learn what other departments, agencies, & jurisdictions need from you  Prompts to get you talking/thinking with each other  Write down issues to solve within your own agency


11 A Northbound Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC) freight train rolls over a broken rail just northeast of [TOWN]. Two tank cars, Cars 42 and 43, derail.

12 At 10:02:11 a.m., a crewmember contacts the ARRC Control Center by radio to report the derailment. There are no major injuries to the crew.

13 The crewmember reports to the Train Dispatcher that Car 42 is upright with only minor damage and no leakage. Car 43, which was carrying methanol, is on its side in a pool of liquid. The car is leaking from the safety vent assembly.

14 Map of Scenario Area Wind Direction

15 The Train Dispatcher calls local emergency response agencies to alert them of the derailment. [BOROUGH NAME] 911 dispatches responder units to the incident scene.

16 The Chief Train Dispatcher also activates the ARRC’s Emergency Response protocols. As a part of that protocol, he notifies the Alaska State Trooper EOC and the National Response Center (NRC).


18 Responders have not been able to easily access the site of the derailment. There is a small stream adjacent to the tracks, feeding into a river a quarter of a mile from the derailment site. Train crewmembers are worried that the leaking methanol will flow downhill into the river.

19 There is a road a half-mile east of the derailment on the opposite side of the tracks from the river. A couple of motorists, seeing a train car on its side and the responding units, have slowed or stopped to see what’s going on.

20 There is a small community of about 120 people approximately three quarters of a mile downwind from the derailment. The village includes a grocery store and a school.

21 Map of Scenario Area Wind Direction

22 The first [BOROUGH NAME]-dispatched units arrive at the incident site and confer with the conductor, who has been serving as the On- Scene Commander.


24 ARRC personnel arrive. The nearest available HazMat team is requested to respond to the accident site.

25 Because of the wind, responders and ARRC personnel are concerned that fumes from the leaking chemical are moving towards the road and village.

26 Reporters from local media outlets have called the response agencies repeatedly, looking for information.



29 Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department of Military & Veterans Affairs THANK YOU

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