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14 November 2014 PROGRESS ON BROADBAND POLICY & REGULATIONS Briefing to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services.

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Presentation on theme: "14 November 2014 PROGRESS ON BROADBAND POLICY & REGULATIONS Briefing to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 November 2014 PROGRESS ON BROADBAND POLICY & REGULATIONS Briefing to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services

2 2 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA N Promote the Digital Agenda * Facilitate nation- wide broadband penetration by 2020 * Promote the development of public, community and commercial broadcasting services in the context of digital migration Promote Competition * Remove bottlenecks to competition * Ensure South African retail prices of ICT services fairly reflect costs * Ensure effective HDI/BEE participation in the sector Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 Presentation Outline 1.ICASA’s Mandate 2.Broadband Policy Context 3.Regulatory Measures to Promote Broadband 4.Focus Areas as per 2015/2016-2020 Strategic Plan 5.Conclusion

3 3 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA N Promote the Digital Agenda * Facilitate nation- wide broadband penetration by 2020 * Promote the development of public, community and commercial broadcasting services in the context of digital migration Promote Competition * Remove bottlenecks to competition * Ensure South African retail prices of ICT services fairly reflect costs * Ensure effective HDI/BEE participation in the sector Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 ICASA’s Statutory Mandate ICASA is established pursuant to section 192 of the Constitution and in terms of the ICASA Act of 2000  Regulate electronic communications, broadcasting and postal sectors in the public interest  Ensure universal availability of high quality services, including broadband services, for all South Africans ICASA is mandated to amongst others:

4 4 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA N Promote the Digital Agenda * Facilitate nation- wide broadband penetration by 2020 * Promote the development of public, community and commercial broadcasting services in the context of digital migration Promote Competition * Remove bottlenecks to competition * Ensure South African retail prices of ICT services fairly reflect costs * Ensure effective HDI/BEE participation in the sector Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 Broadband Policy Context NDP Vision National ICT ecosystem that adequately supports the needs of the economy Free spectrum for efficient use to reduce costs and stimulate innovation (2012-2015) Connectivity for all schools, health facilities and other public institutions (2015-2020) Implementation of e-strategy collaborations between state, industry & academia (2020 – 2030) Vision 2020 NDP supports the vision of the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Service to have 100% broadband penetration by 2020/2030 Implementation of SIP 15 Broadband Policy 50% of population with broadband coverage @ 5Mbps by 2016 and 100% @ 10 Mpbs by 2030 50% of Schools, health and other public institutions @ 10 Mbps by 2016 and 100% @ 1 Gbps by 2030 MTSF Expand, modernize and increase affordability/accessibility of ICT infrastructure and services Increase broadband penetration from 2013 baseline of 33.7% to 80% by 2019

5 5 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA Modernise ICASA * Improve operational processes and performance N Promote the Digital Agenda * Facilitate nation-wide broadband penetration by 2020 * Promote the development of public, community and commercial broadcasting services in the context of digital migration Promote Competition * Remove bottlenecks to competition * Ensure South African retail prices of ICT services fairly reflect costs * Ensure effective HDI/BEE participation in the sector Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 SOOG 5 Supply-side interventions Digital Readiness Radio Frequency Spectrum Updated the National Radio Frequency Plan to reflect new mobile broadband bands Developed the Frequency Migration Plan to enable bands for mobile broadband Final IMT Roadmap and RFS Assignment Plans to be promulgated by end of 2014/2015 FY Broadband Value Chain Analysis Analysis of the market structure in the provision of broadband to assess competitiveness: -to inform the high-level inquiry into competition currently underway -the basis for broadband market review to promote competition Facilities Leasing (Access) Regulations The Facilities Leasing Regulations (and Interconnection Regulations) promulgated in 2010 facilitate access to existing electronic communications networks thereby reducing build costs ITU Broadband Statistics Collection Support assessment of the country’s digital readiness through collection of broadband indicators data; also facilitate the benchmarking of the country’s performance on broadband promotion against peer countries

6 6 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA Modernise ICASA * Improve operational processes and performance N Promote the Digital Agenda * Facilitate nation-wide broadband penetration by 2020 * Promote the development of public, community and commercial broadcasting services in the context of digital migration Promote Competition * Remove bottlenecks to competition * Ensure South African retail prices of ICT services fairly reflect costs * Ensure effective HDI/BEE participation in the sector Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 SOOG 5 Demand-side interventions Digital Opportunity Universal Service & Access Obligations Regulations imposing USOs for provision of Internet connectivity to schools Implementation of the expanded the scope of e-rate beneficiaries as per section 73 of the ECA Consumer Awareness Campaigns Proactive engagement with consumers awareness campaigns and roadshows to ensure that they are better informed of the costs and usage of data services Review of role of SAPO Study on the role of SAPO in promoting universal service and access in the digital era. The study will be completed by end of the current FY Content & Broadcasting Discussion Paper on Content Regulation (including Premium Content) in the Digital Era to be finalised in 2014/2015 FY Promulgated Digital Migration Regulations, 2012 + Promotion of Diversity and Competition on DTT, 2014 -Licensed the use of multiplex 1, 2 & 3

7 7 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA Modernise ICASA * Improve operational processes and performance N Promote the Digital Agenda * Facilitate nation-wide broadband penetration by 2020 * Promote the development of public, community and commercial broadcasting services in the context of digital migration Promote Competition * Remove bottlenecks to competition * Ensure South African retail prices of ICT services fairly reflect costs * Ensure effective HDI/BEE participation in the sector Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 SOOG 5 Focus for 2015/2016 + beyond Promoting Digital Readiness & Exploiting Digital Opportunities Complete IMT spectrum assignment process i.e. issue ITA for High Demand Spectrum Enforce compliance with the e-rate provisions as per section 73 of the ECA Formulate and implement a regulatory framework on dynamic and opportunistic spectrum management, including the use of ‘White Spaces’ Implement measures to promote retail price transparency, particularly for data services Implement a regulatory framework for infrastructure sharing, including active infrastructure sharing Broadband coverage obligations for licensees, particularly spectrum licensees Remove barriers to competition in the provision of broadband services Support broader government programs on digital literacy through consumer awareness programmes

8 8 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 Digital Development & Digital Future Wholesale open access regime  enhance service based competition through enforcement of principles of open access  Facilitate commercial sharing of infrastructure and pooling of resources, including spectrum Demand stimulation  Prioritization of connectivity provision for schools and clinics  Alignment of USOs interventions with other regulatory processes (e.g. licensing of HDS) Focus for 2015/2016 + beyond

9 9 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 Multi-stakeholder approach for broadband stimulation Align 2016-2020 Strategic Plan to achieve Broadband Objectives Assign spectrum to support SA Connect targets Facilitate Effective competition – HDS assignment Open Access Regime Regulator Update laws on cyber security to engender trust and stimulate use Alignment of institutional arrangements for the sector Legislature Policy directive on High-Demand Spectrum Integrated Policy on infrastructure deployment Analogue to Digital switch-on Digital literacy Policy-maker

10 10 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals (SOOGs) of ICASA N Promote the Digital Agenda * Facilitate nation- wide broadband penetration by 2020 * Promote the development of public, community and commercial broadcasting services in the context of digital migration Promote Competition * Remove bottlenecks to competition * Ensure South African retail prices of ICT services fairly reflect costs * Ensure effective HDI/BEE participation in the sector Promote efficient use of spectrum and numbering resources * Establish innovative approaches to technology usage * Support the rapid uptake of the new ICT technologies Protect Consumers * Promote consumer rights * Ensure universal service and access SOOG 1 SOOG 2 SOOG 3 SOOG 4 THANK YOU

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