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Overview of the Mathematics FSA

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1 Overview of the Mathematics FSA
Last year OCSD focused on the understanding and importance of the 8 Mathematical Practices. After viewing the spec items we do know students will be assessed on the 8 Mathematical Practices.

2 How many questions are on the Mathematics FSA?
Grade/Course Number of Items 3-5 60-64 6-8 62-66 Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry 64-68 All grades will be using Computer Based Testing (CBT) to take the FSA with the exception of 3rd and 4th grade (both ELA and Math). 3rd grade will begin CBT in for Math only (ELA will be CBT in ). 4th grade will begin CBT in for ELA only (Math will be CBT in ). Approximately 6-10 items on all math tests listed are experimental (field test) and are included in the ranges, but are not included in students’ score. CBT accommodations are not yet available in the released training tests. However, some accommodations are available for all students (zoom, color/contrast). Enhanced practice tests for student practice will be released this fall. Information about additional practice tests to be developed for each grade level and subject will be released at a later date.

3 How Rigorous is the Mathematics FSA?
DOK Level 2 Requires STRATEGIC & COMPLEX THINKING! DOK Level 1: 10%-20% How will knowing the DOK Levels of the FSA change classroom instruction? Categorize Interpret Compare Organize Estimate Graph Identify Patterns Products of tasks should be DOK 4. DOK Level 2: 60%-80% The percentage of DOK levels is the same for all math assessments- Grades 3-8, Algebra I, Algebra 2, and Geometry DOK Level 3: 10%-20%

4 DRAFT Calculator Policy for FSA Mathematics Assessments
STOP! No hand-held calculators permitted at any grade level! Elementary can NOT use a calculator! Reference Draft Calculator Policy Handout

5 What will both teachers and students need in order to be successful on the math portion of the FSA?
Grade levels brainstorm needs and possible solutions

6 Use of a Reference Sheet is no longer allowed
If any reference materials are needed, they will be embedded in the question and appear on the screen. Information is also contained in the DRAFT Calculator Policy for FSA Mathematics Assessments Handout. These are important points: Reference sheets will not be provided for FSA Mathematics Assessments Formulas may be included with the item if needed to meet the intent of the standard being assessed

7 3rd Grade Reporting Categories
Elementary Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and Numbers in Base Ten (48%) Understand numbers and ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems. Understand meaning of operations and how they relate to one another and compute fluently to make reasonable estimates. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Numbers and Operations-Fractions (17%) Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers. Measurement, Data, and Geometry (35%) Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Represent and interpret data. Understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. Click on the Reporting Category title to view a sample question for that particular Reporting Category Percentages shown under each Reporting Category reflect the percentage of the assessment which will cover the given Reporting Category. A list of all standards assessed can be found in the Test Design Summary and Blueprint at

8 4th Grade Reporting Categories
Elementary Operations and Algebraic Thinking (21%) Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. Gain familiarity with factors and multiples. Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Numbers and Operations-Fractions (25%) Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers. Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions. Measurement, Data, and Geometry (33%) Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. Represent and interpret data. Understand concepts of angle and measure angles. Click on the Reporting Category title to view a sample question for that particular Reporting Category Percentages shown under each Reporting Category reflect the percentage of the assessment which will cover the given Reporting Category. A list of all standards assessed can be found in the Test Design Summary and Blueprint at

9 5th Grade Reporting Categories
Elementary Operations, Algebraic Thinking and Fractions (39%) Write and interpret numerical expressions. Analyze patterns and relationships. Numbers and Operations in Base Ten (28%) Understand the place value system. Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths. Measurement, Data, and Geometry (33%) Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system. Represent and interpret data. Understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition. How can teachers use the Reporting Categories as they plan instruction? Click on the Reporting Category title to view a sample question for that particular Reporting Category Percentages shown under each Reporting Category reflect the percentage of the assessment which will cover the given Reporting Category. A list of all standards assessed can be found in the Test Design Summary and Blueprint at

10 3rd Grade: Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and Numbers in Base Ten
Select all the expressions that could be used to find 6 x 10. 6 x (2 x 5) 6 +(2 x 5) (6 x 2) x 5 10 x 6 (6 x 8) x (6 x 2) This item would require a multi-select response. Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. The following examples are from the FSA Item Specs and can be found on Implementing routines in the math block such as; Number of the Day and Today’s Number encourage students to explore how numbers are composed and decomposed and how numbers are related to one another. These routines also provide a platform for students to represent numbers in various ways-concretely, visually, and symbolically-as well as link these representations of numbers.

11 3rd Grade: Numbers and Operations- Fractions
This item would require an equation response. Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. Students will not have answer choices to select from, they will need to use the equation response keypad (found on General and ELA FSA Presentation slide 22) to record answer.

12 3rd Grade: Measurement, Data, and Geometry
Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. Instruction needs to include multiple resources/tools for students to utilize and become familiar with. Presentation needs to be varied, most students only view time on a clock face or digital. This item may require a graphic response using a drag and drop.

13 4th Grade: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Jack bought 2 umbrellas and 3 hats and spent between $30 and $50. Each umbrella costs the same amount. The price of a hat is $ What is the least amount Jack could have spent on an umbrella? What is the most Jack could have spent on an umbrella? Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. Word problems should be approached as close reads. Multiple questions could be asked and all will need to be answered. For instance, this particular item will require 2 responses. This type of item would require an equation response.

14 4th Grade: Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Complete the table to show how each old number was rounded to make the new number. Original New Nearest 100 Nearest 1,000 3,545 3,500 14,675 15,00 16,789 16,800 Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. This item states a drag and drop, students would most likely have answer choices to drag into the appropriate column or row. Again, one problem could have multiple questions, responses, and answers. The district is waiting for further information from the state regarding rubrics to assess parts of the Math FSA. This item would require a drag and drop response.

15 4th Grade: Numbers and Operations in Fractions
This item requires a student to drag and drop a graphic response using a hot spot. Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. This is a multi-step item with drag and drop. Please note, numbers and symbols can be used more than once in an equation.

16 4th Grade: Measurement, Data, and Geometry
This item would require a graphic response using a hot spot. Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. Students need to have access to tools/manipulatives (Mathematical Practice 5-Use Tools Strategically) and be comfortable interacting and using them appropriately. The specs do not specifically state what tools will be used, it is important that various tools/manipulatives be offered to students. Tools/manipulatives support students’ visual understanding of quantities. Using various representations of quantities- whether ten frames, graphs, base ten blocks, or shapes-help students better understand how numbers are composed and decomposed and see the relationships of numbers to one another.

17 5th Grade: Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and Fractions
This item would require an equation response. Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide.

18 5th Grade: Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
This item would require a multi-select response. Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. Multi-select responses are very different from what students and teachers are used to seeing. Bell ringers, spiral review, and tests should now incorporate multi-select responses. When students record solutions in their journals, have them think pair-share with a partner and/or record on chart paper multiple student responses to expose students to the multiple thinking.

19 5th Grade: Measurement, Data, and Geometry
This item would require an equation response. Click the back arrow in the bottom right corner to return to Reporting Categories slide. The district is waiting on more information from the state on embedded references. At this time we are not certain if students will have to have conversions memorized or will be offered an embedded reference. Refer to your standards on specific conversions.

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