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Water Accounts in the Netherlands present state and future plans Isabel van Geloof CBS (Statistics Netherlands) National Accounts.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Accounts in the Netherlands present state and future plans Isabel van Geloof CBS (Statistics Netherlands) National Accounts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Accounts in the Netherlands present state and future plans Isabel van Geloof CBS (Statistics Netherlands) National Accounts

2 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 1 Contents Introduction Structure water accounts Current state of the art Future work Questions

3 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 2 Introduction Dutch water accounts Part of environmental accounts Definitions of national accounts SEEA-water Compiled annually for National Water Service Data used for European Water Framework Directive Since 2002, timeseries from 1995-2008

4 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 3 Introduction Dutch water accounts Scale: national and river basins

5 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 4 Structure water accounts 1.Physical water account (m 3 ) 2.Emission account (kg) 3.Economic account (euros) = input for NAMWA (National Accounting Matrix including Water Accounts)

6 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 5 1. Physical water account Supply and use of water (products) in the Dutch economy in m 3 Abstraction: surface water, groundwater Use: surface water, groundwater, tap water and other water Distributed over 58 industries and households Data sources environmental reports, data from water companies and detailed information from LEI Time series 2003-2008 (historic figures 1990-2001)

7 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 6 Important indicators Total water abstraction Total water consumption Water use (and extraction) by industry (NACE) and households Water use intensity (m 3 /euro) Development of use over time

8 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 7 Water abstraction by the Dutch economy in 2008

9 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 8 2. Emission account Production and absorption of emissions by industries (NACE) and households Resident principle Data source Pollutant Release & Transfer Register 107 substances (e.g. P, N, heavy metals, pesticides) Time series 1995-2008

10 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 9 Important indicators Eutrophication Contamination with heavy metals in kg Emission intensity (equivalents/euro)

11 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 10 Economic growth and contribution of Dutch economy to water emissions

12 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 11 3. Economic account Monetary data related to water At two geographic levels: National level: expenses and receipts with specific attention to water (water board levies, sewage taxes, monetary value tap water, etc.) Regional level: production, use, value added, number of employees per industry and per river basin Data source national and regional accounts

13 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 12 Account nr1-1011121314 1-10 NAM (economic); mln euros 11 Water balance; mln m 3 12Emission balance; kg 13 Water balance; mln m 3 14Emission balance; eq NAMWA (National Accounting Matrix including Water Accounts)

14 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 13 Future work Regional data for water flows Waterbalance for the Netherlands Valuation of water

15 Water Accounts in the Netherlands 14 Questions? Isabel van Geloof

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