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Academic Improvement & Accountability

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1 Academic Improvement & Accountability
SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL School Sites are responsible for training their SSC. We offer District level trainings. This we have created invitations for you to distribute to your parent/community members and parent/”Other” staff members. Please distribute by Friday, Sept. 7th. Our first parent training is on the 13th of September Academic Improvement & Accountability

2 BCSD Values, Vision, Mission, & Goals
Page 3 BCSD Vision: Bakersfield City School District’s vision is to be a leader in public education through collaborative and supportive learning community that ensures all students are inspired to achieve academic excellence and become life-long learners and productive citizens.

3 School Vision & Mission

4 Overview of School Site Council (SSC)
Page 4 The SSC annually: Develops Monitors Implements Evaluates the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to ensure that the needs of all students are addressed to increase student achievement.

Page 4 Composition of the SSC is specified in the California Ed. Code Section as follows: The SSC shall ensure parity between: (a) the principal, classroom teachers, and other school personnel; and (b) parents or other community members elected by parents.

6 COMPOSITION, continued
Parent or community members, representing that group, may not be employed at the school site. “Other school personnel” refers to classified and/or certificated staff; i.e., CPS, custodian, resource teacher, vice principal, instructional aide, secretary, etc. Employed parents may serve on the SSC as representatives of their working group, i.e., teachers, other school personnel.

Principal (1) Teachers (3) Parents (5) Note: On this Elementary SSC of ten persons the number of school personnel is exactly equal to the number of parents and/or community representatives. The five school staff members are made up of: 1 Principal (the ONLY assigned member of the SSC.), 3 teachers, and 1 “other school staff”. The staff side totals 5. This means the parent/community side must also be comprised of a total 5 people. Other Staff (1) Composition forms for 10, 12, 14 member councils on AIA/SSC web site

8 Elections Page 5 The School Site Council (SSC) is an elected group of the school’s staff and parents. All members, with the exception of the principal, are elected by their peer group. The principal is assigned to serve as a permanent, voting member on the council. (This responsibility may not be delegated to someone else.) The Principal is the ONLY assigned member of the SSC. The Principal is also a voting member of the SSC. The principal may not veto a decision of the SSC, but may accompany their decisions to the school board and express his concern/s.

9 School Site Election Process
The SSC election process is determined by your site’s SSC bylaws. (Schools-enter your election process here)

10 SSC Officers Annual election of officers includes:
Chairperson – Presides at all meetings of the council - organizes, convenes, and leads meetings of the council. Vice Chairperson – Substitutes for the chair in his or her absence. Secretary – Maintains records of regular and special meetings of the council, records events, and actions taken at council meetings. *Appendix C page 25

11 Advisory Groups Pages 5 & 6 English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) District Advisory Committee (DAC)

12 District & School Committee’s Relationship to SSC
BCSD Board of Education All BCSD Departments District Level DELAC DAC School Site Council School Level ELAC

13 Frequently Asked Questions
Page 7 Quorum Open Forum Public Meeting Parliamentary Procedures

14 Funding Alignment to SPSA
Page 8 Aligned to SPSA Actions: Federal Funds: Title I Schoolwide Program (SWP) – Budget 3150 Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) – Budget 3010

15 Additional Funds that support the SPSA
State Funds: Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) - Budget 0043 LCFF State funds provided to schools allow increased flexibility outside of the SSC process. Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) -Budget 7400 (College Heights, Jefferson, Mt.Vernon, and Munsey)

16 Title I funds supplement the base program
Page 8 From handbook… Perhaps the most important guiding principle in the proper use of Title I funds is the concept of “supplementing” and not “supplanting” District effort. Title I funds provided through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) is intended to supplement the District effort in order to ensure that every student has equal access to the core curriculum. The District must provide what is called the “base program” of instruction available to every student. Federal Title I funds may then be used to provide supplementary materials/services to enhance this base program so that students who may need it can be provided extra help to achieve what is expected in the core curriculum.

17 Instruction available to every student
Supplement Example Supplemental Program Supplementary materials/programs to enhance the base program for students that need extra help Base Program CORE CURRICULUM Instruction available to every student

18 Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Page 9 SSC’s responsibility is to: Develop the SPSA & recommend it annual to the BCSD Board of Education Monitor the implementation of the SPSA Evaluate the effectiveness of the planned activities

19 SPSA Annual Evaluation
Page 10 Student Outcomes Integrity & Effectiveness of Structures and actions Recommendations for SPSA

20 SPSA Development Page 11 SMART Goals Actions and Expenditures
Recommend to Board of Education The outreach for input must be documented. Successful SSCs seek input frequently, involving all stakeholders as fully as possible. The local school board is the final authority in granting approval to implement the school plan. If they do not approve the plan, it is returned to the SSC for revision. When the School Plan is modified significantly, the local board must approve the change/s.

21 Components of the SPSA Title Page
Value, Vision, and Mission Statements Student Performance Data Federal Accountability SPSA Evaluation Actions Academic Achievement Reading Language Arts Math English Learners School Safety Parent Engagement School Governance District Services and Technical Assistance State and Federal Programs Included in the SPSA School Plan Budget Matrix Recommendations and Assurances (Signed by SSC Chairperson)

22 Monitoring the SPSA Page 12 Monthly SSC Meeting Site Reports
Action Research Summits SPSA Addendums

23 Resources for the School Site Council
Page 13 SSC Internet Resources: Bakersfield City School District California Department of Education The Ed Code requires: All meetings shall be open to the public and any member of the public shall be able to address the council or committee during the meeting concerning any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council or committee. Notice of the meeting shall be posted at the schoolsite, and or other appropriate place accessible to the public, at least 72 hours before the time set for the meeting. The notice shall specify the date, time, and location of the meeting and contain an agenda describing each item of business to be discussed and/or acted upon. The SSC may not take any action on any item of business unless that item appeared on the posted agena except under the following circumstances: The SSC members present, by unanimous vote, find that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to their attention after the posting of the agenda. If a SSC violates the procedural meeting requirements, and upon demand of any person, the SSC shall reconsider the item at its next meeting, after allowing for public input on the item. Any materials provided to a SSC shall be made available to any member of the public who requests the materials.

24 School Site Council Bylaws
Appendix B Pages 19-23 SSC bylaws should specify: The means of electing SSC members and officers. The terms of office for members/officers. Method of membership replacement when midterm vacancies occur. The roles and responsibilities of the SSC. The roles and responsibilities of SSC officers. Annually review. Election procedures are defined in bylaws and descriptions were due to AIA last Friday. Make sure you add the date revised to the last page of the bylaws

25 SSC Officer Responsibilities
Page 24 SSC officers are elected by SSC members Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary

26 Parliamentary Procedure
Page 25 Parliamentary Procedure – “Robert’s Rules of Order” Fixed order of business on agenda Steps for making and voting on a motion

27 Sample SSC Agenda Page 27 Sample Agenda:
Opening/Roll Call (quorum established) Read minutes (approve/amend) Open Forum (required agenda item) Site Report (monitoring aligned to SPSA) Unfinished Business New Business District Reports (DAC, DELAC, RAC, Parent Engagement) Announcements Adjournment By unanimous vote the SSC may add an agenda item only if immediate action is required, and the need for such action was not known at the time the original agenda was posted.

28 SSC Agenda The SSC agenda is publicly posted 72 hours in advance of each meeting. The SSC actions, addressed during the meeting, are limited to the publicly posted agenda items. It is wise to post the agenda in several public places; i.e., the school office window, the window of the district office, the teachers lounge, a nearby store, or post office. SSC meetings are open to the public and must contain an opportunity for public comment.

29 Sample SSC Minutes Page 28
SSC minutes document the business of SSC meetings Reviewed and voted on by SSC

30 SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL Have a great year!
School Sites are responsible for training their SSC. We offer District level trainings. This we have created invitations for you to distribute to your parent/community members and parent/”Other” staff members. Please distribute by Friday, Sept. 7th. Our first parent training is on the 13th of September

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