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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI CAMPAIGN 2014 MIZORAM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sl.NoMonthsYearsRemarks (Excess / Deficient ) Average of last 5 years 2014 1January 5.85 0 -5.85 2February 1.50 20.36 +18.86 3March 36.65 26.04 -10.61 4April 96.75 46.37 -50.38 5May 493.95 322.63 -171.32 6June 393.1 304.76 -88.34 7July 376.05 300.04 -76.01 8August 502.55 233.32 -269.23 9September 369.15 10October 157.95 11November 2.75 12December 1.50 Average Rainfall 2437.75 Weather Watch Report : Rainfall in mm

3 Comparison of Rainfall Data (Average of Last 5 Years and 2014)

4 Sl No.Name of Crop2013-142014-15 (Advance Estimate) Area'000 ha.Prod'000 MTArea'000 ha.Prod'000 MT 1CEREALS 1) Rice38.8058.9940.2762.82 2) Maize5.798.006.108.84 Total Cereals44.5967.2146.3771.66 2PULSES Arhar0.220.200.300.28 Cowpea1.321.301.46 3) Other Pulses1.002.001.503.10 Total Pulses2.543.503.264.84 3OILSEEDS 1) Sesame0.770.570.850.65 2) Soy bean0.881.461.201.80 3) Groundnut0.100.500.120.60 Total Oilseeds1.752.532.173.05 CROP SITUATION : KHARIF ACHIEVEMENT

5 Sl No.Name of Crop 2013-142014-15 (Target) Area'000 ha.Prod'000 MTArea'000 ha.Prod'000 MT 1CEREALS 1) Rice 0.550.880.701.12 2) Maize Total Cereals 0.751.110.951.42 2PULSES 1) Field Pea 0.560.820.701.02 2) Cow Pea 3) French Bean 0.701.200.901.10 4) Chick Pea --0.200.15 Total Pulses 1.462.242.042.53 3OILSEEDS: 1) Rape & Mustard 0.310.201.430.85 Total Oilseeds0.310.201.430.85 RABI PROSPECT

6 PROPOSED ACTION PLAN FOR SOIL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Sl. No Components Nos. of Unit Assistance sought from DAC Remarks ASoil health Management 1. Training and demonstration on Soil Health management a)Staff Training @ 0.25/Training92.25 To be taken up in 8 districts and Neihbawi Farm a)Farmers training @ 0.10/ Training404.00 5 training each to be taken up in 8 districts 2. Promotion and distribution of micronutrients @ 0.005/ha 500025.00 625 ha each to be covered in 8 districts 3. Providing Portable Soil Testing Kit to field level Officers of State Govt. @ 0.15/kit 7811.703 Kits each for 26 blocks Total (A)42.95 B Organic and INM Components 1. Strengthening of existing Bio-fertilizer laboratory 145.00 Stationed at Neihbawih, Sihphir 2. Training and demonstration on organic farming @ 0.20/demo 40.80 2 nos. of demonstration each to be taken up in Neihbawih Farm, Sihphir and Model Organic Farm, Thingdawl Total (B) 45.80 Grand Total (A+B) 86.50 (Rupees in lakh)

7 ACHIEVEMENT ON FARMER CREDIT AND CROP INSURANCE A.FARMER CREDIT: Achievement under Farmers Credit in Mizoram upto the 1 st Quarter ending, 2014 for Agriculture & Allied activities is – Rs.24.04 crore. B. CROP INSURANCE: 1. Training and Awareness Campaign on crop Insurance is being conducted at various Districts. 2. It is targeted to cover pulses crops under National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS) during 2014-15.

8 ROLLING SEED PLAN State : MIZORAM State Crop-wise Seed Requirement Plan KHARIF Crop Crop Area in lakhs Ha. SRR minimum/already achieved (%) Qty of Seed required 2013-142014-152015-162016-17 2013-142014-15 2015- 16 2016- 17 2013-142014-152015-162016-17 Paddy Variety (IR-64, Krishna Hamsa, Pant 12) 0.12060.18750.20000.212530%36.71% 4824750080008500 Paddy Hybrid 0.21440.10000.10660.113321.08% 3216150016001700 Total 0.3350.28750.30660.3258 34.10% 80409000960010200 Maize Hybrid (HQPM-1) 0.06500.08040.09520.10565 %67 %68 %70 % 1300160819042100 Arhar 0.00180.001850.00190.00280 % 81 %82 % 2223 24 Moong (K-851) 0.00180.001850.00190.00240 %41 %42 %44 % 27282930 Cowpea (Local Improved) 0.0090.009250.00950.0122 %23 %24 %25 % 180185190200 Soyabean (JS-335) 0.00720.00740.00760.00835 %37 %38 %40 % 540555570600 Groundnut 0.0010.00120.00160.00280 % 506080100 Sesame 0.01380.01440.0150.016560 % 62 %64 % 42444550 Dhaincha 0.0670.080.090.103100 % 3350400045005150

9 ROLLING SEED PLAN State : MIZORAM State Crop-wise Seed Requirement Plan RABI Crop Crop Area in lakhs Ha. SRR minimum/already achieved (%) Qty of Seed required (in Qtls) 2013-142014-152015-162016-17 2013- 14 2014- 15 2015-162016-17 2013-142014-152015-162016-17 Paddy Variety (IR-64, Krishna Hamsa, Pant 12) 0.0050.0040.00540.005 30%36.71 200160200250 Paddy Hybrid 0.0030.00530.0066 21.08 -4580100 Total 0.0050.00520.00540.0056 34.10 200205280350 Wheat (PBW-343) 0.00020.000250.00030.00035 100 100 % 15192327 Horsegram 0.00180.001850.00190.002 4041 %42 %43 %27282930 Rajmash 0.00180.001850.00190.002 100 100 % 180185190200 Lentil 0.00720.00740.00760.008 100 100 % 360370380400 Pea (Arkel) 0.02760.02880.030.033 4042 %43 %44 %138144150165 Rape & Mustard (M-27) 0.0050.0040.00540.005 5455 %56 %57 %200160200250

10 Strategies for increase in Pulses and Oilseeds Production: To enhance edible oil production, it is targeted to expand the area through NFSM, RKVY etc. Increase in Seed Replacement rate. Cropping system approach. Enhancement of Productivity through IPM & INM Transfer of production technologies through Frontline demonstrations and Block demonstrations involving KVKs, SAUs and private sectors.

11 ISSUES of CONCERN  Limited Area for Rice cultivation : Only 74,644 hectares available for Wet Rice Cultivation which accounts 3.5% of the total area of the state.  Low Productivity : Rice is the major foodgrain crop. Highest Rice Productivity (2013- 14) i.e. 1600 Kg. per hectare as compared to national average of 2130 Kg. per hectare.  Very small holding & scattered land : Average land holding of Small & Marginal farmers : 0.85 hectare. WRC are located in scattered and far distance from village.

12 ISSUES of CONCERN  Net crop area under assured irrigation : 10 per cent.  Consumption of fertilizer : 62.00 kg. per hectare against national average of 129 Kg. per hectare.  Availability of Farm Power : 0.85 kW per hectare against national average of 1.20 kW per hectare.

13 Rice Area Expansion : Out of the total 74,644 hectares of potential area available for WRC, 15,620 hectares are under cultivation (i.e. 20.92% ) and remaining 59,024 hectares need development and improvement. Weak Road Connectivity : Village to farm area road connectivity is very weak which hampers agriculture growth. Fertiliser :  Shortage of DAP and MOP fertilizers during crop period. Allocation of DAP & MOP should also be made at par with Urea.  Railway rakes to Silchar, Assam or Bairabi, Mizoram should be arranged to carry fertilizers in Mizoram on priority.  Secondary freight from Rake point to Consumer Outlet should be extended in difficult terrain of Mizoram. ISSUES for INTERVENTIONS by GOI

14 T H A N K Y O U


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